Is plastic surgery inevitable?



  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    This has been a Public Service Announcement from your local PhoenixRising :tongue:

    :laugh: :love:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Whether or not it's inevitable depends on what you can live with after losing the weight, right? I'm hoping medicare (I'm in Canada) will cover the cost of removing the excess skin. I've heard that some insurance providers will cover removal if the excess skin is causing physical problems like chaffing and other skin irritations.
  • Most of the stuff I have read:
    the general rule of thumb is anything over 80 pounds lost will result in excess skin.

    having a tummy tuck for a 30 pound pregnancy is just vain, but for losing over 100 pounds might be something to look in to.

    Most Dr. will require you to be at goal weight for 6 months to a year before doing the surgery.

    It's not vain and I do take offence. I would love to have a tummy tuck. I'm a very small person 5 feet tall, 90 pounds and I was 88 pounds when I got pregnant and went up to 115 at my heaviest. I looked at if I had a watermelon in my stomach. In fact if you had looked at me from behind you would not have known I was pregnant...but when I turned to the side it was like a mac truck trying to take a left turn, lol. My entire stomach is covered in stretch marks and loose skin. My belly button went from an innie to an outie my ab muscles were split and no amount of excersize can get them back togeather...only surgery. I know that I do not have a weight issue that most on this site have...I'm hear for the fitness part and getting back in shape.

    I am BRAND new to this site...this is my VERY first post...but let me tell you, that post about getting a tummy tuck being VAIN...well, that just made me angry. I am actually GETTING a TT NEXT Thursday (the 22nd of October) I am also NOT a big person, I am 4' 11" and weigh about 123 lbs. I am here to get in shape, and honestly, I have ALWAYS had a belly, no matter what I have done...I did WW and got down to 108 lbs....I looked GOOD, but I STILL had a belly. After having my daughter (and I was the SAME way as the girl above, you could not tell I was preggo from the back, except for the fact that I waddled), I had to have an emergency C-section, and that scar has left me with the fat and skin hanging is HORRIBLE looking. I HATE my stomach, and my husband knew how much this upset me, and it affected me EVERY DAY (and still is) of my life, and especially my "romantic" life. This is a personal decision we all have to make, and for someone to say it is vain, well, I don't agree with them. Not at all. Okay, I am done, I am stepping off of my soap box now...*lol*
  • Oh...and it all depends on where you are located on the TT is more than $4500...but I am in the Boston area. :\
  • jojo52610
    jojo52610 Posts: 692 Member
    I am blessed I've weighed anywhere from top 230 to lowest 148 I have no stretch marks no loose skin

    I'm lucky. What I do have is the genes that make me look older that what I am. My mother did not age well nor did I. I took care of myself but I didn't age well.

    When I had Chemo and I lost my hair I looked even older. It made me feel bad, I even had nurses in the hospital ask if my husband was my son.

    I made the decision to have a mini face lift - it didn't make me vain I did it for me. Anyone who dare call me vain - really should walk a day in my shoes.

    My left breast is deformed from my lumpectomy but I had no plastic surgery because it didn't make me feel bad, it's my war wound, a reminder to me how lucky I am to wake up every morning and see my husband and my children. If I chose to have plastic surgery on my breast does that make me vain or does it make me human?

    Always remember do what makes you feel good. Love and peace to all
  • Most of the stuff I have read:
    the general rule of thumb is anything over 80 pounds lost will result in excess skin.

    having a tummy tuck for a 30 pound pregnancy is just vain, but for losing over 100 pounds might be something to look in to.

    Most Dr. will require you to be at goal weight for 6 months to a year before doing the surgery.

    I am sorry if my vain comment was offensive, I wasn't trying to be hurtful just a little sarcastic. I guess there is a lot to be said for tone of voice and facial expressions, the true meaning can be lost in text alone. Again, I apologize.
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