Body Dysmorphic Disorder



  • LynC33
    LynC33 Posts: 196
    Totally!! But hopefully that will fade when my weight does.
  • Laurej
    Laurej Posts: 227
    my husband "claims" I suffer from this... This morning, I went to hop in the shower, hubby walked in and said "WOW!!!!! you are looking SKINNY!!"! and I said 0.0 "wth are you talking about, I still have so much to lose".... I don't C what he sees... and honestly, I'm glad he doesn't c what I c! I'm pretty sure that he's a chubby chaser 'cuz skinny I am not, but regardless I'm thrilled he sees whatever the hell he does
  • D446
    D446 Posts: 266 Member
    i have this and it is destroying my life. I look in the mirror and see only faults. I call myself the meanest ugliest words. And compare myself and give myself a hard time for not being perfect. I look in the mirror and hate what i see i see the more ugliest girl in the world from head to toe. And i am always paranoid about the way i look and feel like my husband sees the 'ugly' image in the mirror that i see. And it hurts me so much. I remember taking a self esteem workshop in school and learning about this disorder and i always knew i had it. Just dont know how to be better and change this outlook. If i get this solved then i think alot of other problems in my life would be solved as well.

    I can relate to THIS. I Never really remember liking anything about the way I look, if ever someone gives me a compliment I automatically think they r lying and just trying to be nice. I have never considered that I have this? I am so used to feeling this way I thought it was normal or just shltty self esteem.
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    bump for curiosity.
    I wonder sometimes if I suffer from this, but how do you tell? I check myself in the mirror all the time-not to admire myself but to check fat bulges-hoping they don't show. I can see changes but feel as fat as I did when I was wearing 14's...but today I went shopping and was trying on 4's. I know I've gotten smaller but every glance at my body reveals something that's just wrong to me. I don't hate myself-something I'd associate with the disorder, but I do hate that I'm just not seeing the changes I think I should be.
  • yes. oh my gosh, all the time. it gets to that point where it is hard to be happy with yourself and your body :/
  • GemmieNoWobbles
    GemmieNoWobbles Posts: 398 Member
    Hi, this is me all over!! I've always hated the way I look. I see a giant lady who has no redeeming qualities what so ever. I feel like my legs are massive and that people can see me wobble as I walk. I'm 140lbs but I feel 200lbs. My other half thinks I am nuts and even suggested I have BDD as he seriously doesnt understand what I see.
    I am so sick of it, I feel like I constantly think about what I look like and obsess over certain "bits", and its not in a vain way, I'm constantly checking myself out, in shop windows or any sort of reflective surface... I'm so bored of it!!
  • rima933
    rima933 Posts: 151 Member
    my husband "claims" I suffer from this... This morning, I went to hop in the shower, hubby walked in and said "WOW!!!!! you are looking SKINNY!!"! and I said 0.0 "wth are you talking about, I still have so much to lose".... I don't C what he sees... and honestly, I'm glad he doesn't c what I c! I'm pretty sure that he's a chubby chaser 'cuz skinny I am not, but regardless I'm thrilled he sees whatever the hell he does

    omg! i experience the same thing with my husband! and when i was 40 pounds lighter i still saw myself as fat with fat arms, and i look in the mirror and see a huuuuuuge person in my reflection. But when i look back at pictures i am shocked as to how tiny i was.
  • winter1213
    winter1213 Posts: 15
    my husband "claims" I suffer from this... This morning, I went to hop in the shower, hubby walked in and said "WOW!!!!! you are looking SKINNY!!"! and I said 0.0 "wth are you talking about, I still have so much to lose".... I don't C what he sees... and honestly, I'm glad he doesn't c what I c! I'm pretty sure that he's a chubby chaser 'cuz skinny I am not, but regardless I'm thrilled he sees whatever the hell he does
    This is me 100% and the hubby too.
    After I reached my goal weight and really started weight and strength training and quit smoking, I gained a few (20) pounds back and I have been fighting tooth and nail to get them off. Just feel like I'm on a quest that can never be accomplished....
  • castle88
    castle88 Posts: 27
    i have this and it is destroying my life. I look in the mirror and see only faults. I call myself the meanest ugliest words. And compare myself and give myself a hard time for not being perfect. I look in the mirror and hate what i see i see the more ugliest girl in the world from head to toe. And i am always paranoid about the way i look and feel like my husband sees the 'ugly' image in the mirror that i see. And it hurts me so much. I remember taking a self esteem workshop in school and learning about this disorder and i always knew i had it. Just dont know how to be better and change this outlook. If i get this solved then i think alot of other problems in my life would be solved as well.

    I can completely relate to this. My bdd is not centred around how fat I think I am but around my face and how ugly I think it is. I used to spend 3hours every morning scrubbing away at my face in the shower and then putting on huge amounts of makeup to cover it up and was terrified of getting caught with no makeup on. The amount of times I missed lectures and things because I couldn't bring myself to leave the house looking so 'ugly', I'd have to get back in the shower and re-do it all over again. I thought that was the way I was!

    Then I read an article about BDD and realised that maybe I have the same problem and therefore maybe I can fix it? SO I went to the doctor and told them, who referred me to a psychiatrist who diagnosed me with it. I did 16weeks of CBD and it has helped so much, I would really reccommend it. My confidence is constantly growing, I can go for a run in the mornings with yesterdays makeup on and not be worried about it and I havent had an anxiety attack in more than a year now - whereas before they happened a few times a week. I'm not completely recovered as these things take time, but I am very content with the way things are now :)

    Even if your not sure if you have it, no one is supposed to feel anxious and uncomfortable with themselves - it is a problem which can be treated and overcome. I would always reccommend seeing a doctor and getting help, whats there to lose??
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    its sad to know that there are this many people suffering from this, but comforting to know I am not alone.
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    I was bullied a lot as a tweenager, and I suffered from this. Even now, I still have occasions where it starts to act up, but over many years I've pushed forward and moved past it as best as I can.
  • sarahc001
    sarahc001 Posts: 477 Member
    Anyone out there see this? Somehow it helps me with the perception thing, since I am always more critical of can input height and weight and see a bunch of pictures of real women "your" size...sometimes it just helps to see a different face on the body. Best of luck.
  • EngineerPrincess
    EngineerPrincess Posts: 306 Member
    Preeeety sure I have this, but I don't want to say I do since I've never been diagnosed or anything. I don't exactly look in the mirror and think I'm an elephant but I see fat arms and legs and want to lose weight, which doesn't make sense considering I'm 5'8 and 121.
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member This might not help but it is certainly worth a watch.

    Anyone know how to make the link active? xD

    I cried so much the first time I saw this a couple years ago
  • jonesygetshealthy
    jonesygetshealthy Posts: 66 Member
    oh goodness. I have dysmorphia pretty severely, from what I'm told. Sometimes I feel it too.
    I started at 195lbs and then had a very severe breakup. Before the breakup- I was absolutely fine with my body. I was confident even without clothes on around my exboyfriend... but after we broke up and I moved back into my folks' house, things became different. Although I got down to 175lbs and when I looked in mirrors or even window surfaces... I would swear I saw someone 4x larger than what I was. I even drew what size I thought I was on a large paper, and my friends said it was really out of proportion. I'm down to 157lbs now, and the dysmorphia comes only in waves now. Some days I will see that I'm only a bit overweight, but other days it's hard for me to even leave the house. I have a new boyfriend who is 100% supportive of me but sometimes it wears on him when I express what I think is my honest truth about my size. My family and friends are helping, and I've also joined a "body positive" community on tumblr, which looks to promote actual, unedited human bodies. I found this helps a whole lot!

    I've gotten better with time :)
  • JakquiBug
    JakquiBug Posts: 6 Member
    I have suffered from this for years. It's a horrible feeling. There are good days and bad days. My weight see sawed back and forth over the years between medications and eating disorders. I am now at a lower weight than I've been at in years but I can't see it. It's very frustrating. I am always comparing myself to other women. Even people who are obviously overweight look thinner to me than I do to myself. I hate it. I started at 160 pounds and I now weight 117 but I don't see a change at all.