0 lbs since February - what am I doing wrong?

Hi All,

I began MFP in February when I got a FitBit and signed up for MFP the same day. I can't get the scale to move and need help. Right now, I am 41, 5'9" CW 138-140; Current BF 26% Goal BF 21-22%

EXERCISE _ I get between 10,000-17,000 steps/day. I lift heavy, with free weights 3x week & do cardio 2-3x week with two of them being HIIT on a treadmill and the other a 3-4 mile run outside.

NUTRITION - I have been all over the board. I started at 1200 per MFP and stayed there for a few weeks. Didn't lose. Calculated my BMR as 1380, upped my calories a few hundred for a month & didn't lose. Consulted with some of the guys who have helped a lot of people on here and upped to 1750 gross per day for two months and still didn't lose. Now I have it set back to my BMR with a plan of trying to net my BMR, eating at least 100g protein per day (I even started eating meat again) and eating more if hungry. Though, I don't know if this will work either. I am doing something wrong - but is it that I am eating too much? Too little? The wrong stuff ? The right stuff in the wrong quantities?

If my Fitbit is to be believed, I burn 2300-2600 calories per day - with 1750 of calories per day over the past two months, I should have lost 10 lbs - but nada! I fluctuate daily between 138 and 140 - which is where I was in February. I have been tracking measurements and those have not decreased either. Last week I did the BodPod and it said my BF% is 26%. :sad: 26% BF means that I have 36 lbs of fat hanging around !

I really want to be down around 21-22% which means losing 6 lbs of fat while maintaining or adding to my lean body mass. I want to be able to see my muscle definition and lose my muffin top. I know this is possible - I see it here on MFP all the time! Also I was down to and maintained 132-34 for a few years. For three months now, no matter what I try, I just can't make the scale move and am getting really discouraged.

My diary is open, so please take a look and give me some advice. I know it will come up so - yes - I own a food scale and weigh and log everything. I didn't this weekend on Sunday and Monday nights - for the first time since vacation in March - because we were at BBQs on both days and I have no idea what I ate. :grumble: I will also add that I probably drink too much - I did do a week without drinking to see if it helped me move the scale but it didn't so I continue to have wine as long as it is within my calories.

Thanks for any constructive advice you can offer!


  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    The only answer is you're simply eating too many calories. Whether by accident miscalculation or overestimation of requirements or underestimation of intake. If you haven't lost wieght in 3-4 months, you've eaten at maintenance over that span. It is possible that you've made some nominal improvements in your body's appearance despite the fact you've maintained the same scale weight. This is called recomping.

    Do you weigh all of your foods with a food scale?
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    If that's a pic of you in your profile pic it doesn't appear you need to lose weight. Of course I don't know you or anything but maybe that is why its so hard for you to lose right now, your body might be at an ideal weight for you. Maybe try to just worry on doing things that are healthy for your body and not the number on the scale, it might just drop off some of the weight you want if its needed. I honestly mean this as genuine suggestion and not any means mean it to insult you wanting to lose weight (since I don't know you!)
  • i_miss_donuts
    i_miss_donuts Posts: 180 Member
    I do weigh all my food - to the point that my family thinks I am insane. I figure I must be eating too much - but am confused that at 1200, 1500 and 1750 the scale wouldn't budge. I may be adding some muscle. Though maybe not, since my prior routine was 4 days of circuits and two of cardio intervals. I had been working out in my basement doing a jillian michaels intermediate level workout but the concrete floors were killing my knees and ankles (lots of jumping jacks, jumping squats, burps, etc.).

    How many calories should I be eating for fat loss at 5'9" 138-140? Should I be trusting my fitbit calculation of 2300-2600 calories burned per day?
  • juliebeannn
    juliebeannn Posts: 428 Member
    Hmmm. IMHO, I think think you're not eating enough. You don't have that much weight/fat to lose and you're really active so your caloric deficit shouldn't 1000 calories a day. With a TDEE of 2300-2600, you should be eating at (or around) 2080 calories (TDEE-15%). Your body needs fuel. By not eating enough, your metabolism is slowing down and holding onto fat. Again, this is just my 2 cents. I would check out the "eat more to weigh less" group. They have lots of great information.
  • i_miss_donuts
    i_miss_donuts Posts: 180 Member
    It is me in the photo. I am lucky not to carry weight in my abs. However, I do have a nice layer of fat covering my muscles and an annoying muffin top. I have gained 7-8 lbs over the past year that I would like to lose again so I can get back in my clothes and feel good about myself. My hubby says throw away the scale - but when I don't weigh my weight slowly creeps up. I was in the mid-140's for years and miserable. For my small frame it was just too much.
    If that's a pic of you in your profile pic it doesn't appear you need to lose weight. Of course I don't know you or anything but maybe that is why its so hard for you to lose right now, your body might be at an ideal weight for you. Maybe try to just worry on doing things that are healthy for your body and not the number on the scale, it might just drop off some of the weight you want if its needed. I honestly mean this as genuine suggestion and not any means mean it to insult you wanting to lose weight (since I don't know you!)
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    You shouldn't be eating any less calories for fat loss. You should be doing HIIT cardio and lifting heavy for fat loss and eating your TDEE so you don't lose muscle. You don't want to lose weight, especially since at your weight for your height, you're perfectly fine scale wise. You want to change body composition and it's EXTREMELY hard, and some think it's damned near impossible to put on muscle while eating at a deficit.
  • missjewl
    missjewl Posts: 214 Member
    The real question is are you only eating the initial set amount of calories or are you eating back your burned calories? I was taught not to eat back the burned calories. i eat between 1400-1600 calories daily when i workout... and no more. on days that i dont workout i eat a smidge less. If you're eating back then you are in maintenance mode, which means as long as you're working out you shouldnt gain nor lose. to lose you need to create a deficit...
  • i_miss_donuts
    i_miss_donuts Posts: 180 Member
    For past two months I have been eating 1750 gross - my burn is 2300-2600. I have not been eating back exercise calories.
    The real question is are you only eating the initial set amount of calories or are you eating back your burned calories? I was taught not to eat back the burned calories. i eat between 1400-1600 calories daily when i workout... and no more. on days that i dont workout i eat a smidge less. If you're eating back then you are in maintenance mode, which means as long as you're working out you shouldnt gain nor lose. to lose you need to create a deficit...
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Get a food scale.
  • meganmorsey
    meganmorsey Posts: 75
    Get a food scale.

    Her post says she has one :smile:

    I don't have any advice for you, but wanted to tell you to hang in there! It took me over 2 months to see any change on the scale AT ALL and then it's been slooooooow since then.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    masses of exercise can screw up weight loss and there's potential for extra uncertainty in the estimates of calories burned which if you then eat them can compound the problem.

    I'm pretty unfit and never done gym type exercises in my life, but I did note that I didn't lose weight for 4 months while walking the dog quickly for at least 90 minutes a day. I then greatly reduced the carbs and calories in my diet and started to lose weight, I continued to do so after the dog had gone and I stopped doing the walking. So my perspective is to focus on the eating and use a bit of exercise if you feel like it, but don't rely on it. That should go down well here, LOL.

    Your BMR is probably just under 1400, sedentary TDEE 1680. If you ate 1400 and didn't do exercise you should see a loss, you could add a bit of light exercise but I think you've proved beyond doubt that the current regime doesn't deliver. Try it for 2 weeks. In reducing the calories take out carbohydrates first, maintain protein and oils/fats. Good luck.
  • How come the high carb and low protein? Have you tried switching your marcros around? Adding more protein (this is what helps build muscle) and lowering your carb intake?
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Get a food scale.

    Her post says she has one :smile:

    I don't have any advice for you, but wanted to tell you to hang in there! It took me over 2 months to see any change on the scale AT ALL and then it's been slooooooow since then.

    Yes I do have one and was shocked to see how I was under estimating my calorie intake. I think a lot of us do. A food scale helped me lose all the weight I wanted. :flowerforyou:
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    You should be losing weight eating that many calories. Do you ever binge, cheat, etc?

    An entire week's of deficit can be erased in one meal when your deficit is moderate.
  • missjewl
    missjewl Posts: 214 Member
    For past two months I have been eating 1750 gross - my burn is 2300-2600. I have not been eating back exercise calories.
    The real question is are you only eating the initial set amount of calories or are you eating back your burned calories? I was taught not to eat back the burned calories. i eat between 1400-1600 calories daily when i workout... and no more. on days that i dont workout i eat a smidge less. If you're eating back then you are in maintenance mode, which means as long as you're working out you shouldnt gain nor lose. to lose you need to create a deficit...

    hmmm... weird! Have you been checked out by your doc.. maybe you have a thyroid issue? are you eating alot of processed foods? Processed food has alot of hidden crappola in it. i use a scale and alot of measuring cups to divie up my meals. i also like to plan them and absolutely try to never eat on the go. i hope you can figure out what works for you! All the best!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    what are you doing wrong? Using the scale to judge whether you are succeeding or not.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    For past two months I have been eating 1750 gross - my burn is 2300-2600. I have not been eating back exercise calories.

    Your FitBit isn't telling the truth or you're not estimating calories eaten correctly. If you're really burning 550 calories more a day than you're eating over a 2 month period you would have lost 8 - 10 pounds. One of your estimations is obviously incorrect.
  • I am having the same problem but a little different. I need to lose 60lbs, I lost 10 lbs right away over a month, now for the past 3 wks I have been the same weight. I am eating 1200 calories/day, and the extra calories on the 4-5 days I exercise (even changed up my exercise program). Still sticking with it, but very frustrated!!!!!!
  • i_miss_donuts
    i_miss_donuts Posts: 180 Member
    Hi Yoovie - I understand that I could be changing my body comp, but as fat is less dense than muscle, if I were losing fat and adding muscle, wouldn't my measurements change? Thus far, they have not (which I mentioned in my post). Part of the reason I did the BodPod was to get an accurate picture of where I stand so I can assess what is/isn't working.
  • i_miss_donuts
    i_miss_donuts Posts: 180 Member
    D-bates - I scan nutrition labels and weigh everything unlabeled (fruit, meat, etc.) and input it - so it must be the fitbit is wrong on how many calories I am burning. Anyone have a better idea how to estimate calorie burn? Maybe I should get a HRM and wear it working out and only log that? Fitbit gives calorie adjustments for all my activity - but since I don't eat back those calories I didn't figure it mattered.