Those in the UK - Salad help please

Hi all,

For those in the UK - does anyone know of anywhere good that does prepared low carb salads? everywhere near my new work, e.g. pret, starbucks, EAT, boots etc. don't do low carb ones! they all come with high sugar dressings and generally aren't very satisfying!

thank you! xxx


  • fraser112
    fraser112 Posts: 405
    Hi all,

    For those in the UK - does anyone know of anywhere good that does prepared low carb salads? everywhere near my new work, e.g. pret, starbucks, EAT, boots etc. don't do low carb ones! they all come with high sugar dressings and generally aren't very satisfying!

    thank you! xxx

    Im not sure that even exists. Ive only seen low fat salads or pasta dishes, neither being low in carbs.
  • sophiareal
    sophiareal Posts: 43 Member
    Check out Pod. Lots of healthy salads as well as no carb wraps - nori wraps with chicken and avocado for example. Just avoid some if the dressings.
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    Waitrose has some salads and side salads with no croutons or dressing (still in a bowl). I just buy some of the roasted chicken breast or some feta/goat's/other cheese to add to it.

    I've given up on pre-made dressings. I've started making my own dressings and keeping it in recycled glass jars. That way, guaranteed to only have what I want in the dressing. Super easy.
  • bryonysten
    bryonysten Posts: 44
    Could you not make one at home and take to work? Then you can control what you're eating, how much and also save money? I used to do it every day and left the house at 6.30am so it is possible....
  • Could you not make one at home and take to work? Then you can control what you're eating, how much and also save money? I used to do it every day and left the house at 6.30am so it is possible....

    Yeh i could's just hard as i get up at 5am..leave the house at 6...get home at out, then shower and bed and it's 10-11pm before i know it!! so just easier to grab things on the go! xxx
  • Check out Pod. Lots of healthy salads as well as no carb wraps - nori wraps with chicken and avocado for example. Just avoid some if the dressings.

    Thank you! just checked these out on the website and they have barely any carbs. Pod also do a protein box which is pretty much 0 carbs!! and full of protein! xxx
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    If you're on the go as well, subway salads aren't THAT bad depending on what you get put in them, just the salad bowl though mind ;)
  • Starbucks bistro boxes?
  • tescos do a ham one and a tuna nicoise one- no dressings.

    pret do a crayfish and avocardo salad - dressing in a pot.

    the Sainsburys in town (and Morrisons local if you have one) had a make your own salad bar - which usually have some good leaves and bean choices (I usually buy a pot of olives as well.
  • Princess_Sameen
    Princess_Sameen Posts: 284 Member
    Tesco do a salad bowl with no dressing and a few others :)
  • If you're on the go as well, subway salads aren't THAT bad depending on what you get put in them, just the salad bowl though mind ;)

    I have a turkey subway salad almost every night for dinner! loads of salad, double turkey meat and a bit of low fat mayo! xxx
  • Patovader
    Patovader Posts: 439 Member
    If you have subway near you then you should be able to get just a salad box :)
  • linzijoy
    linzijoy Posts: 109 Member
    If you're on the go as well, subway salads aren't THAT bad depending on what you get put in them, just the salad bowl though mind ;)

    Yep, Subway isn't too bad providing you choose wisely and avoid dressings
  • M&S do a lot of salad bowls without dressing, I used to buy them all the time when I worked near one. Not sure on the carbs, but they were around 50 cals and pretty big
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Chop'd is good, although there are not too many branches around. You can buy standard salads or have one made up for you, and they have a range of fat free dressings.

    More main stream, you can't beat M&S.
  • bellina1
    bellina1 Posts: 7
    I agree with what a couple of others have said... Subway!

    All their nutritional info is on their website so if you plan in advance it can easily be done, plus their delicious!
  • MellowYellowGem
    MellowYellowGem Posts: 120 Member
    Most of the supermarkets do plain salads in a bowl, (mainly leaves), Morrisons, Asda etc, you could buy one of them & some cooked peeled prawns to chuck in which come in small packs too.
  • mikes99mail
    mikes99mail Posts: 318 Member
    Prets do a couple of low-carb salads, the avocado & prawn one is lovely. Pricey though. And their flat white coffee is too good to leave as well, so it's over a fiver every trip....
  • fontinathefox
    fontinathefox Posts: 124 Member
    A lot of places seem to sell salads with the dressing in a separate pot, so you could just not have that and eat the salad on its own?
  • Laura_beau
    Laura_beau Posts: 1,029 Member
    Most of the supermarkets do plain salads in a bowl, (mainly leaves), Morrisons, Asda etc, you could buy one of them & some cooked peeled prawns to chuck in which come in small packs too.

    I agree- I usually buy a plain side salad bowl from the salad leaves section of morrisons/tesco/asda/M&S and 'pimp it' low carb style, adding turkey/chicken/ham or prawns & chorizo slices, or egg mayo or even get some ham hock or roast chicken from the rotisserie counter to go with it.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I work near a Morrisons so sometimes grab the feta and olive salad or the tuna Nicoise (although I have to pick the new potatoes out of this if I'm doing a lower carb day). My usual fall back at any supermarket/city centre Tesco Express etc, is to grab a plain salad bowl and a pack of ham, chicken or cottage cheese to throw on top when I get back to the office. I tend to avoid the salad dressings that come with the salads and they are usually loaded with sugar - I just have bottles of white wine vinegar and olive oil in my desk at work. I also keep a bottle of dried oregano at work - sprinkled over salad it reminds me of hot summer holidays in Greece :)
  • MelanieAG05
    MelanieAG05 Posts: 359 Member
    Have you thought about preparing your own salad and taking it to work with you? You will have far more control over the contents if you do this and it will definitely work out cheaper.
  • jaquwa
    jaquwa Posts: 92 Member
    Yeah Subway salad bowls are the BEST!

    M&S do good salad bowls too and then I just throw some chicken in.

    Do you have a fridge at work, I sometimes just buy a bag of leaves, some tomatoes and Cucumber and leave them in there and then make a fresh salad at lunch!
  • Ironphoenix
    Ironphoenix Posts: 36
    There are some really good ideas on this thread, well done everyone :) I personally make two days worth of salads at a time. I cook all my meat on a Sunday and freeze it in portions, I have tins of tuna at the ready (with ring pull tops) and I'm good to go. Planning ahead makes a big difference. However I agree with subway and M&S do good salads. M&S do a great superfood salad with quinoa mmmmm nice amount of protein in it too :) x
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    There aren't many of them around, but if you can find a branch of Chopp'd, you can get essentially a bespoke salad with your choice of ingredients. It's quite expensive, but worth it perhaps if you want to avoid anything in particular.
  • Thanks all. Need to rethink what i have i think. I love toast in the mornings but i like having a sandwich at lunch too. damn carbs! xxx
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Thanks all. Need to rethink what i have i think. I love toast in the mornings but i like having a sandwich at lunch too. damn carbs! xxx

    Ha ha! When nothing but bread will do I either have a couple of Ryvita with eggs for breakfast (fewer carbs than normal toast) or a Discovery wholewheat tortilla as a wrap for lunch (it's smaller than most, so fewer calories and carbs). The tortillas also make a fab base for pizza for tea with a big salad.
  • nancyaaa
    nancyaaa Posts: 64 Member
    Thanks everyone, very helpful :)