Women In Their 40's Struggling With Their Weight Coming Off?



  • DaleArden
    DaleArden Posts: 26
    Ohhhh this is me. I've got about 100 pounds to lose, although I'd be happy with 70. Since February I've been working out 6 times a week, right now I do about 2 hours of cardio in a workout (split over two sessions--elliptical/bike, then swimming later in the day) and I've started to run three days a week. And I haven't lost a pound. I can see changes in terms of toning up, but it is so frustrating not to lose any weight at all and I'm pretty sure my hormones are at the bottom of it *sigh*
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi ladies, I'm new to MFP but this thread caught my attention.

    I'm 42 but had a medically induced menopause at 38. The menopause came on instantly and was horrific but thankfully 4 years later its not bad. I am left with weight thats distributing itself around my tummy and no amount of anything seems to be helping, hence me coming here to see if a change in eating plan helps.

    I've successfully lost weight both with WW (in my late 20's) and SW about 2 years ago. Since getting over the medical problems I have been running and in the last 12 months a lot more consistently and more often great for excercise & health but no help to weight loss.

    I am hoping by doing this I can see what calories I am/ am not eating and what actual calories a workout gives - I normally ignore any calories burnt through exercise and I have figured it would help weight loss but maybe I'm wrong - lets see eh?

    Its very frustrating and hope that between us we can come up with something that works!!

    Now what I am trying to tell myself is if I eat healthy and exercise regularly then theres not much else I can do but its hard putting that mindset into practice.
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    you sound just like me!!! I avoid anything that says Fat/calorie laden/unhealthy!!

    and also joined this as I can track easily on my phone

    here's hoping this is a weight loss holy grail :happy:
  • ECA67
    ECA67 Posts: 806 Member
    I am 45 and really struggling with my weight for the first time in my life. I am also on medications that cause weight gain but I know hormones are a big issue too. Seems like an uphill battle.
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    The only thing that keeps my weightloss going was changing the protein/carb percentages. I eat 40 percent protein (120 g) and 30 percent (85 g) carbs. Especially in the evening I only eat protein. Any other way, and I would be stuck or even gain weight.

    This is me exactly. If I follow the usual recommendations from programs like WW or the government, it is just too many carbs. I make sure my grams of proteins exceed my grams of carbs every day. The MFP pie chart function is my best friend!
    But yes, it is much harder for me too, now that I am in the "middle years" (ack!)

    Hang in there!
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    I turned 50 this last January....but My journey started in my laate forties. It has had it's ups and downs....but I'm so glad I have stayed with it. You can lose the weight.....I just wish I would have done it in my twenties....or thirties.
  • mimiclown
    mimiclown Posts: 32
    I am 52 and have lostt 33 pounds since Feb. Log in every day and make myself get some exercise every single day.
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    Christine, wow look at your ticker! That is inspiring!
  • ECA67
    ECA67 Posts: 806 Member
    46 years young here. I see a lot of good tips in this tread so far - 1000 mg of Vitamin D3 a day, works wonders and great for energy. No dairy, no wheat, very little bread and moderately low carb (under 150 g a day), high protein, one gram per pound of body weight and lots of healthy fats (nuts, olive oil, peanut butter) Oh yes its a lot harder at this age than when younger - so be diligent and don't lose focus. Exercise often and hard, weight train for bones. I also did not start losing for about 2 months when I first started so it gets very frustrating but keep forging ahead. Also, the scale will fluctuate a bit, up one week, down another but keep going, weight loss at this age isn't straight down but a bumpy path downward.
    Awesome advise ! Thanks.
  • pg1girl
    pg1girl Posts: 268 Member
    46 years young here. I see a lot of good tips in this tread so far - 1000 mg of Vitamin D3 a day, works wonders and great for energy. No dairy, no wheat, very little bread and moderately low carb (under 150 g a day), high protein, one gram per pound of body weight and lots of healthy fats (nuts, olive oil, peanut butter) Oh yes its a lot harder at this age than when younger - so be diligent and don't lose focus. Exercise often and hard, weight train for bones. I also did not start losing for about 2 months when I first started so it gets very frustrating but keep forging ahead. Also, the scale will fluctuate a bit, up one week, down another but keep going, weight loss at this age isn't straight down but a bumpy path downward.

    Exactly this! I am almost 44 and this is the advice I would give as well!
  • aldousmom
    aldousmom Posts: 382 Member
    Everyone's diff, I guess. I'm 43, changed to low-fat, whole foods veganism in Sept and lost 15lbs right off the bat. I'm close to my goal weight now. And, all the health problems that plagued me (and resulted in my diet change) have corrected themselves. I also run, though, and did before the diet switch, but only for a year...still a newbie when I changed my eating.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    46 years young here. I see a lot of good tips in this tread so far - 1000 mg of Vitamin D3 a day, works wonders and great for energy. No dairy, no wheat, very little bread and moderately low carb (under 150 g a day), high protein, one gram per pound of body weight and lots of healthy fats (nuts, olive oil, peanut butter) Oh yes its a lot harder at this age than when younger - so be diligent and don't lose focus. Exercise often and hard, weight train for bones. I also did not start losing for about 2 months when I first started so it gets very frustrating but keep forging ahead. Also, the scale will fluctuate a bit, up one week, down another but keep going, weight loss at this age isn't straight down but a bumpy path downward.
    Great reply and great inspiration. I also agree with others who replied that having your hormone levels checked would be good. I had mine checked and thought they would be crazy out of whack. Was pleasantly surprised they were all just a little low. I am NOT the type to take hormones or any other meds. Some online research revealed that eating lots of veggies, good protein, exercising, weights to increase muscle mass...you know, all that good stuff....normalizes them!!! of course.

    So that hormone panel was done 6 weeks ago. I will check them again in another 6 weeks to see how they are coming along.

    Keep up your good work...it is getting you to a good place! :)MinMin
  • jenniejengin
    jenniejengin Posts: 785 Member
    bump for later read
  • myf1101
    myf1101 Posts: 99
    Another 46 years young woman here. I am also pre-menopausal and struggling to lose weight. I don't have a magic wand but have found that sticking to around 1200 cals and exercise most days works for me. Eating back calories or upping my calories slowed down my weight loss. I have also started to take selenium. Mind I am also a chronic migraine sufferer and am therefore on medication which can cause weight gain, so I am lucky I have lost 14lbs since mid February. I will do this though and have taken on board some of the advice on here already.
  • noturninback
    noturninback Posts: 96 Member
    Bump for l8r, on the road home from long weekend... 40 going on 41 this Sat. (Yikes!)

    We can do this ladies!!
  • yuckidah
    yuckidah Posts: 290 Member
    Another in their early 40's - I've had a Hysterectomy & I also have no gall bladder, both of which probably aren't doing anything to make this weightloss journey any easier.
    10-20yrs ago I'd drop the kilo's in a matter of weeks, now I struggle to lose every gram. I've been on here since Jan 2nd and am barely half way to where I need to be (& where I thought I'd be by this point) but I'm plodding on :smile:
    I also find that carbs are NOT my friends (not 'naughty' ones anyway) and I'm far better off, especially in the way I feel, if I stick to protein - that's not always easy to do though, lol.
    Very interested to hear everybody else's experiences & have made a note to try Vit D thanks to someone's comment back there.
  • bigbugboo
    bigbugboo Posts: 161
    Hi. I'm 48 years and peri-menopausal. I would not personally go down the HRT route, but use natural progesterone cream. It has no side effects, doesn't cause weight gain, and because it's topical, doesn't mess with your liver etc.

    I have lost weight by a combination of strength training, light cardio and eating a ratio of 40% carbs, 30% fats and 30% protein, making sure to have protein with each meal (approx 1 gram per pound lean bodyweight).

    I am fitter and healthier than I have been in years. And if you're vegetarian you can get your protein with quorn and other veggie protein sources, or get some good quality protein supplements.

    Good luck!
  • ZumbaFan54
    ZumbaFan54 Posts: 2
    I totally can relate to everyone. I am 54 years old. Recently I have increased my protein. I do not eat bread, potatoes, and limit sugar as much as possible. I do zumba regularly. The weight is coming off -- very slowly. I try not pay too much attention to the scales -- as I can visually see that I am losing inches instead. I also feel so much better eating this way. I sleep better. I have more energy that I used to. I also make sure and take a multivitamen everyday. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! :happy:
  • lc971
    lc971 Posts: 104 Member
    I'm 48 yrs old and going through peri-menopause as well. The weight is coming off, but sooooooooo slowly. I eat everything, but in moderation. I vary my calories somewhat(Zig-Zag?). MFP has me at 1480 calories, my BMR is 1501. Somedays I will be at 1480, sometimes 1600 etc. If I'm hungry, I will eat back my exercise calories. It seems to work for me. I lose about a pound a week.
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    I used many excuses as to why I couldnt lose... age...menepausal..... metabolism.... hereditary, in the genes.....just meant to be big... but I was only making excuses and telling myself lies.
    At 48 ...premenepauseI... i started changing my lifestyle.... eating healthy... changing behaviours and the way I ate... and I am almost 50 now...and That is why I have 385 lbs OFF.... losing weight at any age CAN happen...JUST DO IT.