Needing some advice.

Hey everyone. This is actually my first post. I get on this site daily and I absolutely love seeing success stories. I started out pretty good on my diet however lately it's been pretty hard to stay focused. I'm surrounded by people who absolutely love food but then again so do I. I was wondering if anyone has any advice on what to eat. Easy, healthy foods. I'm getting married on September 15th of this year. I want to lose 30 pounds by then but I'm not sure if it's possible. I've been doing 30 day shred about every night for 10 days. The 2nd level scares me and I'm too scared to start it because I'm afraid of failure. What other exercises should I look into? I feel like walking doesn't burn enough calories but I do love to walk as long as I'm walking with someone since I'm not a huge fan of my neighborhood. I would love to eventually be able to run but I can barely run half a block without being completely winded. I also need to know how many calories to consume in a day. I'm 204 5'8'' 22 years old and I don't do a lot of activities throughout the day besides for my 20 minute workout with jillian michaels. Any info or advice would be great!


  • NCVF
    NCVF Posts: 83 Member
    Continue to do phase 1 if you enjoy it! I love it. I'll be doing it until I know I'm ready to move on to the next level. Also, try running one minute walking two minutes. Every few days increase your running time by one minute. I did this before I joined the army to get ready for basic training. It helped a lot. I'll be doing it again when I'm ready to run. Lol. If you want to loose weight that fast, try a healthy low carb diet. Get rid of all processed carbs. Eat more natural. Enjoy fruits and veggies and get creative with your cooking to help incorporate them in meals! Best of luck! And congrats!!!
  • aoikirin
    aoikirin Posts: 143
    First of all congratulations! And I would say you already look great so anything you do between now and then will just be icing on the cake.

    20 mins is rather short, though I know her workouts are tough and intense! Since running is still making you feel winded I would stick to walking but make it a good brisk walk. In time when you get better increase the pace a bit. I would try to do 30 mins of walking in addition to Jillian if that is at all possible for maximum loss. Also, I would log my food carefully and try not to cheat. Make sure your portions are accurate and that all food is reported. I would not worry about the number 30 so much. You will lose a lot of weight before the wedding if you apply yourself, the exact number is unimportant. Try to think of it as a lifestyle change more than anything.
  • julieann89
    julieann89 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for the congrats guys. I'm pretty excited about the wedding and can't wait. I think cutting down on carbs would be great since I basically live on them now. Sooo yummy!! :sad: I'll definitely take your guys' advice. =]
  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    Sure you can lose thirty pounds in three months if you are super focused. When I started running, I ran as far as I could, as long as a could (maybe 100 yards total at first?) then I walked. But I wouldn't allow myself to stroll - I walked FAST, until I could run a little be more, repeat, repeat. As for walking, it burns calories - do it! Before I ever attempted running I walked three miles a day at 4.0 on the treadmill, or briskly in my neighborhood after work.

    Just remember its calories in, calories out in the end. High protein and low carb are good - not NO carb - just watch the bad carbs. Don't blow a day over a meal. Even if you eat a 600 calorie dessert, suck it up the rest of the day and do extra exercise to counter it. Don't waste the day. (that was the hardest lesson for me. Perfection, in dieting, is pretty much impossible.)

    The thing that helped me the most with exercise was a trainer, if you can afford it. I wouldn't skip the gym session because someone was meeting me and I had already paid for it.
  • Christi6604
    Christi6604 Posts: 246 Member
    Congrats. I lost my first 55 or so pounds from walking alone, and used the C25k program when I started running. I highly recommend it, and there are some support groups on mfp. Good luck. I agree that "perfection" is not the goal - a balanced lifestyle and overall health is. If you keep active and keep watching what you're eating you'll do okay. You can totally do this by Sept.
  • julieann89
    julieann89 Posts: 12 Member
    Congrats. I lost my first 55 or so pounds from walking alone, and used the C25k program when I started running. I highly recommend it, and there are some support groups on mfp. Good luck. I agree that "perfection" is not the goal - a balanced lifestyle and overall health is. If you keep active and keep watching what you're eating you'll do okay. You can totally do this by Sept.

    That's definitely motivating knowing that I can lose weight just by walking. I also love that your diary isn't private. It's gives me a perspective on what to eat! Thanks so much =]