Okay...I finally did it!!!!

cassandra1220 Posts: 284 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
I've been smoking for almost 20 years (did the math last night...scary :noway: ), and I've noticed that I just can't hang at the gym. For example, I feel like Im going to die if I attempt to finish a 55 minute spin class. I'ts almost embarassing....

Did I mention that I lost my Grandfather from emphysema and my Grandmother of lung/brain cancer, so I know what the risks are. I was just always afraid of gaining weight. Now I would rather be healthy and wake up in the morning without coughing like crazy- not to mention the price! I smoke a pack a day & at 6 bucks a pack were talking my electric bill every month, so......

Went on E-bay and purchased stage 1, 2, & 3 (A six week course). I never really wanted to quit before so I never even looked at buying something like that. A bit expensive but in the grand sceme of things; it's nothing compared to what I spend on smokes-not to mention the toll it is taking on my health.

I'm sure it is going to be a bit difficult in the begining but that doesn't deter me one bit. My question is this: Does anyone have any tips that would be useful in my new journey? I'm not as worried about gaining weight (I have more control then I did a few years ago :wink: ) but I am wondering what to expect (i.e. insomnia, gross stuff coming out of my lungs, *****INESS).

Any advice is welocome....


  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Good for you! :smile:
  • tazspastic
    tazspastic Posts: 62 Member
    Remember, almost all of the nicotine is out of your system in 72 hours. So, any cravings you get after that time period are litterally "only in your head"! Everybody has different ways of coping with stress and for me it really helped when I learned about what was happening in my body as I fought off yet another anxiety attack! I scoured the internet for information about what would happen after a certain number of days or weeks smoke free and would focus on that. I made a consious effort to encourperate new habbits into my life before i quit smoking that made smoking tricky... like not smoking in the car EVER. Its important to "plan" your quit and really prepare yourself for it.

    Good luck to you! I believe if I can do it, then ANYBODY can do it!

    Cheers! :drinker:
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    wat product did u buy
  • cassandra1220
    cassandra1220 Posts: 284 Member
    wat product did u buy

    I bought the Nicoderm CQ clear patches. My Uncle quit his 35 year habit with them and he is the most stubborn person that I know so I figured I would give it a try. I know some people say to quit "cold turkey" but for me, I think just knowing that I would have that little patch on my arm would take soem of the anxiety out of it...
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I quit a couple years ago with Chantix.

    I'd tried before, but never been successful - mostly because I didn't really want to quit. I did the gum, did the patch,,, but with the slightest little craving I'd give in and have a smoke 'cause I really deep down wanted to. I wasn't really ready.

    When you really in your heart-of-hearts want to not smoke anymore, then it's pretty easy. The chantix helped with the physical craving stuff - as your Nicoderm will - but at the end of the day it's up to the quitter. You can do it if you really want to. :bigsmile:
  • tazspastic
    tazspastic Posts: 62 Member

    I bought the Nicoderm CQ clear patches. My Uncle quit his 35 year habit with them and he is the most stubborn person that I know so I figured I would give it a try. I know some people say to quit "cold turkey" but for me, I think just knowing that I would have that little patch on my arm would take soem of the anxiety out of it...

    I used the Nicoderm too. It really helps... bit like an ever shrinking "blankie". You should have received a 10 week supply though, not just six. Read the little book that comes with it and check out their website.
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    wat product did u buy

    I bought the Nicoderm CQ clear patches. My Uncle quit his 35 year habit with them and he is the most stubborn person that I know so I figured I would give it a try. I know some people say to quit "cold turkey" but for me, I think just knowing that I would have that little patch on my arm would take soem of the anxiety out of it...
    i tried those but i had an allergic reaction to the them so i had to quit using them which led me to smoke again ...........now that i want to get healthy all the way around i put my last cig out sept 3 , 2009 and havent gone back ... i quit cold turkey and i too smoked for 20 years ........i wish you all the luck in the world ..... i chewed alot of sugarless gum and would bite the end of my pens ....
  • bethany_jurries
    bethany_jurries Posts: 169 Member
    I did the same patches back in high school. Yes I started smoking at 14 and by the time i was of legal age I was smoking 2 packs a day! I quit for a while then I got back into the party scene and started back up. Then I met an amazing guy who told me he would not date a smoker. After smoking for almost 6 years I quit cold turkey. It has been tough but once you are done smoking avoid the temptations, when you crave a cigarette find something else to do. I either chew ice, my nails, sing a song, chew some gum. It never scratches the itch but soon the craving is gone and soon you are no longer thinking about it. Good Job quitting! You can do it! My 6 years does not compare to your 20 years but I understand! You can do it!
  • cassandra1220
    cassandra1220 Posts: 284 Member

    I bought the Nicoderm CQ clear patches. My Uncle quit his 35 year habit with them and he is the most stubborn person that I know so I figured I would give it a try. I know some people say to quit "cold turkey" but for me, I think just knowing that I would have that little patch on my arm would take soem of the anxiety out of it...

    I used the Nicoderm too. It really helps... bit like an ever shrinking "blankie". You should have received a 10 week supply though, not just six. Read the little book that comes with it and check out their website.

    Guess I will try the abridged version...it will get me started at the very least. I'll keep you posted.
  • Good for you!
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    I quit a couple years ago with Chantix.

    I'd tried before, but never been successful - mostly because I didn't really want to quit. I did the gum, did the patch,,, but with the slightest little craving I'd give in and have a smoke 'cause I really deep down wanted to. I wasn't really ready.

    When you really in your heart-of-hearts want to not smoke anymore, then it's pretty easy. The chantix helped with the physical craving stuff - as your Nicoderm will - but at the end of the day it's up to the quitter. You can do it if you really want to. :bigsmile:

    Did you have any side effects with Chantix? My husband has a prescription for it just hasn't started it yet. I told him not to start til he makes his mind up he really wants to quit.
  • Way to go! You can do this...I quit Cold turkey on april 1. 2009...I just set my mind to it...Alot of it is mental...Stay focused and as each day goes by it gets easier! I did put on 12 pounds but I started on MFP and have already lost back what I gained....Good luck to you! It is worth it!
  • barbarella
    barbarella Posts: 609 Member
    Good For You!!!! :flowerforyou:

    GO-GO-GO Girl!! :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Quitting smoking has got to be the best thing to do for your health!
    I wish you the best of luck!!!! :love:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I quit a couple years ago with Chantix.

    I'd tried before, but never been successful - mostly because I didn't really want to quit. I did the gum, did the patch,,, but with the slightest little craving I'd give in and have a smoke 'cause I really deep down wanted to. I wasn't really ready.

    When you really in your heart-of-hearts want to not smoke anymore, then it's pretty easy. The chantix helped with the physical craving stuff - as your Nicoderm will - but at the end of the day it's up to the quitter. You can do it if you really want to. :bigsmile:

    Did you have any side effects with Chantix? My husband has a prescription for it just hasn't started it yet. I told him not to start til he makes his mind up he really wants to quit.

    The evening dose gave me wierd dreams. I woke up convinced that I'd tossed and turned all night and not gotten any sleep. I'd slept like a baby and felt great,,, but I DREAMED that I'd tossed and turned (and how funny is that?). I just quit taking the evening dose, which didn't seem to effect how the stuff worked. I also got a little bit of the taste thing. Once in a while, for just a minute, I would get this really tinny taste on the tip of my toungue, like I'd licked inside a bean can or something. No biggie, went away when I finished the med. Those were the 2 side effects I had, and neither was a big deal.

    For me the stuff was like magic. I took a pill on monday afternoon and woke up Tuesday morning not wanting a cigarette. Forced myself to smoke for 3 more days 'cause you're supposed to. Tuesday smoked 10, Wednesday had 6 or 7, Thursday had 4 and was glad to crush out the last of the nasty smelly things. Haven't had one since, or really wanted one. Couple years now.

    I quit taking it after about a week and a half too. One morning forgot my pill,,, realized it on the way to work and kind'a thought "oh gosh - here come the cravings,,," - but they didn't come. Never took another one, didn't need to. Easy-peazy. :smile:
  • First of all, good for you for making the decision. I quit almost 15 yrs ago and I smoked for 10 yrs then. Started when I was 12. I also quit cold turkey. I found I started walking more and chewing alot of gum. If you watch what you eat, you shouldn't have to worry too much about gaining weight. I wish you all the luck and again, good for you.:smile:
  • hooghie
    hooghie Posts: 711 Member
    Nicoderm worked for me. It helped me get over the habit part (the hard part) without torturing me physically. Focus on 1 day at a time. It's hard but the benefits are amazing! I LOVE not needing a smoke...EVER, I LOVE staying warm while the smokers freeze their butts off standing outside, I LOVE not having to hide who I am around my coworkers, I LOVE that my hair and clothes smell clean instead of stale cigarrettes, I LOVE never couphing, and I LOVE being able to work out. There is so much to love about being smoke free. Good luck!!!
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    but I am wondering what to expect (i.e. insomnia, gross stuff coming out of my lungs, *****INESS).

    After a few days, you will have tons of gross stuff coming out of your lungs. You may actually cough more than while you were smoking. The stuff coming out is really nasty colored, almost brown (from the tar I guess). I thought I was really sick at first. Coughing that stuff up will probably last for a week or two, but once it's over you will feel tons better. You'll be able to hang at the gym like you want!!

    My husband had a hard time sleeping, but it really wasn't a big problem for me. He's always had a hard time with insomnia anyway because he is bipolar. He started taking an OTC sleep med and then weened himself back off that.

    Of course, you'll probably feel more irritable for a while. There's not much to do about it. You probably smoked for stress relief. Now that stress relief is gone and trying not to smoke only adds more stress. With both me & my hubby quitting at the same time, we fought more than usual.

    Those were really the only problems we had other than cravings. Good luck to you!! I know you can do it!!! :flowerforyou:
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