1st January 2010 Weight Loss Challenge!



  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Woohoo!:bigsmile: I am now officially (checked it on the original scale I started with) below my "before first baby" weight!:smokin: Of course, that 190 is with clothes and right before dinner, so it may be a little less. Woohoo! Skinny jeans are getting close to being my every day jeans!:bigsmile:

    03rd Sep - 202
    10th Sep - 200
    17th Sep - didn't weigh in
    24th Sep - 197
    01st Oct - 197
    08th Oct - 190
    15th Oct -
    22nd Oct -
    29th Oct -
    05th Nov -
    12th Nov -
    19th Nov -
    26th Nov -
    03rd Dec -
    10th Dec -
    17th Dec -
    24th Dec -
    31st Dec -
  • I hope that it is not too late to join.

    Name: Stacey
    Starting weight: 239 (July 13th)
    Current weight: 223
    Goal weight: 150 (July 28th 2010... 30th birthday)
    Hobbies: spending time with my kids( 2 year old son and 3 month old daughter), scrapbooking, photography,and going for walks
    Interests: I was the first grand child to go to college (I am the youngest) I got my Early chldhood degree and I am taking a photography course online.

  • oEmmao
    oEmmao Posts: 466 Member
    ok, so i need help! :(

    i had an ok day food wise UNTIL i came home, im after having my dinner, 2 slices of chocolate cake, 3 bags of crisps, and 2 beers

    i just want to eat another few bags of crisps and more chocolate cake :cry:

    i havent binged like this in MONTHS, well before the summer

    i just seem to sabotage myself this week

    im only having water for the rest of the night, its 9pm here, i hope! :brokenheart:

    what exercies are the best for burning max calories, i want to be down on thursday, i need to be down, i dont want to go into the high 160's EVER again :noway:

    help, tips, a kick in the butt, some motivation please guys :huh:
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    We've all done it, we've had a bad day, ate too much, and what we need to learn is why we did it and how to avoid it happening in the first place. Some peoople say moderation, but if it's in the house, it can be tempting.

    So, my tips, ..
    Why is the chocolate cake, crisps, and beer in the house?,
    Beer if it's in the house it will be drank. Chocolat cake, we know how tempting that can be.
    Alcohol slows down your metabolism.:grumble:

    Out of sight, out of mind. If we know there's these goodies in the house, it will tempt us, and depending on how strong the will power is, we will fail and eat it. :blushing:

    This is a lifestyle change. Take the things that are bad for you out of the house, keep them out, and replace them with good alernatives.
    It's choices we make. We always have choices to have that chocolate cake, or something healthier, bags of crisps, or an apple, carrots, celery...

    My experience.. I thought I could have one or two beers every other weekend.(compared to 8-15 beers when I did drink before) It was those weeks where I never loss any weight. Coincedence. Shrug, I know what I've read, and know what I did wrong, and try to avoid doing it in future.
    Do I need 1 or 2 beers ever now and then, not really. I miss the taste, but if it cancels out most of the workouts I did in a week, then to me it's not worth it.

    You've done well, forget about it, make some changes and get back at it.,
    You can do this.:flowerforyou:
  • oEmmao
    oEmmao Posts: 466 Member
    thanks for the advice Peter

    i should say i am visiting the inlaws for 4 days and they have loads of nice things in the house, as there are other visitors too,

    i have to keep all those kinds of things out of my house at all costs :grumble:
  • learning2fly4
    learning2fly4 Posts: 303 Member
    Hey all forgot to log in this week.... well rather was so busy at work i left work and come home every night and worked more :sad:

    CW 176 back up of course

    I need help controlling the stress - I enjoy my job most days(public accounting, as the people I work for are awesome and make going to work a godo time. This most recent few, are making my life a living hell, as in i should be doing work and not posting.

    I also havent been running as much as last year so my 5K time went in the crapper too....:grumble:

    Hope this week goes better....
  • oEmmao
    oEmmao Posts: 466 Member
    how was everyone's weekend? :flowerforyou:

    mine was terrible, but i am ready to kick start my monday morning tomorrow and just be super strict for the next 4 days and only eat 1200, i really dont want to be up on thursday

  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I went hiking for 5 hours today...did 13.5 miles. Whew! I can't eat all 3,000 calories lol, but that's okay. I'm starting week 3 of my Gateway to 8k program on Tuesday. I normally run Monday, but not after today's hike. :tongue: I'll lift tomorrow instead.
  • Hey folks!! :happy:
    I'm still up in my weight!!!:angry: I'm not sure if its water weight or what, but I'm closely monitoring my sodium and I've noticed that I keep going over my fat allotment even if i'm not going over my calories :noway: !!!! It's frustrating times right now because I feel like no matter how hard I fight to get rid of the fat this weight is fighting harder to stay!!!!!:grumble: :explode: :mad: I don't know what to do...I"ve increased my water and lowered my calorie allotment because I'm not working out as long as I used to (fibro giving me the blues:sick: ). According to what I'm eating I should be losing at least 1 lb a week, but I'm not!!!:brokenheart: :sick: I'm really discouraged and heart broken right now...:cry::cry: :brokenheart: :brokenheart:
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Hey folks!! :happy:
    I'm still up in my weight!!!:angry: I'm not sure if its water weight or what, but I'm closely monitoring my sodium and I've noticed that I keep going over my fat allotment even if i'm not going over my calories :noway: !!!! It's frustrating times right now because I feel like no matter how hard I fight to get rid of the fat this weight is fighting harder to stay!!!!!:grumble: :explode: :mad: I don't know what to do...I"ve increased my water and lowered my calorie allotment because I'm not working out as long as I used to (fibro giving me the blues:sick: ). According to what I'm eating I should be losing at least 1 lb a week, but I'm not!!!:brokenheart: :sick: I'm really discouraged and heart broken right now...:cry::cry: :brokenheart: :brokenheart:
    Don't get discouraged. Some people have to tweak stuff to make it adjust to their body.

    Have you taken measurements? How are your clothes feeling?
    If you'd like some assitance from people, we will need to know your #'s to help out.
    You say you lowered your calorie allotment.. from how much to how much?
    If your going over in your fat allotment, there should be something in your food diary that should stick out and contains alot of your daily fats.
    Take it out of your meals ?
    Are you eating 3 meals or 5-6 meals?
  • Hey folks!! :happy:
    I'm still up in my weight!!!:angry: I'm not sure if its water weight or what, but I'm closely monitoring my sodium and I've noticed that I keep going over my fat allotment even if i'm not going over my calories :noway: !!!! It's frustrating times right now because I feel like no matter how hard I fight to get rid of the fat this weight is fighting harder to stay!!!!!:grumble: :explode: :mad: I don't know what to do...I"ve increased my water and lowered my calorie allotment because I'm not working out as long as I used to (fibro giving me the blues:sick: ). According to what I'm eating I should be losing at least 1 lb a week, but I'm not!!!:brokenheart: :sick: I'm really discouraged and heart broken right now...:cry::cry: :brokenheart: :brokenheart:
    Don't get discouraged. Some people have to tweak stuff to make it adjust to their body.

    Have you taken measurements? How are your clothes feeling?
    If you'd like some assitance from people, we will need to know your #'s to help out.
    You say you lowered your calorie allotment.. from how much to how much?
    If your going over in your fat allotment, there should be something in your food diary that should stick out and contains alot of your daily fats.
    Take it out of your meals ?
    Are you eating 3 meals or 5-6 meals?

    No I haven't taken my measurements in quite awhile...my clothes feel the same. The clothes that I use to determine if I'm loosing still feel the same, they don't feel any more loose but they don't feel any tighter either...I dropped my calories from 1550 to 1400 because I'm not supposed to be working out at all this month but I just couldn't not work out at all...I'll go back and look at my food diary to see what is the high fat stuff that needs to be removed, but I know its not just one thing...I usually eat 3 meals a day sometimes I eat 3 meals and 1 snack and I try stop eating at least 2 hours before I go to bed...when I work out its usually at night because I'm having so much trouble getting up inthe mornings...
  • Hey! I am in with ya! My name is Monica! My start weight is 210 lbs and my goal weight is 160lbs
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member

    No I haven't taken my measurements in quite awhile...my clothes feel the same. The clothes that I use to determine if I'm loosing still feel the same, they don't feel any more loose but they don't feel any tighter either...I dropped my calories from 1550 to 1400 because I'm not supposed to be working out at all this month but I just couldn't not work out at all...I'll go back and look at my food diary to see what is the high fat stuff that needs to be removed, but I know its not just one thing...I usually eat 3 meals a day sometimes I eat 3 meals and 1 snack and I try stop eating at least 2 hours before I go to bed...when I work out its usually at night because I'm having so much trouble getting up inthe mornings...

    One thing I think you could try is eating 5-6 meals per day. You might not be fueling your body enough during the day. Eat approx every 2-3 hours, and split up your total daily into approx 5-6 groups. So for 1400 you could aim for 6 meals of (5@ 250 and snack at 150) or 3 meals of 300, 2 snacks of 250.

  • One thing I think you could try is eating 5-6 meals per day. You might not be fueling your body enough during the day. Eat approx every 2-3 hours, and split up your total daily into approx 5-6 groups. So for 1400 you could aim for 6 meals of (5@ 250 and snack at 150) or 3 meals of 300, 2 snacks of 250.

    I haven't tried doing that in a long while...I'll give it a try. I'm going to go over my schedule tonight so I can figure out what times of the day I'm eating and can plan accordingly.

  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    I just joined MFP today! I found this thread and decided this was exactly what I needed! I've been working on making my goal since Sept 7th, and have lost only 7 pounds. But, I feel good, and I want to make my goal! Thanks for the support group!!

    Starting Weight: 176
    Current Weight: 169
    Goal for Jan 1st: 155
    Goal for May 1st: 140

    I've been eating between 1300 and 1400 calories a day, and running for 40 minutes, and walking/cool down for 10 minutes. A few nights a week I also play ultimate frisbee. I really want to get back to the weight I was in high school. Because after college, and getting married I packed on the pounds fast! I've been doing really well with no sweets, but I am an ice cream girl that needs to resist the temptations!! Thanks for the group! I'm excited to participate and hopefully drop the last 14 pounds by January 1st!
  • lisam829
    lisam829 Posts: 110 Member
    had a horrible past weekend. took monday and tuesday off work b/c of my anniversary, and hubby ended up coming down horribly sick with a chest cold friday night. so all plans of biking and running went out the door. ended up eating horribly all weekend and not doing any exercising. getting back on track today.
  • blueyed_blond
    blueyed_blond Posts: 156 Member
    17/9/2009 - 158.6
    24/9/2009 - 160.6
    1/10/2009 - na
    8/10/2009 - na
    15/10/2009 - 158.4
    22/10/2009 -
    29/10/2009 -
    5/11/2009 -
    12/11/2009 -
    19/11/2009 -
    26/11/2009 -
    3/12/2009 -
    10/12/2009 -
    17/12/2009 -
    24/12/2009 -
    31/12/2009 -

    Sooo.....I am happy...but wondering if I'm actually losing or if its just the same 2 lbs of water weight I seem to be playing around with....guess we'll see in the next couple of weeks.....

    My friend and I are researching hotels down south for a new years trip.....GREAT motivation to work harder...

  • lisam829
    lisam829 Posts: 110 Member
    17-9-2009= 162
    24-9-2009= 160
    1-10-2009= 161
    8-10-2009= 160
    15-10-2009= 161
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    17/9/2009 - 171
    24/9/2009 - 171
    1/10/2009 - 170
    8/10/2009 - 169
    15/10/2009 - 168
    22/10/2009 -

    I am pretty much right on track with my 1 pound per week. Is it a bad thing if I am under my calories? Such as, my goal says 1400, but with exercise of at least 500 calories a day, that leaves me at 1900 calories to eat. But, I am only logging in around 1200 to 1400 maximum. I don't think I can eat more than that, my body has gotten used to eating lighter. I really want to lose the weight, but I don't want my body to not function properly. I'm doing just fine, and have been doing it like this since September 1st and I am still energized and I can push my body.

    About 6 years ago I was anorexic and weighed about 100 pounds, so I think I have this warped sense of food and exercise and how to lose weight. I am really trying to do this properly and lose weight the right way. But, I really don't want my body to go into some sort of "starvation mode". Any advice on how low I should be taking my calorie intake?
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    3/09/2009 - 198
    10/09/2009 - 198.5
    17/9/2009 - 199
    24/9/2009 - 198.5
    1/10/2009 - 196
    8/10/2009 - 197
    15/10/2009 - 197
    22/10/2009 -
    29/10/2009 -
    5/11/2009 -
    12/11/2009 -
    19/11/2009 -
    26/11/2009 -
    3/12/2009 -
    10/12/2009 -
    17/12/2009 -
    24/12/2009 -
    31/12/2009 -

    I did see 195.5 last week, 197 today.. shrug it's all good.
    2-3 months ago I had to make new holes into my belt 3 or 4 holes.
    Last 2 weeks has me I'm in the last hole of the belts, so a few more holes before I go buy myself a new belt.:happy: :drinker:

    Kicklikeagirl - try to eat more meals in a day, spread your "1900" calories through 5-6 meals of 300 -350 calories. or bigger breakfast or 450-500 and split the rest through the day.
    Logging in 1200-1400 calories and exercising 500 of them give you net caloric intake of 700-900.
    Not good. Eat more. :flowerforyou:
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