Leg Exercise tips!

dahkneeka Posts: 163 Member
Hey all, i am 5'7 and 142. I believe i have a nice shape, but I am so insecure about my legs! The fronts are ok, but the backs look fatty and full of cellulite!
Do you have any exercise tips or tricks to smooth out the celulite and tone the butt/thighs?


  • Holmfridur_Gestsdottir
    Holmfridur_Gestsdottir Posts: 83 Member
    I would turn to diet changes to get rid of cellulite. The fatty look will only go away if you lose fat, which is best done via diet, not exercise. However if you would like to build muscle, I'd recommend squats, lunges and step ups as key elements of your leg training. Deadlifts are great too. But both DL and squats require good attention to form.

    Good luck.
  • JanineAlexis
    JanineAlexis Posts: 6 Member
    You and I have almost the same porportions, I'm 5'8" and linger around 139-142 (so far) and I have the same issues.

    Check out these videos, if you haven't already http://blogilates.com/legs-thighs

    As for gym exercises, I would recommend leg press, squats, lunges, seated leg curls, glute kickbacks. Also try increasing your cardio. Time of the treadmill will help too.
  • dahkneeka
    dahkneeka Posts: 163 Member
    Thanks - Holmfridur_Ge .. you're right, when I lost about 18lbs before (from 158-140), it did reduce quite a bit, but now that I've held steady around 142 for 2 years it's made itself comfertable again on the back of my legs (the cellulite, that is)
    I will try and lose a few more lbs, and use some of the exercises recommended.
    JanineAlexis, thanks for the vid! Will definatly check it out. I am not much of an 'exercise' queen and would rather go for a walk or skate, but... summer's coming, and so are those dang short shorts!
    HERE WE GO!!
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Hey all, i am 5'7 and 142. I believe i have a nice shape, but I am so insecure about my legs! The fronts are ok, but the backs look fatty and full of cellulite!
    Do you have any exercise tips or tricks to smooth out the celulite and tone the butt/thighs?

    First and foremost, make sure your diet is in check. Focusing on legs is really easy to be honest and you can limit your leg days to just a couple exercises.

    For example:
    a. Compound lift (heavy, about 80% of your 1RM): Back Squats or Deadlifts (*use any maximal strength method, 5x5, Starting Strength, New Rules, 5/3/1, etc.)
    b. Walking Lunges with a long stride and back knee touching the ground will make you sore the next day. Moderate weight 8 - 12 reps for 3 to 4 sets
    c. Stiff-Legged / Romanian Deadlifts: Legs perfectly straight and bend until you have a good stretch in the hammies, squeeze the glutes and pull back up. Again, moderate weight 8 - 12 reps. 3 to 4 sets

    Cardio: If you have access to a Stairmill / Stairmaster then use that.