mid-to-late 20s?



  • Ekoria
    Ekoria Posts: 262 Member
    I haven't read every one elses posts but I think the older I have got the more I have struggled to loose weight . I am 27 this July, maybe I am just less active though and that probably doesnt help lol.
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    According to my college PE teacher (graduate student in PE), your metabolism slows down and you can begin to lose muscle mass around 28. I have noticed that I have to work harder now (early 30s) than I did in my mid 20s. That said, it's not an excuse to give up. This teacher also showed up a picture of an 80 year old man in better shape than most 18 year olds. It was weird.

    You can get better, you just have to try harder.
  • naija1983
    naija1983 Posts: 10
    29 here - OMG almost 30! LOL

    I did notice that pics of me at the same weight several years ago show me as much leaner. I think I've definitely gained more fat and lost some of the muscle I had. Back to lifting weights to preseve them!
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    Its all true honey! - unless you are blessed with a kick a** metabolism. Id say at 25 I noticed I had to go to the gym in order to keep eating like I was and not gain. Then at about 27 I had to keep going to the gym but stop eating the way I was. And then at 28 I had a kid and oh my goodness its so much work to get just a tiny result!!

    If you are asking then it must not have happened to you at this point. Start teaching your body healthy living now and you may skip right on by that awful harsh reality that slaps you in the face at 25. :)
  • queenofgrey
    queenofgrey Posts: 70 Member
    thanks for all of the replies, y'all. at lot of very helpful information. i'm watching what i eat & kicking my butt in the gym & seeing results pretty quickly. good to know age isn't as much of a factor as i thought, so long as the effort is there.
  • annak84
    annak84 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 27 and still struggling with the last 14lbs. I started after my second child was born and she is nearly four!
    Like someone said if I don't get there now it's only going to get more tricky!

    The thing is it hasn't got harder to lose. I just never stay in the right mind set long enough to lose the last stone.
    After joining this site I have realized that losing the weight is not the hardest part, the real work will be toning up!