What do YOU consider a cheat day?



  • sjpoirier
    sjpoirier Posts: 1
    I like your way of thinking. I think that we have it in our heads that food is bad. That makes us binch and beat ourselfs up. Thanks for making my day.
  • rrrbecca11
    rrrbecca11 Posts: 477
    When you're OCD as I am, cheat days just cannot be allowed. :bigsmile: I also do not usually eat a bite after dinner. The other night I was hungry about 8 p.m. so I ate a brown rice cake and 4 radishes. Maybe 60 calories total. I beat myself up over that for days. :wink:
    I think you should get some help.

    Oh, I don't need any help. I've got this OCD thing down to an art! :bigsmile:
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    mine is eating under
  • _hi_hat3r_
    _hi_hat3r_ Posts: 423 Member
    Large pizza and dozen wings
  • thriftycupl
    thriftycupl Posts: 310 Member
    Eating whatever I want and the quantity that I want without thinking twice (ok, I do think twice) and drinking Pepsi again. Otherwise, I don't drink any soft drinks during the week and try to limit it to one on the weekend. I also allow my carbs to be significantly higher on these days.
  • adbutton
    adbutton Posts: 2
    my cheat days are real cheat days. i eat what sounds good or i have been wanting that i don't usually let myself have, like a donut, or ice cream. i don't make any real effort to eat anything nutritious. :) lol. i usually do end up going over my calories but not by too much. and it has never caused me to gain anything back. probably once every 2 or 3 weeks i will have a day of junk food eating.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    A cheat day to me would mean binging without thought to how many calories I was taking in. I don't do that anymore. There have been a few social occasions where it's been impossible to calculate calories but I've tried to enjoy those and eat less either side of them to compensate and I've not put on. I'm not well today and will be eating over my allowance but from calories I didn't get to yesterday.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I don't do formal cheat days. My normal calorie ceiling is quite low and if I gave myself license to overeat on certain days it would be detrimental. For me the best way not to overeat, is, well, not to overeat.

    But I do make exceptions. A family member had a birthday the other day and I was taken to a very nice restaurant. I did sort of do Intermittent Fasting beforehand, drinking only coffee and milk in the morning and eating very lightly, if at all, in the afternoon. At the restaurant, I ate whatever I wanted, including dessert. I also had a fancy $15 cocktail that probably had lots of calories, in addition to wine.

    Other days in which I don't even think about calorie reduction if I'm actively watching my weight are my birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's.
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    If I'm going out for a meal.

    I do try and log as an estimate to see what the damage is but generally if I go out, I go out to enjoy myself and try not too worry about calories! :D
  • sarvalfon
    sarvalfon Posts: 58 Member
    Honestly, and this is probably going to sound really boring, but I don't call anything "cheat days", "cheat meals" or "cheat food". If I want something, I'll have it, and just work it into my daily calorie goal. If I want a meal that's going to take me well over my goal, I work it into my weekly goal instead, and compensate on other days (within reason). If I go way over and can't make it up on other days, I just move on. I'm really trying to make this a complete, permanent lifestyle change. It messes with my head if I think of it as "cheating", or if I see food as "bad" or "naughty", or if I say I've "broken my diet". Yes, I definitely have days where I could have eaten better, but it's just part of life. Sorry if that sounds preachy, but just how it works for me. :smile:

    This is exactly how I've come to look at my weight loss journey. I tried a "diet", and it seemed like everything was "bad", or "too fatty" or a "carb". I eat what I feel like, and I make sure that I watch my portions. I work out enough that I create some wiggle room. "Cheating" is one of those terms that sets you up for failure before you even head out.
  • china1977
    china1977 Posts: 18 Member
    works for me too! well said!
  • sofitheteacup
    sofitheteacup Posts: 397 Member
    The first day my "aunt" comes to visit. I'm going to graze like a cow anyway so I fill a bowl with celery and popcorn and go at it. I think so long as I keep chewing I'm okay.

    LOL! This made me laugh so hard.

    I don't really have cheat days. I try to hit the gym daily and make good choices, so I'm rarely over. Lately I've been going out of town where gym access isn't a guarantee, and I haven't stressed too much about staying within my cals. Not sure that is considered a cheat day, since it isn't intentional. I try to let myself have what I want so that cheat days aren't necessary. I'm such a creature of habit that I worry a couiple of cheat days will just do me in entirely. It won't, but my head does sometimes kind of tend to work that way.
  • kayleesays
    kayleesays Posts: 564 Member
    I don't really, it's just a day where I go over... except when I drink a lot and don't plan for it and go over by like, 2,000 calories... then that day is a lost cause, lmao.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    My cheat day is a weekly thing (if I feel like one that week), where it's fine for me to eat between my normal goal calories and maintenance. If I go over maintenance I don't freak out, but I try to avoid it.
    My cheat days are usually days where I eat with my family or go to a restaurant with my girlfriend.
  • mlbrowninsc
    mlbrowninsc Posts: 22
    For me it's generally once a week on Saturday. I eat whatever I feel like and don't pay attention to carbs, fat, or calories. I do try and log everything though.
  • DalexD
    DalexD Posts: 236 Member
    A cheat day for me is a day where I eat what I like, however much of it I like and I don't worry about the calories because I know that six months ago, my "cheat day" was a "normal day".
  • roger9
    roger9 Posts: 30
    I don't believe in full-out eat-whatever-you-want days. Why waste hard work for one day of partial satisfaction? I would rather eat whatever I'm craving everyday and fit it into my calorie count than have a "cheat day".
  • SweetSammie
    SweetSammie Posts: 391 Member
    Honestly, and this is probably going to sound really boring, but I don't call anything "cheat days", "cheat meals" or "cheat food". If I want something, I'll have it, and just work it into my daily calorie goal. If I want a meal that's going to take me well over my goal, I work it into my weekly goal instead, and compensate on other days (within reason). If I go way over and can't make it up on other days, I just move on. I'm really trying to make this a complete, permanent lifestyle change. It messes with my head if I think of it as "cheating", or if I see food as "bad" or "naughty", or if I say I've "broken my diet". Yes, I definitely have days where I could have eaten better, but it's just part of life. Sorry if that sounds preachy, but just how it works for me. :smile:

    This. I got tired of feeling defeated, and of feeling guilty on occasions when I should have been filled with joy (holidays, anniversaries, birthdays, date nights). No more guilt, just choices!
  • KristyJoy123
    KristyJoy123 Posts: 84 Member
    Honestly, and this is probably going to sound really boring, but I don't call anything "cheat days", "cheat meals" or "cheat food". If I want something, I'll have it, and just work it into my daily calorie goal. If I want a meal that's going to take me well over my goal, I work it into my weekly goal instead, and compensate on other days (within reason). If I go way over and can't make it up on other days, I just move on. I'm really trying to make this a complete, permanent lifestyle change. It messes with my head if I think of it as "cheating", or if I see food as "bad" or "naughty", or if I say I've "broken my diet". Yes, I definitely have days where I could have eaten better, but it's just part of life. Sorry if that sounds preachy, but just how it works for me. :smile:

    This is how I feel about it too, this could have come from my own mouth. I just wanted to second this, it's perfect.
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    Honestly, and this is probably going to sound really boring, but I don't call anything "cheat days", "cheat meals" or "cheat food". If I want something, I'll have it, and just work it into my daily calorie goal. If I want a meal that's going to take me well over my goal, I work it into my weekly goal instead, and compensate on other days (within reason). If I go way over and can't make it up on other days, I just move on. I'm really trying to make this a complete, permanent lifestyle change. It messes with my head if I think of it as "cheating", or if I see food as "bad" or "naughty", or if I say I've "broken my diet". Yes, I definitely have days where I could have eaten better, but it's just part of life. Sorry if that sounds preachy, but just how it works for me. :smile:

    This is exactly how I feel! Every DIET I have ever done has failed. This is a permanent lifestyle change, not a diet. I need to learn to stay within my limits regularly to acheive and then stay at my goals.

    I am the same way.