lactose intolerant...what does it feel like?

dlj1970 Posts: 186 Member
hi MFP- i'm starting to think that i might be lactose intolerant, but i'm not sure what it feels like. on a typical day i have a cup or so of greek yogurt and about 1/2 cup ff milk in my tea. i don't eat much cheese, but i do eat some (usually low fat/fat free), and i will often have a pudding cup for dessert. i feel like i get really bloated and my stomach is feels tight, as if i've eaten too much, but i know i haven't had a lot of food. i should just cut out all dairy to see if i feel better, but just wanted to get some tips...
thanks! dlj


  • lilbitsc89
    lilbitsc89 Posts: 77 Member
    Symptoms of lactose intolerance can vary from person to person. I found out I was lactose intolerant a few years back. the only way to really know is cut out dairy for a few weeks and see how you feel. If you stop eating those things and symptoms go away, you are probably lactose intolerant. Lactose intolerance varies as far as foods go also. for instance, I cannot have milk, yogurt, or soft serve ice cream without getting bloated and an upset stomach. sometimes my symptoms occur within 30 min and sometimes no symptoms until the next day. But I can have regular ice cream and cheese and I am fine. While a friend of mine is lactose intolerant and she can't have cheese but she can eat yogurt.

    So you're best bet is to go without for a few weeks and see how you feel. hope this helps!
  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    Try cutting things out and see. You can buy lactose free milks and yogurts now for decent prices.

    There is lactose in a lot of things so when you cut out dairy check some of the other foods you eat to make sure it's not in them. Give it a week or two and see if your symptons disappear. If not they may be something related to Gluten or wheat.

    Good luck!
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    Might just be gas. Try Beano or Gas X
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    My ex was lactose intolerant--cheese was his worst enemy. He got bloated and gassy.:sick:
  • iwantahealthierme13
    iwantahealthierme13 Posts: 337 Member
    I'm lactose intolerant to a point. If I have any regular milk, cream-based alcohol (like Bailey's) or things made with too much cream (like cake frosting/cream, cheesecake) it, umm, cleans me out.

    But I can have cheese, yogurt, ice cream, anything else with regular milk in it (even lattes) and lactose-free milk just fine.

    Symptoms of lactose intolerance are bloating, gassy, diarrhea, stomach pain about 15-30 minutes after eating an offending food (sometimes sooner), sometimes heartburn as well and if it's really bad vomiting. (I have a friend who vomits every time she has dairy but she loves dairy and doesn't care)
  • cocoa_cutie513
    cocoa_cutie513 Posts: 41 Member
    I figured I was lactose intolerant. Around age 14. I would have a glass of chocolate milk and immediately have to use the rest room. Of course that didn't stop me. Everyone has different symptoms towards dairy. Cheeses, heavy cream, ice cream usually givesme alot of bloating.

    What's helped alot over the last 3yrs is rice, hemp, or almond milk. I also haven't-dairy icecream. I still have cheese on occasion, but I'm even phasing that out too.

    Best recommendation is to leave all dairy (read labels as most have milk) alone fir a week and see how your body feels.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I'm lactose intolerant to a point also and my symptoms are mainly bloating and gas.

    I've figured out that I can have about 8 oz of any dairy product before those symptoms start.
  • de2brown
    de2brown Posts: 33
    i am newly diagnosed as lactose intolerant, and had bloating and tightess in the stomach, once i switched to soy i felt fine :)
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    Whole milk was the worst for me. I invariably got bad gas and diarrhea.
  • dlj1970
    dlj1970 Posts: 186 Member
    Thanks, everyone! I'll try going a week without my morning yogurt and see what happens... I've never been able to eat ice cream, whipped cream, etc and enjoy it. Maybe now I know why:wink: Have a great Memorial Day! dlj
  • jakerogal
    When i have cheese , chocolate milk my symptoms feel like i just drank acid an im gonna die but no biggie
  • BamBam125
    BamBam125 Posts: 229 Member
    For me, bloated belly and gas. It's a pretty easy test for your doctor to do to confirm it. You drink something and then a few minutes later they test your breath for hydrogen. Hydrogen level should be very low. If your level is not low, you're intolerant.
  • residentevilgirl
    residentevilgirl Posts: 2 Member
    Well, I have been lactose Intolerant since I was 17 years old and I would at that time eat whatever I wanted dairy wise and end up paying for it in the end! :( I thought it was just a big joke in the beginning thought it would go away in about a month it did not it only got worse as I got older. But how that got started was I had a lot of gallbladder problems and when I had that removed when I was in the 12th of high school when I was 18 years old I was told that's what got it started and I still believe that too! :| Well, after I graduated high school I continued eating dairy I loved cheese let me tell you lol and ice cream they are my downfalls. I am 26 now and as of 2 years ago my lactose intolerance has gotten much worse I am to the point where I cannot have any kind of dairy at all meaning cake mixes,and such anything that was made with milk in it!!! :( I struggle everyday with it trying to find what I can eat and what I cannot my diet is going okay but I also don't eat meat either.

    Anyways, I get bloaded,gassy,diarrhea,and I throw up pretty badly,I feel like i'm dying when I eat dairy as well I usually end up staying in bed and not moving at all or I go to the ER if its bad enough!
  • Anita_hoar12345
    I have it and it makes my stomach feel like it's too full and sometimes you get diarea from eating dairy. I switched to almond milk and still eat cheese even if I get sick every time I try to cut back on it I want to try the vegan cheese it looks kinda yucky and I don't want to pay for it and not like it.

    I forgot to add it makes cramps like these sharp stomach pains

    For ice cream I get luna and larry's cocounut milk ice cream it's vegan and it tastes really good you can't tell the difference
  • arrseegee
    arrseegee Posts: 575 Member
    Could also be irritable bowel syndrome. You could test negative to lactose intolerance on a hydrogen test yet still get digestive symptoms. Try excluding it from your diet for a week and see how you feel, then take note what happens when you eat it again after a week.