Newbie help please!!

Hi all, I really hope someone can help me. I have been trying to slim down for my wedding which is now in 2 weeks, and I haven't managed to shift even a fraction of a pound, nor have my measurements changed.

My BMI is 24 which I know is healthy. I have been eating healthily and exercising for around 9 months now, starting with the MOS workouts, then moved on to Ripped in 30 and 6 Week 6 Pack. I have also got a cross trainer which I have been using 30 mins a day 4 - 5 days a week, and I hoop 3 - 4 days a week.

I have struggled to lose the weight after having DD2, I had to have a steroid injections at 30 weeks and really blew up after that. I had got down to 8 stone 10 15 months ago, then in the last year my weight has started really fluctuating. I hadn't changed my diet or exercise at this time, but now that I have it doesn't seem to be working. Any suggestions are welcome :) I would like to lose a couple of inches from my waist before my wedding day as my dress is now painfully tight, and can't be taken out, but obviously with a fortnight to go this isn't hugely realistic.

According to this my body fat is 26.09%


  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    If you're looking for short term/quick success, then try lowering your sodium intake to below 1500 mg, reduce carbohydrates to below 100 g, drink at least 8 cups of water, keep exercising as normal. In the meantime, get your thyroid checked. Having babies can really mess with your hormones. Good luck and I hope you have a great wedding day and marriage!!
  • harri1990
    harri1990 Posts: 18
    first of all don't worry... i've been at this about 2.5 - 3 weeks. and I've lost 2-3 inches of my waist and at least an inch off my chest thighs and hips... feel free to take a look at my diary to see what sort of things i eat. i am rarely hungry following my plan and i have sweet treats as well as healthy ones :) i try and do some exercise but being a musician this doesn't often take the form of workouts.... Congratulations.. and i hope you have a brilliant wedding day and a wonderful marriage. feel free to add me or message with any questions
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    Can you make your food diary available so we can see what you're eating?
  • mermaid0nina
    mermaid0nina Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you :) My mum has suggested I get my thyroid checked - she thinks there's somw swelling under my jaw/neck area.

    I have just amended my diary settings - I don't track my exercise as it's pretty much the same every day, and haven't been as good at keeping diary as I should be either.
  • seamaiden1000
    seamaiden1000 Posts: 76 Member
    Could be also that your liver is overloaded or not 100%. The liver is your fat processing and blood filter organ. Try eating cleaner for starters so liver does not have to overwork and dump fat. So NOTHING processed ie no soft drinks ( diet or otherwise), no processed meat ( full of nitrates) as you could be retaining water to counter toxicity.

    Also aim for 0.6 gram of protein per pound of weight. You are exercising hard but you are not feeding your muscles nor your liver with adequate protein.

    Aim for 60 gms of carbs per day in the short term as carbs hold far more water than protein in your body. Also be sure to have 25 to 30 grms of fibre to better clear digestive track and top with probiotics.

    I find probiotics help absorb more nutrients so need less food. Drink at least 8 glasses of water to keep flushing your kidneys. Also be sure to top up with vitamins C, B complex, St Mary's Thistle ( for liver detox) and drink dandelion root tea, earthy in taste but very effective for supporting liver function and reducing water retention.

    Hope this helps.
  • mermaid0nina
    mermaid0nina Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks :)