How do i make myself feel better about me??

Hi all I'm in a bit of a blue funk at the mo.. not sure what to do to bring myself out of it. A friend suggested going clothes shopping but that would only depress me.. I need to do something that makes me feel special or beautiful but i can't think what. Just something to make me feel a whole lot better about myself..

What would your suggestions be? I'm on a budget..


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Go get a massage. Call some Physical Therapy offices, a lot of them offer massages for fraction of the price of a spa.
  • vonnywaft
    vonnywaft Posts: 182
    Colour your hair? Get your nails done? Get a facial?
  • MinkyMoo13
    MinkyMoo13 Posts: 354 Member
    Colour your hair? Get your nails done? Get a facial?

    I am due to dye my hair Thursday.. the greys are coming thought (and i'm not even 30 yet!) think i'll make it a pamper night too..
  • Trampus94
    Trampus94 Posts: 6
    You are special, you are beautiful and you are loved. You just need to believe it yourself.
  • maksimsmom
    maksimsmom Posts: 11
    First start off by taking a walk and holding your head up high. Then focus on your posture and start thinking differently. When people see a woman walking with confidence, it changes the way they look at you, and you in turn will feel differently about yourself. It seems simple, and maybe it won't work for you, but it works for me. You have to change your thought patterns. Going shopping is not a good idea when you are blue and not feeling good about yourself. But getting a dye job or manicure might help. and if you are on a budget, dyeing your hair at home is always an option.