Losing weight with partner who refuses to



  • pfarley68
    pfarley68 Posts: 83 Member
    Be strong. Sometimes a husband or wife will feel threatened by the weight loss of their spouse. Keep doing what your doing, don't bug him to change. Make him the food he likes and be patient. He may or may not come around but you want to keep marital harmony. Don't quit. Spouses are funny people sometimes when we lose weight. I am only 10 lbs into my weight loss and my husband is already telling me I am perfect, lol. I still have almost 50 to lose. When he sees you looking better and feeling better maybe he will jump on board.
  • ShannonD13
    ShannonD13 Posts: 51 Member
    Hang in there!
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    I have run into this as well. I do most of the cooking, so I just make different things, and cook differently for us. I make chicken, i cook mine plain, bread theirs. I make burgers, I make mine seperate and make them when they like. I am doing what I am doing here for myself, and I wouldn't force it on anyone. My wife has lost weight along the way with me, by making healthier choices here and there, and cutting out some things. But they still like their pizza and subs, which is fine, I just make other options available for myself in those situations. And both of my kids always want to try what I have, and one of them always enjoys it. Thats the most I can ask for.

    Just keep doing what you are doing for you, that's who you are here for.
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    Totally agree. I would be telling him to make his own food if he doesn't like it. Maybe you could make one meal of his choice once a week but yeah my partner would be going hungry if that was the case lol :)
  • holliph
    holliph Posts: 88 Member
    I would just put your foot down. Sounds like you are living with a temperamental toddler that forgot to take his nap!

    If you continue to cook the healthy food for both of you he will start to loose weight. It just might take longer if he is only changing an eating routing and not exercising as well.
    IF he still complains about it, tell him you want to see a marriage counselor since he seemed to have forgotten about your wedding vows: "in sickness and in HEALTH" (and also tell him to fend for himself in the kitchen)!
    some people balk at change but after a while he will come around especially if he has to cook every meal for himself.
    Be very proud of yourself for what you are doing! If it wasn't for us women all men would die before they even hit their mid 60's. We are the ones that take care of the issues they never want to tackle: HEALTH

    Best of luck. I hope he does come around for your sanity & his health!