Anyone get depressed but still doing good?

I don't know why I go through bouts of depression. I know I am doing good and losing at a steady rate. I am healthier than I was before I started, no doubt about that. I eat right most of the time. I have small indulgences because I know if I don't, I won't stick with this. I should be on top of the world, right? I'm just not excited about it. I see the good but, at the same time, I still feel like crap a lot of the time. I'm not in any danger of quiting, no, quite the opposite, I have the mindset that this is for the long run. I look so forward to reaching goal and then learning how to maintain. I just don't think being down while doing this good is normal.


  • debloves2ride
    debloves2ride Posts: 386
    looking at the weight you have lost, I sure wouldn't be depressed. There may be some underlying medical reason, please go to your doctor and talk to him. If you can't please talk to a friend, counselor or clergy person. bouts of depression isn't a good thing.
  • BamaGirl_Tricia
    BamaGirl_Tricia Posts: 70 Member
    looking at the weight you have lost, I sure wouldn't be depressed. There may be some underlying medical reason, please go to your doctor and talk to him. If you can't please talk to a friend, counselor or clergy person. bouts of depression isn't a good thing.

    Agreed. If you have been this way longer than 2 weeks, then seek professional help.
  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member
    I get this way too - you're not alone. I get this way a lot when I plateau for a while. I begin to wonder when the shoe will drop and this will just quit working all together. I get sad because sometimes, I actually miss some of the portions and the foods I've given up.

    But then I think - I've lost 56lbs. I've come this far. I know I'm not done. This is for me. Who gives a blank about anyone else. Food will not fill the void. Cake will not stop the voices. Self-doubt is a killer.

    I look at old pictures of myself and I find that anger - that hatred that I let myself get so bad. The loathing at how much I didn't care about myself.

    I have a cheat day where I indulge in all the stuff I've been craving. Then I pick it back up and start again.

    If you are like me, and you have a lot of weight to lose, it'll take you a while to feel energized and lifted from the weight loss. Whatever you do. Don't give up. Don't silence the fit girl inside with cookies. Let her come out and play.
  • Scorpiotwinkle
    I find that I have been through similar bouts, I wouldn't call it depression, but definitely low periods. I have had about 3 times in the last five months where my hair goes lank and dull, my skin breaks out (big time) and my general feeling of well being is low. I just put it down to my body fighting what I am doing, and after a couple of days I do seem to recover. If you are feeling this way for a long time, maybe take look at the types of foods you are eating? Since I have been eating clean(er) I find I don't get ups and downs so much.
    Hope that helps.
  • VenomousDuck
    VenomousDuck Posts: 206
    Yep!!! I have depression, the medicine helps some, but you still get down!

    Exercise seems to be the best cure for me!
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    I get down on myself all the time. I look and feel great but its never enough, we always want more. We always want to look a certain way. I keep saying if my belly was flat I would be 100% happy... but would I? Or would I start thinking my arms are too flabby or my thighs to big? You are not alone
  • kris4chloe
    kris4chloe Posts: 245 Member
    I find that I have been through similar bouts, I wouldn't call it depression, but definitely low periods. I have had about 3 times in the last five months where my hair goes lank and dull, my skin breaks out (big time) and my general feeling of well being is low. I just put it down to my body fighting what I am doing, and after a couple of days I do seem to recover. If you are feeling this way for a long time, maybe take look at the types of foods you are eating? Since I have been eating clean(er) I find I don't get ups and downs so much.
    Hope that helps.

    i agree with this....i am just coming out of a similar funk but i think it is more tied into the bbq's and seeing everyone eating so freely and me not wanting to undo any of my hard work, plus i am a little plautea and getting frustrated that the last 20 lbs is not coming off as fast as the first 90. I get tired of how hard i have to work out and there is a gal at work who had gastric and we started the same and she is losing so much quicker and it just seems so much easier for her.

    i also know that it is just my negative self talk and i have to push through. i am also thinking it is related to time of the month as that is coming up here quickly.

    I say just try to evaluate what is going on and then try to do something non food related that will help lift your spirits.
  • rebeccaME207
    rebeccaME207 Posts: 90 Member
    i fight depression and its hard. seems like others get to live so easily w/out it. I just tak it day by day. Exercise helps, but what the magic answer is I still do not no! Keep up the great work luv! your not alone!
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    Honestly. I've been at this for about 2.5 weeks and I haven't already lost 74 lbs. So I get frustrated! And other things going on here I feel 'depressed' too. =/ I know there is no way in hell I'd actually lose 74 lbs that fast =p It is just realizing it takes time.. Find something that calms you down and cheers you up. I like to go on walks alone or with my Furbaby =) If it keeps happening I'd go see a Dr. No one wants to feel depressed! Especially after they weight you've been losing! =D Looks like you're doing great!!!
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I understand that, you can't eat what you really want to eat while everyone around you eats what they want without a care in the world. I've learned that I eat for me and they eat for them...I don't deprive myself if I want something I just work it into my count. I've cut all sugar (except natural sugars) I don't eat anything processed (except ham). When your feeling down just look at what you've done and how hard you've worked to get there....Have your support group together when you start feeling down they may be able to help you get thru it. My kid asked me yesterday if I was weighing my food, I said yes. She thought since it was a holiday I was just going to chow down. I didn't but I ate what they ate, just not as much.
  • hongruss
    hongruss Posts: 389 Member
    I go through periods where life is hard & there is no joy to be found! I find food does affect me big time & also if it hits & if I don't feel like doing exercise, etc I don't! I make sure my daughter has a balanced meal & I just don't eat generally :( For me it generally passes after a week or two & then I re engage with life.

  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    I don't know why I go through bouts of depression. I know I am doing good and losing at a steady rate. I am healthier than I was before I started, no doubt about that. I eat right most of the time. I have small indulgences because I know if I don't, I won't stick with this. I should be on top of the world, right? I'm just not excited about it. I see the good but, at the same time, I still feel like crap a lot of the time. I'm not in any danger of quiting, no, quite the opposite, I have the mindset that this is for the long run. I look so forward to reaching goal and then learning how to maintain. I just don't think being down while doing this good is normal.

    Do these feelings apply only to your weight loss or to life in general? If it is just the weight loss then try to look on the bright side of it. Take each day at the time and you will eventually see the results you are hoping to. If it is life in general then there could be a couple of things going on.

    If these are feelings that you have had over time prior to weight loss, you could be dealing with a clinical depression that needs to be addressed by a counselor and/or doctor. At least 30% of women will deal with depression in their lifetime so it is nothing to be ashamed of...

    If these feelings are new since starting weight loss, make sure you are getting a balanced diet. Especially B complex vitamins are heavily involved as precursors to Serotonin which is a major factor in depression.

    In either case, maybe talking to your Doctor would be helpful.
  • jlwbeans0823
    jlwbeans0823 Posts: 178 Member
    I agree with some of the other replies; if you feel depressed and you recognize that you're struggling you should consult your doctor. If you feel this way, even though it may be off and on, you don't want it to become chronic. Depression comes with such a stigma. Don't be afraid of asking questions or seeking treatment if that is what you need. Good luck, you're beautiful and you've made such great progress!
  • ashreynolds09
    ashreynolds09 Posts: 257 Member
    I understand what you mean 100%! I have been that way for a couple of weeks now. For me, I just get tired of it! Its the same thing day in and day out and I start to really crave and want my old foods and I get tired of constantly working out. But I also look in the mirror and see the exact same person I was 35+ pounds ago.

    You've done great on your weight loss so far - so congrats on 44 pounds! I do agree - find a friend or family member and talk to them...just vent!
  • Lize11e
    Lize11e Posts: 419
    I don't know why I go through bouts of depression. I know I am doing good and losing at a steady rate. I am healthier than I was before I started, no doubt about that. I eat right most of the time. I have small indulgences because I know if I don't, I won't stick with this. I should be on top of the world, right? I'm just not excited about it. I see the good but, at the same time, I still feel like crap a lot of the time. I'm not in any danger of quiting, no, quite the opposite, I have the mindset that this is for the long run. I look so forward to reaching goal and then learning how to maintain. I just don't think being down while doing this good is normal.

    Do these feelings apply only to your weight loss or to life in general? If it is just the weight loss then try to look on the bright side of it. Take each day at the time and you will eventually see the results you are hoping to. If it is life in general then there could be a couple of things going on.

    If these are feelings that you have had over time prior to weight loss, you could be dealing with a clinical depression that needs to be addressed by a counselor and/or doctor. At least 30% of women will deal with depression in their lifetime so it is nothing to be ashamed of...

    If these feelings are new since starting weight loss, make sure you are getting a balanced diet. Especially B complex vitamins are heavily involved as precursors to Serotonin which is a major factor in depression.

    In either case, maybe talking to your Doctor would be helpful.

    I have dealt with depression on and off for years. It is not completely to do with weight related issues. I did think that this would help, it has in the past, the weightloss I mean. I think I may make an appointment with my doctor. Thank you for your reply. I really appreciate it.
  • Lize11e
    Lize11e Posts: 419
    I didn't even know if anyone would reply to this topic. Thank you ALL. It means a lot to know I'm not alone. Love to each and every one of you. :flowerforyou: