6ft tall women, what is your goal?



  • I'm 5'10" 1/2 and my goal is 175...I've been at this for almost 3 weeks 5 pounds as of last Thursday just using MFP, going for walks with hubby and doing some wii boxing, you'd be surprised at how much of a workout that is! My start weight May 10 was 330 which is the heaviest I've ever been. I'm hoping to lose enough weight to sort out my PCOS issues so we can have a baby :) Nice to know there are other tall girls out there!!
  • loriwarner
    loriwarner Posts: 18 Member
    According to the lean body mass calculations + 25lbs, my goal should be 148. Personally, I would look unhealthy and strange that small.

    When I was 145 in high school, I was constantly defending my eating habits because I was "too thin." I never felt confident at that weight. I didn't FEEL too skinny, but I lacked confidence. I think I was most happy with 170. I can't even imagine ever being 170 again. Gah! One day at a time!
  • viasophia13
    viasophia13 Posts: 14 Member
    i'm about 5'10'' or 5'11'', and my weight right now is 156.5ish...I'm a competitive figure skater, dancer, and tennis player (weird combo,right?!) so i have a lot of lean muscle...but i still feel like i need to lose about 10 more lbs...just to get the extra pudge off from around my middle and upper arms! If you all are muscular, definitely aim higher than what i am! so basically...

  • Ges220
    Ges220 Posts: 17 Member
    Hey chicks. :) I'm 5'11 and 1) I LOVE heels - in them as much as possible. 2) I am large athletic build - big head :) , big feet, big hands. When I was in college and high school playing ball, running, etc I was 150-160. all muscle. Now I am 220 after 3 kids. The youngest is 2 and I would like to be 210lbs. Long term maybe 200 but I don't like the look below 200. I know what BMI says but below 200 is a bobble head look! ugh!
  • Laura_beau
    Laura_beau Posts: 1,029 Member
    I'm 6'1" and my goal is 180. When I get much below that, I get asked if I'm sick :) I tend to have dark circles under my eyes and being thinner enhances them.
    I always dread telling people my ideal weight is what most women would hate to weigh :) I always have to go into the 'its because I'm so tall' (which sometimes I hate hearing even) :)


    I'm also 6'1", i'm currently in the 260's and my first goal is 225, then my 2nd goal is 199, with my ultimate goal being 180. I got down to the 190's several years ago and was a nice UK size 16 (US 12).
  • katiepie111
    katiepie111 Posts: 83 Member
    im 5'11 and my aim is 150, but i dont want to focus on weight right now, just size. i want to fit into medium tops and pants, not large. and i want to be toned.
  • GFab
    GFab Posts: 75
    5'11" here, started at 220 gw 175.....i once got down to 180 and was happy so we're going back!!!
  • saramea
    saramea Posts: 49 Member
    According to the lean body mass calculations + 25lbs, my goal should be 148. Personally, I would look unhealthy and strange that small.

    When I was 145 in high school, I was constantly defending my eating habits because I was "too thin." I never felt confident at that weight. I didn't FEEL too skinny, but I lacked confidence. I think I was most happy with 170. I can't even imagine ever being 170 again. Gah! One day at a time!

    I was always really, really thin growing up. It wasnt until I got married and started BC that I really put on lbs. I was 130 when I met my husband (03) and I've seen pictures where I looked sick and underweight. I was 160 when we got married and all up until I had my son. I got to 152 due to bad morning sickness.
  • I am 5-11

    I started at 270.0 and finally hit 198.2
    I did nothing but cardio AT FIRST, BUT I am starting to get into toning(instanty, Jillian Micheal's, low weights at the gym)

    My ideal weight is 189.0

  • we'll 179 would be nice...lol...my thing is I got alot of blessings in many areas so I gotta be careful not to loose to much...hard to carry these things around...lol

  • sweetebonyprincess
    sweetebonyprincess Posts: 48 Member
    I'm 6ft my goal weight is between 175lbs - 180lbs
    Current weight is 257lbs
    But we will see when i get closer to target.
  • bazaar1982
    bazaar1982 Posts: 159 Member
    Gosh, I've never seen so many tall girls I'm one place, I'm usually the exception! I'm 6ft exactly and am 193 lbs ATM, but started at 198.8 never got to 200, but only just missed it!

    I was at my happies around 165175 not too slim but a nice figure, I seem to look like skeletor if I got less than that, but since babies my body shape has changed so it might be different, my hips are deinatley going to take longer to go!

    So my gw is 160 - 33lbs to go
    But I want 20 gone by graduation (5th July)!
  • karley511
    karley511 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm 5'11" and fluctuating around 180. I was 250 when I stopped weighing so I'm not sure how heavy I really got. I put on weight after 2 foot surgery's and stayed that way for almost 5 years until I just said enough is enough! I am small boned so my goal weight is 155 but really I feel comfortable anywhere in the 160's. Anything less than 150 and I look anorexic.

    I LOVE to wear heels too. It doesn't matter what other people think or ask, I'm very proud of my height!
  • mathgirl
    mathgirl Posts: 61 Member
    Where have you people been all my life, lol, no matter where I go I am the tallest woman (and often tallest human being ;))

    My goal is 72 or 73 kg. I do have naturally wide hips and broad shoulders, and often feel ashamed of it because I feel like miss Trunchbull :o
  • vanessalillian82
    vanessalillian82 Posts: 350 Member
    I'm 6'1.5" and about 80kg (176lb) and I've been 5lb lighter and I've been 20lb heavier, but I've never looked fit or slim or toned or healthy. I am no longer overweight but I'm quite jiggly and still fairly well insulated!

    I am hazarding a guess that it will take until I'm 71kg to look like I want to, and that's based on a picture of a semi-athletic girl I saw in a magazine who was exactly my height... plus I imagine the fat I have to lose in blocks of butter, and it seems to add up.

    Good to know there are plenty of taller ladies on MFP - I'm guessing I'm not the only one who has been told they don't need to lose weight or that they carry it well, and whilst I know it is well intentioned it becomes frustrating. Also, I'm a big fan of heels. Not because they're comfortable - cos they ain't! - but because if I don't wear them and everyone else does, I feel like I'm not special anymore. Stupid, I know...
  • rebecca_d35
    rebecca_d35 Posts: 131
    I'm 5'10 and around 155. I'd love to be 145, though I'm pretty happy with my weight, other than my legs. But I've never liked my legs. They are very long but not lovely.
  • spartangirl79
    spartangirl79 Posts: 277 Member
    I don't understand the +25 lbs.
    If you had 175 lean +25 fat, that would be unhealthy 12.5 % body fat.

    How is 12.5 % body fat unhealthy for a woman? a "healthy fat % for women is 23-25%. Do you mean under fat?

    I have a feeling this should have been "add 25%" instead of add 25lbs.
    A woman with 12.5% body fat most likely won't be getting her period. 12% body fat is low even for a very fit man.
  • nikic50
    nikic50 Posts: 209
    I'm 5'10" (maybe 9.5", but I'm holding onto that 1/2 inch for as long as I can!) & my current weight is 176 - I'm working on 30DS Level 3 (I'll be doing day 13 today) & hoping that I'll be toned & happy when I complete all 30 days. I'm seeing a lot of goal weight comments in the 140s & that scares me....here's my stats:
    SW: 186.6
    CW: 176.6
    GW: 165 (I would be thrilled!!)
    Add me if you want - I could use some tall friends :)
  • nichalsont
    nichalsont Posts: 421 Member
    I am 5' 10" and the "runt" of my family. I was really thin as a young adult - high 120's to low 130's. After marriage and a desk job, I was around 145. After kids, I hovered in the low 170's. Now that my daughter is a teenager (major stress) and I hate my job (more stress), I maxed at 190. I am finally getting real and accepting that there is no quick fix for this. I didn't get this way overnight so it will take some time to get rid of the excess. I'm down to 185 and would love to see 150 again. The irony is I spend so much time trying to control everything around me that I ignore the one thing I should have complete control over - what I eat.
  • karley511
    karley511 Posts: 33 Member
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