I hate water



  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    There are lots of theories on how much water we should drink. I've always been a fan of water so it's not hard for me to drink it. That said, I have ways that help me drink more of it. I always pound an entire glass when I wake up. And try to have two more before I leave the house for the day so I am already up on my water intake. It also helps to find out how you like your water. I prefer mine cold and from glass. So I got one of those glass water bottles from Starbucks to carry around all day wherever I go.
  • EternalJourney
    I am exercising but not burning calories....could it be from lack of water. How do I find out how much water I should be drinking?

    Thats not possible. You are burning calories no matter what. Just being alive you are burning calories. :)
  • africaa
    africaa Posts: 228
    Nooooo! How can you hate water...it's sooo delicious!! lol (So Serious -- Everyone says I drink water like a fish smh) ..but I'd just say add those flavor things to your water. I don't like them but a lot of people say they are good.

    Good luck :)
  • lelstar
    lelstar Posts: 374 Member
    For the bloated feeling try celery tablets until your body gets used to it and you aren't having soft drink anymore
  • JamesonsMommy
    JamesonsMommy Posts: 771 Member
    mio, crystal light, cucumber, limes... All these things will make them taste better :)
  • sushiforbrains
    My doctor advised that I should drink enough that my urine was never darker than a light lemonade. If you feel thirsty, you're already dehydrated. If you feel hungry, sometimes it is actually dehydration instead.

    This. You may not need all 8 glasses every day, and some days you might need more. But keep an eye on the color of your urine. It will help you gauge how much you need.
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    Black coffee. One pot a day minimum.
  • zeala
    zeala Posts: 119 Member
    I also don't believe that we have to drink 8 glasses of water. Especially since we are all different.
    I'd say continue replacing water for the other drink, but don't force yourself to have actual 8 glasses. Cut it down to 5 , and if you feel thirsty then add more, but I honestly find it so annoying when people tell to just drink it because somehow it's set in stone that everyone has to drink that at least? That's just ridiculous.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Please don't take this as being harsh, because I totally don't mean it that way.

    Drink it anyway.

    I used to not like water, too, but I made myself drink it... and now I find I crave it all the time.

    Something that might help is either buying bottled water or getting a Brita filter, or maybe try adding lemon or lime slices to it?

    This is what I was going to say: Drink it anyway! If you were drinking milk on your cereal, a coke for lunch, and a glass of water at dinner, you've been walking around chronically dehydrated.

    Another thought: We're talking about 64oz a day spread out over about 16 hours that you're awake during the day. That's 4 ounces/120ml a hour. That's not that much.

    Chronic dehydration is no joke. I was like the OP for the longest time...then I landed in the ER with a 14mm (roughly 1/2in) kidney stone. I had to have THREE procedures over a 3 week period to get rid of it--a stent ( tube from my bladder to my kidney), lithotripsy (the shock wave therapy), AND a scope/laser combo. My urologist did 48 hour urine test AND a 24 hour urine test...and concluded that my main problem was that I don't drink enough so all the minerals concentrate in my kidneys and form stones. I've learned MY lesson, and I aim for 3-4 liters of water/crystal light per day.
  • KrisyKat
    KrisyKat Posts: 749 Member
  • guardian419
    guardian419 Posts: 391 Member
    Drink until you aren't thirsty and your urine is a very light yellow to clear...

    I force myself to drink more whenever I'm thirsty, and I've found that (just like calories) my body had adapted to not having as much, but now that it has it, I'm drinking 64-128 oz a day (pilfered a juice bottle and it's my water bottle)

    Before I forced myself to drink water, I could literally go a whole day without drinking.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    My doctor advised that I should drink enough that my urine was never darker than a light lemonade. If you feel thirsty, you're already dehydrated. If you feel hungry, sometimes it is actually dehydration instead.

    This. You may not need all 8 glasses every day, and some days you might need more. But keep an eye on the color of your urine. It will help you gauge how much you need.

    you NEED at least 8 glasses! I was drinking roughly 2 liters a day, had pale ( if not colorless) urine, and was forming massive kidney stones. After doing 72 hours worth of urine tests, the urologist determined that I was chronically dehydrated :(
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Over time as I built my water drinking up I had to pee much less:blushing: :laugh: ... it does happen, and it's a wonderful thing when that happens. Some say it hasn't yet for them but it really has for me.:drinker: Drinking water then isn't such a big deal when you only have to get up once a night at most.:wink:

    ETA: Just read over a couple posts and will admit when I slow down on my water drinking my body does get used to it and then I have to build back up my 128 oz. a day. That seems to be the amount my body likes with all the workouts, humidity etc.

    Take baby steps, don't FORCE yourself to drink bottles of it every day, but perhaps add a bit more each day and you'll get there. I refrigerate my water and that makes ALL the difference in the world in taste for me. Everyone has their little tricks.

    There's a water challenge group that's ongoing on the mainboards right now that's been helping those that have a tough time like you up their water.

    Here's the link if you'd like to take a peak:

  • ThatElliottLady
    I'm from Oregon, where the water is soft and sweet - but now I live in Utah, where the water tastes like you are licking a rock! YUK. Hate it!

    But I have discovered that water tastes better when it is ICY cold, so I always have ice on hand. I also like to slice a half a lemon and a whole lime into my drink bottle (I have a big one - holds half gallon, got it at the dollar store for a buck) then fill it with cold water. That way, it tastes a little more like lemonade (I don't add sweetener of any kind) and a lot less like minerals. Then I keep that in the fridge and take a drink whenever I think about it, or put ice cubes in it and keep it near me through the day. When the bottle is empty, I've had my quota! Throw the citrus slices away and start fresh tomorrow!!
  • missxjuicy
    missxjuicy Posts: 205 Member
    Hated it to for awhile but, after awhile you get used to it. I started forcing myself to drink it. Most of the time I just add crystal light to it. Best way.
  • mcleodconnor
    I drink 32cups of water a day. I drink atleast a bottle of water (2cups) per hour and a half. If you just take a swig every 5-10minutes, you should easily be able to drink more.
  • chubbytiff
    chubbytiff Posts: 61 Member
    drink it anyways. you will begin to crave it. I promise. Bloat will go away and so will the trips to the potty. Lemon slices, propel flavor packets try them all until you find something to help. I found that if I drink cool water with no ice I can drink it a lot faster than if I drink cold water or water that ice in it.
  • niffer5150
    niffer5150 Posts: 10
    i drink watered down iced tea or crystal light, peach bellini or pink lemonade, but i water it down to 1 packet per gallon because it was just too sweet. when i drank soda i was so used to everything being so sweet that water was a huge turn off. after rarely having soda for the last year, i can't even stand the stuff now. it's too sweet.
  • zeala
    zeala Posts: 119 Member
    My doctor advised that I should drink enough that my urine was never darker than a light lemonade. If you feel thirsty, you're already dehydrated. If you feel hungry, sometimes it is actually dehydration instead.

    This. You may not need all 8 glasses every day, and some days you might need more. But keep an eye on the color of your urine. It will help you gauge how much you need.

    you NEED at least 8 glasses! I was drinking roughly 2 liters a day, had pale ( if not colorless) urine, and was forming massive kidney stones. After doing 72 hours worth of urine tests, the urologist determined that I was chronically dehydrated :(

    That was YOU. We are all made differently. There are plenty of people who don't drink those 8 glasses and don't end up with stones.
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    Get a cute water bottle and keep it with you at work, or while you exercise. I got the Bobble (google it, it's awesome) which comes with a filter attached. I'm a 12 cup a day drinker anyway so it wasn't a struggle for me, but I feel like you might like water more if you had something adorable in, say, your favorite color to put it in. Just don't put Crystal Light or anything powder in it, it'll ruin the filter. Which is good, cause it keeps you from putting other beverages in it like soda.