LONG! In desperate need of help! Starvation mode?



  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    There are other posts about what you can eat to increase calories. You might find it easier if you don't restrict carbohydrates so much... but eat healthier carbs not refined sugar. By the way, good job cutting out "junk food"! You're eating lots of very "filling" foods. Protein tends to take awhile to digest and can keep you full for awhile, but your body needs some fat and carbohydrates too. Play around with the balance to see what works for you.

    I agree with another poster, it doesn't sound like you need to weigh less. But that you want to tone up? Muscle is more compact than fat. Core muscles help hold in your torso. Even if you are underweight, you can still be flabby.
  • toriaenator
    toriaenator Posts: 423 Member
    fill up on higher calorie foods such as peanut butter! i doubt you will fill full with only two tablespoons (a tablespoon is a lot smaller than people think) and this already has 200 cals!
  • allegram
    allegram Posts: 117
    Here's my brief answer-- increasing your activity level with cardio and strength training will not only raise your metabolism, but you ought to be eating more and more liberally to support your growing muscles! :happy:
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    I would go see a doctor =/ or nutritionist.
  • Morgaine_on_the_move
    Morgaine_on_the_move Posts: 228 Member
    Start working out and you will get HUNGRY! problem solved!
    But I would go to the doctor first, just to make sure everything is ok.
  • beefolks
    beefolks Posts: 21 Member
    It sounds like you want to tone up, not actually lose weight. Find a personal trainer?
  • bigpenguin570
    bigpenguin570 Posts: 52 Member
    According to your height, your weight is not totally wrong. My s-i-l is 5'9 and 120lbs and looks sickly. I'm not saying your too thin, but you don't want to be unhealthy in that regard either. I would suggest eating every 2 hrs, a constant supply of calories might do the trick. As for your shape problem, just try some easy exercise at first, like walking, and stomach crunches. Did you ever think the way you are is fine? Don't over analyze yourself :smile:
  • HealthyMichie
    Everyone, thank you so much for the replies :') I was so amazed to come back and see that I got 20-something replies within a few hours!

    Now that I think about it, I do bloat easily and I start to feel easily constipated if I eat too much :/ I'm not so sure about going to see a doctor, though, because I've tried to explain this to my parents... Perhaps I should explain it to them more seriously. It'll take a serious matter for MY parents to actually take me to a doctor! (they both have a background in health/medicine) :laugh:

    I really hope that I'm not having digestive problems, as some of you have mentioned...

    I definitely don't want my metabolism to falter, and I will start to eat more! Thanks so much for the suggestions. I also agree that my appetite will most likely increase as I start to exercise.

    I didn't know that 1300cal for me at my height/weight was bad :indifferent: That's what many weight loss/calorie calculators and even MFP recommended for me! How much higher should I set my calorie goal to be?

    So, I will incorporate more:

    --oils, seeds, avocado
    --a little cardio exercise and a lot of strength training to tone!
    --water, teas for cleansing (to avoid constipation)

    I really don't know if I can bring myself to eat more junk food again... I've honestly lost my liking for it. But I will try to incorporate more snacks like hummus and chickpea salad.

    I'll also talk to my dad (paramedic) about this in detail.
  • glittersoul
    glittersoul Posts: 671
    You can try adding an extra 50 to 100 calories till you get where you want.. Just increase it slowly and it shouldn't be as difficult. Also, you can get extra calories from dressings/ nut butters or nuts/ basically high calorie foods.
  • shbretired
    shbretired Posts: 320 Member
    how about some home made fruit slush?

    Tasty treat you can sip.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    As far as I can tell...your worst fear is imagined. If you're full after that small amount of food then your metabolism is already hurtin. Hurtin BAD. The good news is you have control over that, but will have to be willing to put in some work. And by work, I mean food. Search under groups for Eat More To Weigh Less. I started this 3 weeks ago and about a week or so in (of feeling stuffed) I was waking up STARVING. STARVING. My metabolism was kicking back into gear. Just check it out. Lovely group of supportive folks...and more opportunities to eat normally/healthy/but also lose fat and gain muscle. :flowerforyou:
  • HealthyMichie
    Don't get offended, but I see so many red flags in your post.

    Why limit yourself to 81 grams of carbs? Sounds silly to me. You're at a good weight for your height.

    I'd focus on eating intuitively, as healthy as you can/want, good fats/carbs, lots of protein, and do some weight training. Do not obsess over carbs, it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. As long as you're eating a good balance, that stuff will work itself out.

    1300 calories on a 5'8" 130 pound frame is already bad enough...but you sound like your obsessiveness with food is going to lead you down a very bad path.

    Again, no offense, just a general feeling I get from your post.

    Edited: I know from experience that a low calorie diet will ruin your metabolism. I did it to my own 7 years ago and it took a good 2-3 years to come out of it.:

    Thanks for your help :) I understand that you aren't trying to hurt me, but I want to clarify on a few things:

    --I only recently became 130 pounds. Before that, I was fluctuating between 135 and 140.
    --My weight may be fine, but that does not mean my fat% is. My belly is currently 31" wide. That is not a small frame. I'm not saying I'm fat, but I do have some work to do.
    --I eat good fats and carbs now. As much as I can, actually. None of my carbs, fats, or sugars come from processed foods.
    --I limit myself to around 81g of carbs because I am trying to eat less carbs. I try to eat six servings of carbs a day, and I eat good carbs.
    --I am not trying to eat low calorie; it just happened because I'm never too hungry. I eat when I'm hungry, as I should.

    I'm not trying to be mean, but I really want you to understand: I do not have an obsession with food. Whether or not I'm trying to limit carbs, if there's a food I love I will eat it! This is especially true with cornbread :bigsmile: I do not have a history of an eating disorder. I don't punish myself for eating or starve myself. I do not obsess over what I eat, but I do try to control my portions because I tend to overeat if I don't.

    Thanks for looking out for me, and I will definitely take your advice!
  • HealthyMichie
    As far as I can tell...your worst fear is imagined. If you're full after that small amount of food then your metabolism is already hurtin. Hurtin BAD. The good news is you have control over that, but will have to be willing to put in some work. And by work, I mean food. Search under groups for Eat More To Weigh Less. I started this 3 weeks ago and about a week or so in (of feeling stuffed) I was waking up STARVING. STARVING. My metabolism was kicking back into gear. Just check it out. Lovely group of supportive folks...and more opportunities to eat normally/healthy/but also lose fat and gain muscle. :flowerforyou:

    Awww, thanks! :noway: Eat More to Weigh Less sounds great! I will definitely look into it!

    Thank you so much!
  • Meegz84
    Meegz84 Posts: 74
    at 5'8", 130 pounds is great!

    You don't need to lose weight to lose inches.

    Lift, baby, lift!

    Totally agree with this.. you are pretty much my height and weight.. you just need to concentrate on toning.. its amazing what difference it makes to the way you look!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    It sounds to me like you are at a great weight for your height.....great work :)

    IMO if you would like to get your body more "toned" and see a reduction in inches you have to start to exercise.....the problem is that you CAN'T eat only 500 cal/day while working out. I do think some protein shakes/nutritional shakes might be a good idea to start you on your way to more calories. I also think it would be wise to mix the shakes with milk, not water as it wasn't sounding like you get much dairy on a daily basis.

    Also, why do your parents have to take you to the Dr? I'm in Canada and even a teenager can go without a parent (I don't know how old you are, just saying). If your parents are in health/medicine they must be able to understand how 500 cal/day is just not a good path.

    I agree you should check out the group Eat More to Weigh Less. Everyone there is lovely and very supportive.

    I wish you the best of luck :)
  • Caiii
    Caiii Posts: 27
    Do you work out on a regular basis? If not, maybe you could give that a try. Your body might feel hungrier/ in need of fuel.
  • HealthyMichie
    Hi, @VegasBaby04!

    Thanks for your insight :)

    I can't go to the doctor on my own for many reasons. I'm still a minor (MFP only lets you set a minimum of age 18...), I can't drive, and even if I could, I wouldn't go to a doctor without my parents knowing! My family is kind of strict in that regard. I don't roam around without them knowing. Also, I live in the US, not Canada :)

    Honestly, I don't talk to my parents about how many calories I eat a day (they'd think I'm obsessed), but I plan to explain this to them soon. Even before I decided to eat healthier, I probably wasn't eating enough calories. It really depends on what my mom shops for. Also, my mom is very stubborn. If I tell her that I'm not eating sufficiently she'd probably tell me something like "I have a bachelor's degree in Health Science; I know what's good for you and what isn't nag nag nag" :laugh:

    But in all seriousness, I just started this healthy weight loss journey, and I hope to really talk to my parents about it soon.

    P.S. My family doesn't drink dairy. I haven't had cow's milk in years! We started with soy milk, and now we drink rice milk :smile:
    I will be starting a simple exercise plan next month, and I'm sure I'll HAVE to eat more then!
  • myannapal
    myannapal Posts: 2
    Start your exercise program and eat 30 to 40 minutes after exercise, this will tone your body, adding muscle will burn calories and increase your appetite. Try a protein shake after workout.
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    You sound very similar to my height / weight and it does sound like you should perhaps concentrate less on the food side of things and more on strenght/weight training - from which you will see great results. It will also increase your metabolism (in a good way) and as long as you feed yourself with nutritious foods, you will see fabulous changes - good luck!
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    You shouldn't need to eat junk food to eat more calories. Although you may need to change your protein-fat-carbohydrate mix. You may need to eat "richer" foods, like avocado, higher fat milk or cheese, olive oil in your dressing or cooking, but you should be able to stick to healthy foods. (Edited: Ok, so higher fat milk or cheese won't work for you.)

    (Note: To the person in Canada who mentioned that teenagers can see the doctor without parental permission. That's true in other places as well, but remember that not every place has universal health care. Laws are different by location, so not all places would allow a younger teen to see a doctor by him or herself. Some places may not have public transportation, and other places someone might need parental help with paying or insurance. On the other hand, it may be an option here... we just don't know.)