I'm needing support otherwise I can't be bothered!

Hi all, my mate Will recommended this site, and I have other friends who are members. I had a baby in December and it messed up my pelvis and I can't exercise due to pain and I thus have gained a crapload of weight. This time around I'll probably be trying pilates/yoga :)


  • Tinkerbell1010
    Tinkerbell1010 Posts: 134 Member
    hello and welcome, i've sent you a friend request :)
  • Boomer1946
    Boomer1946 Posts: 124
    I LOVE your positive attitude. Add me to your friend list.


  • kettle_belle83
    kettle_belle83 Posts: 94 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • LizV32
    LizV32 Posts: 127 Member
    you can add me!!! :)
  • luppic8
    luppic8 Posts: 580 Member
    Congratulations on being a mommy! Welcome to MFP. Please feel free to add me if you would like hlep and motivation! Take it slow and you can do this!!!
  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    Slow and steady wins the race... I'm attempting small changes so that I don't give up. Can you do some walking? Perhaps that might help. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • wattleneurotic
    Welcome :) I hope pilates and yoga can help you out in regards to your exercise troubles, they're both great imo!
  • Meatsies
    Meatsies Posts: 351 Member
    I have absolutely no interest in supporting someone who says that they can't be bothered to strive for fitness without support. Well, if you're not interested in doing this for yourself, and can't find any bit of motivation or positivity, why do you think people will want to support you? Get your head out of your buns, decide you're going to do this for yourself, and then look for some support. SHEESH. You make it sound like you just don't give a crap. I certainly don't care whether or not you're successful based on this post. I'm not trying to sound mean...I'm usually kind of nice-ish. And I love my friends on here and want them to succeed because they're trying hard, and they really want this. But, puh-lease..."I'm needing support otherwise I can't be bothered!" ??? Really?

    ETA: Okay, I'm feeling a bit mean anyway. Look, if it helps at all, I'll tell you that I was in a similar position...I had major hip/pelvic issues after carrying twins. I was in agonizing pain after walking or any physical activity. My doctor wanted me to go to physical therapy, but I didn't have the money, and put off doing anything about it. I spent three years like this, putting on a ton of weight, and basically being MISERABLE with myself. You know what finally fixed it? Getting off my *kitten* and exercising. I started small, with Biggest Loser workout DVDs, and eventually worked up to running, weight lifting, etc. Now, my problems are SERIOUSLY alleviated. The pain is much less than it used to be. And I've lost 45 pounds so far. You've gotta dig deep if you want this, though, and take responsibility for how you go about trying to get fit. Good luck!!
  • beckyh514
    beckyh514 Posts: 4
    Hello I am new here also and have to learn how to send friend requests
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    Got to say that you have the saddest 'new mum' face I've ever seen! Hopefully you can lose the weight that's making you sad and get your smile back :)
  • Miaren
    Miaren Posts: 7
    looks like I started this all wrong. hmm I should have mentioned I have post natal depression, hence I can't motivate myself to do much at all these days, not just exercise. It's not like this is the first time I've lost weight, I gain loads with each pregnancy (I have 3 children). The pain is at a stage where I have to physically push myself out of bed in the mornings and that's after rolling side to side in bed to get my hips supple enough to ease the pain slightly.
    Maybe I should have put the info thats on my profle here instead?


    Hi I'm Tam, amateur photographer, writer, artist and crafter. I'm a mum of three and a gamer (WoW and Diablo3).

    My weight has fluctuated since my mid teens. Best way to do this is a list lol

    (My birthday is in march)
    15 yrs - 10 stone / 140lbs
    17 yrs - 6 1/2 stone / 91lbs .
    18 yrs - 10 stone / 140lbs
    18 1/2 yrs - 15 stone / 210lbs ~ had baby, weight creeped on
    19 yrs - 17 1/2 stone / 245lbs
    20 yrs - 18 stone / 252lbs
    20 1/2 yrs - 13 stone / 182lbs
    21 yrs - 11 stone / 154lbs
    21 1/2 - 9 stone / 126lbs.
    22 yrs - 10 stone / 140lbs
    23 yrs - 15 stone / 210lbs ~ had another baby
    24 yrs - 10 stone/ 140lbs ~
    ~between 25 and 28 my weight hovered between 11 and 12 stone (154/168lbs)
    29 yrs - 11 1/2 stone / 133lbs
    29 1/2 years - 13 1/2 stone / 175lbs
    30 yrs - 18 stone / 252lbs ~ had my third child
    Today at 30 yrs +2 months I weigh 18 1/2 stone/ 260lbs

    As you can see there is a pattern - weight loss when unhappy or looking for a way out, weight gain when pregnant. I was prepared for a huge weight gain. What I wasn't expecting was the pelvic problems this baby would cause towards the end and post birth. My Daughters were both under 7lbs, My son was 8lb 5oz and I think this must have done something as since I was 8 months preg (nov 2011) I've had problems & at times acute pain.

    If I stay in the same position for too long, it feels like my hips have fused and become stiff, and I must fight through the pain, wriggling and so to get them supple enough to move. Very bad when I'm in bed. Long walks are also a no-no as I get pain then too.

    And because of this, I put on loads of weight again as I can't exercise. And I miss it. The boy takes up all my time and my diet, though supplimented with vitamins, bis shocking on most days. And because of this my depression is creeping back.

    So I went to the doctors yesterday in fact (29th may '12) and she decided to treat my depression and weight in one go with a free/discounted gym membership oh and she prescribed me free paracetamol and ibuprofen. She suggested self referral for physio and pilates/yoga as exercise instead of what I used to do when I was a member of a gym (running, weights & bodypump)

    Phew sorry that was rather longwinded, but yeah I've had my fair share of experience here. All I really need is moral support and motivation. As most the time I just can't be bothered as I'm too tired or I don't have time!
  • Miaren
    Miaren Posts: 7
    Got to say that you have the saddest 'new mum' face I've ever seen! Hopefully you can lose the weight that's making you sad and get your smile back :)

    It makes sense on my facebook.. My cover photo is my son crying and my two daughters pretending to LOL
  • hollyberry2012
    Good doctor to treat your depression and your pain ....They go hand in hand so why not....

    It's a high stress situation in your household right now..but keep in mind it was your choice to have children and therefore your responsibility to raise them. They come first and ironically that means you're health and wellness comes first in order to put them first and put forth the energy required to give them your all.

    Take a hold of your boot straps, it's gonna be a long and crazy ride!

    If you can't exercise, you can surely eat less. And if you can eat less, you can surely eat healthier. I know it's hard...I have no health insurance and very little money, and what I eat is whole and clean and little of it. You can do it!!! MFP is the place to be for accountability and encouragement. Get yourself a good group of friends and stick with them. And remember with all things it's pretty much, 'what you give is what you get'..so find somebody to encourage too.

  • hollyberry2012
    p.s. a good sense of humor goes a long way!
  • Miaren
    Miaren Posts: 7
    It was my sense of humour that got me started off on the wrong foot! It gets me into trouble a lot.
  • Miaren
    Miaren Posts: 7
    So I've written one of my longest blog entries expanding on my weight ups and downs. It has pictures showing my weight gain and loss and just looking through them to prepare them for the blog gave me a little more hope. I've done it before, I can do it again!

  • shbretired
    shbretired Posts: 320 Member
    I could see even before you wrote it that you were depressed. I'm sure two fold, first the baby, then the pain and lack of movement.

    Best wishes in your goal. ☺

    It's hard to comprehend, but eventually it will be mind over pain as the dr's only prescribe for the pain for a short term.
  • MileyClimb
    MileyClimb Posts: 414 Member
    congrats new momma:) you are welcome to add me