So far i have lost 25 lbs since the begining of december, is it normal that i am not seeing that big of a loss? It makes it very difficult to keep motivated when the results are not showing after so much hard work. any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated, I am losing steam and don't know what to do. :(


  • tigerlily8045
    tigerlily8045 Posts: 415 Member
    Many people seem to stop losing on the scale and yet their clothes are getting loose. Scales lie as you will hear many times. Try measuring.
  • green29
    green29 Posts: 2
    I think it is completely normal! I read a blog once with a woman struggling with the same thing and then she said she just questioned herself "Do I feel proud of the choices I have made this week? Do I feel lighter than I did this time last week? etc." Don't focus on the numbers on the scale - focus on the choices you are making to become healthier and the way you feel and eventually the numbers will line up - but don't let them define your progress!
  • JennW130
    JennW130 Posts: 460 Member
    nope. look at my tracker! thats ok though because any loss is a good one.
  • vhines57
    vhines57 Posts: 58 Member
    I just started and have alot more to lose, but the scale doesn't show much loss at all, for all the work I do. My hubby is noticing a difference in me and my clothes are definately looser, so I know that something is happening somewhere :)
  • wells0707
    wells0707 Posts: 251 Member
    25lbs since the beginning of December IS a big loss. That is about a pound a week.
  • sshetland
    sshetland Posts: 31 Member
    25 lbs in 6 months sounds like a good loss, congratulations. I understand that if you have a lot more lbs to shed, then you could be frustrated now. Are you still losing steadily, even if slowly? Don't lose heart, you've done really well. If you've 'plateaued', search the boards for further advice (there's loads) - essentially you need to switch something up (be stricter in keeping to your calories/ up your daily activity/ eat back your exercise calories). You can do it!
  • abbie72003
    abbie72003 Posts: 57 Member
    I'm almost 25lbs since early December. I'm looking at it as..... at least I'm losing. It's slow and it's hard to be patient, but life is still better lighter than I was. We've got nothing but time in life right?
  • rcharlee
    rcharlee Posts: 182 Member
    There are a lot of factors that could contribute to slowed weight loss, and those factors are different for everyone. I've lost 18lbs since January 2012, and I feel like my weight loss has slowed down also. I just found out that I was not eating enough for my activity level. Maybe you should evaluate everything you are doing. It took me writing everything down to physically see where the problems were. Here is a link to a great site that one of my pals on here posted.

    It is super important to make sure you are properly fueling your body.

    Good luck
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,400 MFP Moderator
    It's completely normal. Generally, your first 10 lbs is water weight. And the closer you get to your goal, the harder it will be. This is why, if you set non weight goals, it will provide you more reassurance. For example, losing XX % body fat, which in reality is a bigger goal than cutting weight. Cutting body fat is what makes you lose dress sizes and become fit. Losing weight is just a part of cutting fat. Also goals like, being able to increase my rep count (for weight lifting) or improve my time running a mile, etc.. are all NSV (non scale victories).
  • cwade1021
    cwade1021 Posts: 95 Member
    It's completely normal. Generally, your first 10 lbs is water weight. And the closer you get to your goal, the harder it will be. This is why, if you set non weight goals, it will provide you more reassurance. For example, losing XX % body fat, which in reality is a bigger goal than cutting weight. Cutting body fat is what makes you lose dress sizes and become fit. Losing weight is just a part of cutting fat. Also goals like, being able to increase my rep count (for weight lifting) or improve my time running a mile, etc.. are all NSV (non scale victories).
    How do you ensure you are losing fat?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,400 MFP Moderator
    It's completely normal. Generally, your first 10 lbs is water weight. And the closer you get to your goal, the harder it will be. This is why, if you set non weight goals, it will provide you more reassurance. For example, losing XX % body fat, which in reality is a bigger goal than cutting weight. Cutting body fat is what makes you lose dress sizes and become fit. Losing weight is just a part of cutting fat. Also goals like, being able to increase my rep count (for weight lifting) or improve my time running a mile, etc.. are all NSV (non scale victories).
    How do you ensure you are losing fat?

    A small calorie deficit (20% less than tdee) and heavy weight training.
  • jangletits
    jangletits Posts: 1 Member
    It seems to me that everyone on this thread has completely missed the point here. I think the original problem was that she's lost 25 lbs (great work!) and is not seeing much of a result in the mirror...

    And no, you're not the only one. I feel exactly the same way.
  • lc971
    lc971 Posts: 104 Member
    "Unless you puke, faint, or die" "Keep going" :))
  • khubcap
    khubcap Posts: 16
    It seems to me that everyone on this thread has completely missed the point here. I think the original problem was that she's lost 25 lbs (great work!) and is not seeing much of a result in the mirror...

    And no, you're not the only one. I feel exactly the same way.
    Yes this is what I was meaning, but I do appreciate all the suggestions, I am definitely going to be using them. :) and yes "unless i puke faint or die I will keep going " lol !'
  • khubcap
    khubcap Posts: 16
    It's completely normal. Generally, your first 10 lbs is water weight. And the closer you get to your goal, the harder it will be. This is why, if you set non weight goals, it will provide you more reassurance. For example, losing XX % body fat, which in reality is a bigger goal than cutting weight. Cutting body fat is what makes you lose dress sizes and become fit. Losing weight is just a part of cutting fat. Also goals like, being able to increase my rep count (for weight lifting) or improve my time running a mile, etc.. are all NSV (non scale victories).
    Thanks I have just gotten the couch to 5k app for my phone so I'll use that as a goal to complete all days and run 5k, I do need to start the weights for sure all I've been doing is turbo jam and treadmill... Thx again :)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,400 MFP Moderator
    It's completely normal. Generally, your first 10 lbs is water weight. And the closer you get to your goal, the harder it will be. This is why, if you set non weight goals, it will provide you more reassurance. For example, losing XX % body fat, which in reality is a bigger goal than cutting weight. Cutting body fat is what makes you lose dress sizes and become fit. Losing weight is just a part of cutting fat. Also goals like, being able to increase my rep count (for weight lifting) or improve my time running a mile, etc.. are all NSV (non scale victories).
    Thanks I have just gotten the couch to 5k app for my phone so I'll use that as a goal to complete all days and run 5k, I do need to start the weights for sure all I've been doing is turbo jam and treadmill... Thx again :)

    If you want to see more fat loss, aka losing dress/pant sizes then you need to do heavy strength training 2-3.times a week. Cardio is great and all for burning a ton of calories but not as good at cutting fat. Now you might lose a bit slower doing more strength training but your body will tighten up faster and you will prevent muscle loss.
  • spoox71
    spoox71 Posts: 3
    I have the same problem. I started a little over 2 months ago. Going to the gym 5 times a week, doing 20-30 minutes cardio and then targeted weight training for each muscle group each time I go. I watch what I eat and have my calorie intake set so I am suppose to loose 2 lbs a week but so far I barely have lost 10 lbs. I drink plenty water etc etc so I really don't understand it.
  • Jezebel9
    Jezebel9 Posts: 396 Member
    "Do I feel proud of the choices I have made this week? Do I feel lighter than I did this time last week? etc." Don't focus on the numbers on the scale - focus on the choices you are making to become healthier and the way you feel and eventually the numbers will line up - but don't let them define your progress!

  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    I have lost 25lbs since Jan 16th. 13 of that the first month! It has slowed down but the inches keep coming off. 20.25 total inches gone for me! But its not a race to see who can finish first! Its a lifestyle change and with the positive changes will come the weight loss. :)
  • cwade1021
    cwade1021 Posts: 95 Member
    It's completely normal. Generally, your first 10 lbs is water weight. And the closer you get to your goal, the harder it will be. This is why, if you set non weight goals, it will provide you more reassurance. For example, losing XX % body fat, which in reality is a bigger goal than cutting weight. Cutting body fat is what makes you lose dress sizes and become fit. Losing weight is just a part of cutting fat. Also goals like, being able to increase my rep count (for weight lifting) or improve my time running a mile, etc.. are all NSV (non scale victories).
    How do you ensure you are losing fat?

    A small calorie deficit (20% less than tdee) and heavy weight training.
    Sorry I'm still very new to all this... what does tdee mean?