Is it actually possible for me to be hot? (long!)

I truly don't mean for this to be a vain question! I'm asking because I'm looking for some rah-rah encouragement, I guess!

Let me begin by saying that I would judge my self esteem to be quite high. I have a great self-body image and I don't put myself down.

In high school it was lower, because I'm short and puberty deposited stretch marks and fat on my hips and thighs, and I wanted to be more like the taller, naturally thin girls who seemed to have it all. I have always been athletic and love sports, softball most of all. But three months of high school softball per year was certainly not enough to keep a girl who also LOVES food in shape.

Anyway...once I got into college and had my first heartbreak, I realized after months of silly moping and crying that I'm worth it, damn it, and from there my self esteem skyrocketed. It also helped that my first summer-fall out of high school, I lost 15 or so lbs eating low-carb with my mom. She has maintained that lifestyle, as I have not.

I didn't gain the weight back fast, but it slowly came on as I incorporated more carbs back into my diet. Even as I gained a bit more weight, my esteem stayed high.

And being "hot" is totally subjective, I get that. But...I'm having a difficult time imagining myself actually being at my goal weight.

I'm really getting in my own way, psychologically. It just doesn't seem like a realistic goal - even though another part of me KNOWS it is.

I'm 5'2.

Weight in high school, 2004: 150ish (I actually had quite a bit of muscle!)

Weight after low-carb, 2005: 135ish

Weight before having a baby, 2008 (oh yah, that happened too): 140ish

Weight now, 2012: 127

Wow, you've gotten skinnier from counting calories even after having a baby! Well kids, unfortunately most of my muscle mass is gone, and that stuff weighs a lot. So I may be 127lbs, but I'm weaing a bigger pants size than I was at 135 several years ago. Sucks.

So really my issue is....I can imagine myself thinner than this, because I've been thinner, but I cannot imagine myself at 115. I want to put on muscle and lose fat, and I think at 115 I'll look pretty damn smokin. And it's well within the normal BMI range for my height. But..can I really get there?

Is it actually possible for me to be hot? Have others of you out there felt this way, and gotten to that "hot" point? If so, I'd like to see!



  • dizzydi1968
    dizzydi1968 Posts: 564
    Well I am no expert on female hotness but looking at your pics, you have a beautiful face and the bikini top/shorts photo looks pretty good to me.
  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    You're already pretty doable to say the least. I don't think you've got much to worry about in the looks department.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    So really my issue is....I can imagine myself thinner than this, because I've been thinner, but I cannot imagine myself at 115. I want to put on muscle and lose fat, and I think at 115 I'll look pretty damn smokin. And it's well within the normal BMI range for my height. But..can I really get there?

    How bad do you want it?

    I try to watch this once a week.
  • missnelso04
    missnelso04 Posts: 111 Member
    Well thanks guys!

    I really want to slim down my legs, hips, and butt - that's where I carry most of my weight. I guess I'm just looking for some success stories. I know we're never going to be 100% happy with every little spot, but...someone has to be pretty close, right?
  • skinnedknee101
    skinnedknee101 Posts: 92 Member
    I have asked this same question...of course my boyfriend says I already am hot...what a good boyfriend right? But I'm 5'3" and weight 132ish. I have a three year old. I'm really not in bad shape, but I often wonder what my body would look like at 125 and toned. I've lost like 8 lbs with pretty much diet alone. Now I'm on the verge of getting enough motivation to delve into some exercise with emphasis on building muscle, toning up my butt, belly, and arms...and hopefully losing some inches around my hips and thighs. Hope I can stick with it! I I honestly think ANY girl can be hot, it's about being healthy and confident. I need to make that my mantra and follow my own advice. Good luck on your journey to MEGA-HOTNESS!
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I have asked this same question...of course my boyfriend says I already am hot...what a good boyfriend right? But I'm 5'3" and weight 132ish. I have a three year old. I'm really not in bad shape, but I often wonder what my body would look like at 125 and toned. I've lost like 8 lbs with pretty much diet alone. Now I'm on the verge of getting enough motivation to delve into some exercise with emphasis on building muscle, toning up my butt, belly, and arms...and hopefully losing some inches around my hips and thighs. Hope I can stick with it! I I honestly think ANY girl can be hot, it's about being healthy and confident. I need to make that my mantra and follow my own advice. Good luck on your journey to MEGA-HOTNESS!

    For both you and the OP, I would suggest that the focus not be on losing another 5 or 8 lbs. You are both very attractive now. You can get your body to look even better with some strength training. Don't lose more. Shape up what you got. There are various threads here where ladies have done that. Here is one of them

    With out developing your muscle structure, you may not ever look the way you want no matter how much you weigh. Also, just so you know, as women, it will be unlikely you will develop lot's of new muscles tissue and get bulky. You'll just develop what you have and look fabulous as the lady in the link did! You have muscle tissue now that is underdeveloped or atrophied. You'll also feel great!
  • Superman_sean
    Didn't read anymore than the title. If you want it bad enough, YES!
  • aoikirin
    aoikirin Posts: 143
    You are there already!
  • cohophysh
    cohophysh Posts: 288
    um, you are already hot
  • luhluhlaura
    luhluhlaura Posts: 278 Member
    Girl, you're already hot. :)
    Focus on rebuilding that muscle you used to have and changing your body composition, RATHER than specifically the number on the scale, and you will probably feel much more comfortable (and hot).
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    OP: Already hot.
  • wookiemouse
    wookiemouse Posts: 290 Member
    Yes. It can be done.

    I was also one of those people - figured not anyone could get a smokin' hot beach bod, you had to have some sort of genetics on your side. I've been doing heavy weights for 2 years now and have spent the last year cleaning up my diet. This is the first summer EVER I have bought a bikini. Will probably blind half the nation with my pasty white skin (entirely different topic), but I am finally toned enough to feel comfortable showing my abs. This, after growing up convinced that I was born with a muffin top (that was only made worse with 2 large babies). So, it can happen. It does happen. But those people who said you have to eat right, ditch the sweets and soda and take out, and work out hard? They were RIGHT.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Wow, you've gotten skinnier from counting calories even after having a baby! Well kids, unfortunately most of my muscle mass is gone, and that stuff weighs a lot. So I may be 127lbs, but I'm weaing a bigger pants size than I was at 135 several years ago. Sucks.

    So really my issue is....I can imagine myself thinner than this, because I've been thinner, but I cannot imagine myself at 115. I want to put on muscle and lose fat, and I think at 115 I'll look pretty damn smokin. And it's well within the normal BMI range for my height. But..can I really get there?

    If you want more muscle and to look better, yes, you can. But dieting down to 115 probably won't give you want you want. You just said yourself that you looked better at 135 with more muscle. This to me means: gain muscle to look better. It doesn't mean lose more fat.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    You really are already hot, but we can all tell you a million times, it won't matter. You have to feel it!

    Someone suggested lifting weights to get the body you want. I couldn't agree more. You wouldn't need to lose a pound, just change your body composition and I swear you will feel the difference.

    Also, lifting weights changes something in your brain. It makes you feel powerful and that is REALLY hot. Try it. I know my lifting girls will back me up on this.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    annnnd another vote for you are already hot...

    in addition...don't get rid of that *kitten* too much. nothin like a hot chick with some *kitten*! ;)
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    Edit: oops wrong pic
  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    You're already pretty doable to say the least. I don't think you've got much to worry about in the looks department.

    See, he thinks you're doable. :)

    Yes you can!!
  • Kenhabes
    Kenhabes Posts: 187 Member

    I repeat...


    Are you kidding? I want a bikini body like yours, and I'm a guy!

    That is all.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    If you want more muscle and to look better, yes, you can. But dieting down to 115 probably won't give you want you want. You just said yourself that you looked better at 135 with more muscle. This to me means, gain muscle to lose better. It doesn't mean lose more fat.

    ^ Hot

    You really are already hot, but we can all tell you a million times, it won't matter. You have to feel it!

    Someone suggested lifting weights to get the body you want. I couldn't agree more. You wouldn't need to lose a pound, just change your body composition and I swear you will feel the difference.

    Also, lifting weights changes something in your brain. It makes you feel powerful and that is REALLY hot. Try it. I know my lifting girls will back me up on this.

    ^Also hot.

    As long as I'm at it.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    For both you and the OP, I would suggest that the focus not be on losing another 5 or 8 lbs. You are both very attractive now. You can get your body to look even better with some strength training. Don't lose more. Shape up what you got. There are various threads here where ladies have done that. Here is one of them

    With out developing your muscle structure, you may not ever look the way you want no matter how much you weigh. Also, just so you know, as women, it will be unlikely you will develop lot's of new muscles tissue and get bulky. You'll just develop what you have and look fabulous as the lady in the link did! You have muscle tissue now that is underdeveloped or atrophied. You'll also feel great!

    This. So much this.

    I started strength training last July. It made a huge change with minimal weight change.

