

  • Joneses17
    Joneses17 Posts: 135 Member
    I do agree that the weight loss is unrealistic but I love watching it as I workout because it's motivational and keeps my attention. From that aspect I don't mind it.
  • lauralizzy829
    lauralizzy829 Posts: 215 Member
    I like My Big Fat Weight Loss Story. I think its on Style. Its real people who go to work and school and while they have a trainer they meet up with every month or so, they don't have someone with them 24/7.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    the reality show Heavy on A&ETV was decent. They gave the people tools on how to lead a healthier lifestyle. They brought them to a location, taught them about nutrition and started slowly working out, gradually increasing the workouts for a month or so with a personal trainer, counsler and nutritionist, then sent them home to continue to be monitored over a period of time, then released to finish on their own. I like that concept.
  • JilianneNicole
    JilianneNicole Posts: 119 Member
    We actually had Ron Morelli from The Biggest Loser season 7 I believe come to our local high school and talked about the show and his and his family's weight loss journeys! What we see on television is all for television. Jillian really doesn't yell like that, nor does Bob. When you see the big weight loss of like 15lbs it means their week was actually like 12-15 days. At the end Bob tells them they will gain on average about 20-40 lbs back because of real life. The days we see on tv are days when they don't lose any weight because they are filming and doing challenges so it's all hurry up and wait. They also do NOT have a chef. The food is there and they prepare it themselves. If they want something someone from production will go get it. It is up to them to eat right. They are shown how to weigh and portion their food, but it is completely up to them to use the tools. It is really quite interesting. The weeks before the finale are not what I expected for him to say either. It was craziness. Ron's book is called Fat Family to Fit Family. An excellent read.
  • AnnInTexas
    AnnInTexas Posts: 75 Member
    As once said on House:
    I like to watch biggest loser and eat ice cream and imagine that they can see me :)

    I LOVE House!
    Now that's a show that's real (HA HA HA)
  • tristanathan
    Check out the British Show Supersize vs. Superskinny. They are only drawn out for a week and swap diets with someone completely opposite from them. Taking into account that they are just taking in another unhealthy lifestyle, they see how the other person struggles to eat their diet. Together the pair learns why they eat the way they do and different things they can do to help. Then at the end of the week they are sent home with a new eating plan and calorie goal and then check in about 3 months later. It's much more realistic and I still find it entertaining.
  • lauralizzy829
    lauralizzy829 Posts: 215 Member
    Ummmm excuse me y'all, but you should mind your Ps and Qs. I see Jillian creeping at the bottom of the page watching us. :wink:
  • innerfashionista
    innerfashionista Posts: 451 Member
    I agree that it is an unrealistic approach for well over 99% of us. However, there have been some pretty great stories of some of the spouses of contestants that lost similar amounts of weight while their partner was at the ranch.

    I don't think anyone should expect to lose at that rate (nor should they really even want to), but it is interesting and inspiring to see that hard work and dedication can have such impressive results.

    Completely agree. I watch it more for the contestants' stories than the competitive side of it.
  • tialeanne
    tialeanne Posts: 186 Member
    They have said on the show that it's the Olympics of weight loss and people shouldn't expect to do it that fast at home. That said, they employ iffy methods. Their calories allowances are way to low for the amount of work they're doing. I remember Sam said once that he was allowed 1600 calories a day and he had the highest allowance in the house. That's not enough to support a 6 or 8 hour work out session. What they demand of the contestants is sometimes much too much for what their bodies are capable of. Several contestants have collapsed and had to be put in the hospital.

    I watched it religiously until I started losing weight myself and realized how effed up their system was. I like the stories, the transformations are inspiring for a big person, and I like to watch the competition but I'm not sure I'll continue to watch it in the future.
  • reneenj201
    reneenj201 Posts: 6 Member
    All i have to say about that show is....I MISS JILLIAN :'(
  • Gerkenstein
    Gerkenstein Posts: 315 Member
    I hate to say this ....but reality check with that Biggest Loser program. Yes it is nice that everyone gets into shape on that show, but reality is that they are working out all day long. Truth be that once they return to their regular daily life they won't be able to keep working out as the program makes them so of course some weight will come back on. What they need to do is truly work from someone's actual life style. Actual life!! Not this false impression that everyone can work out and leave their job 24/7. I cannot stand when someone says "Ohh look at the biggest loser they can do it so you should be able too"...Ummm yea I would drop like a squirrel if I had 24/7 workouts and a chef setting up what only I am allowed to eat. But I live in reality and it will take time to drop! So I think eliminate the "Biggest Loser" show and put up a show on "Reality Loser"!!!

    The problem is that having a reality show that actually is realistic (and safe/reasonable) probably wouldn't draw nearly the attention and thus revenue.

    People should watch Biggest Loser as a source of entertainment and NOT as a model for how to plan their weight loss and/or fitness methods.

    This. For sure!
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    I love that show. Of course they are dropping mass amounts of weight because their full time job for several months is to lose weight and have no distractions like work and family. But I think no matter how you do it should be applauded - and many of them keep it off and help their friends and family lose weight to.

    I can understand your frustration that it is not nearly that easy for most of us - but we shouldn't hate on how others get themselves healthy.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I agree. Unfortunately, that would mean the show would have to go on for a couple years (without breaks) focused on one set of people. The reason networks do reality shows is to make money.....and they make plenty. They dont give a damn what happens to the people involved....they are just dollar signs to the producers. Sad, but true.
  • CraigG75
    CraigG75 Posts: 177 Member
    I agree, unrealistic. My wife said to me the other day you can lose 7-10 lbs in one week with no problem. I was like "for real!" lol. She had been watching too much Biggest Loser. Ha ha!
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    I hate to say this ....but reality check with that Biggest Loser program. Yes it is nice that everyone gets into shape on that show, but reality is that they are working out all day long. Truth be that once they return to their regular daily life they won't be able to keep working out as the program makes them so of course some weight will come back on. What they need to do is truly work from someone's actual life style. Actual life!! Not this false impression that everyone can work out and leave their job 24/7. I cannot stand when someone says "Ohh look at the biggest loser they can do it so you should be able too"...Ummm yea I would drop like a squirrel if I had 24/7 workouts and a chef setting up what only I am allowed to eat. But I live in reality and it will take time to drop! So I think eliminate the "Biggest Loser" show and put up a show on "Reality Loser"!!!

    The problem is that having a reality show that actually is realistic (and safe/reasonable) probably wouldn't draw nearly the attention and thus revenue.

    People should watch Biggest Loser as a source of entertainment and NOT as a model for how to plan their weight loss and/or fitness methods.

    Yes, it is just for entertainment, not a way of life. What gets me is people saying that the ones on Biggest Loser can lose 6 pounds a week, 3 pounds, ect., why can't we all in real life....:grumble:
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    Well I agree a little bit with what you are saying, I think you are a little off with what you say. If you watch the show you can see that they teach them a healthy way to eat, and then they actually cook for themselves while they are in the house, and they are suppose to take what they have learned home with them. Also once you have lost that much weight there is no need to keep working out that much, because you can actually eat more. Almost every year they have past contestants on the show, and they have seemed to keep most of the weight off, and then they have the at home challenge where the contestants that get kicked off still lose a significant amount of weight while at home. I think the only thing wrong is that it might set up false hope for people trying to lose weight, but if you aren't smart enough to see that these people are working their butts off at least 6 hours a day than that is your own fault. There does seem to be a lot of hate for The Biggest Loser on these boards, but there are plenty of people on these boards that have lost weight, and put it all back on by supposedly doing it the right way.
  • TundraTed
    TundraTed Posts: 254 Member
    The show is entertaining. I enjoy watching it and it can also be motivating. I started watching it in Jan through Netflix and am up to season 9.

    I thought the show made it very clear that losing weight in this manner is only possible because they are at the ranch working out several hours a day with trainers, no kids, no jobs, no outside family stress, and watching their calories very closely. They even make a big deal about how hard it is to lose the weight when they go home and don't want to be voted off. To me it was pretty clear that the amazing numbers come from the intense effort they put in and the fact that they are isolated to do nothing but lose weight.
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    Does anyone think there is much reality in Reality TV?

    I mean, how many of us go about finding our life partners by having TeeVee people choose a bunch of hotties, "date" by way of a job, and make our selections while being half drunk?
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    I would like to see a season where it is about fat percentage drop, not weight. I think it would help because A LOT of people actually do use the show for factual information. Now, that is most likely never going to happen because it is exciting for people to see someone drop 15 lbs a week so the ratings might suffer with my version. I like seeing people's recomposition

    edited for spelling :P

    Actaully isn't it about fat % dropped? That's how you win, who ever drops the most fat %.
  • AmyParker979
    AmyParker979 Posts: 84 Member
    I hate to say this ....but reality check with that Biggest Loser program. Yes it is nice that everyone gets into shape on that show, but reality is that they are working out all day long. Truth be that once they return to their regular daily life they won't be able to keep working out as the program makes them so of course some weight will come back on. What they need to do is truly work from someone's actual life style. Actual life!! Not this false impression that everyone can work out and leave their job 24/7. I cannot stand when someone says "Ohh look at the biggest loser they can do it so you should be able too"...Ummm yea I would drop like a squirrel if I had 24/7 workouts and a chef setting up what only I am allowed to eat. But I live in reality and it will take time to drop! So I think eliminate the "Biggest Loser" show and put up a show on "Reality Loser"!!!

    Preach it!

    I used to like watching it. I was motivated by people getting up and losing that weight, HOWEVER, it turned into a sore spot for me... I felt like I wasn't doing enough because "look at what they can do." It's very discouraging.