0 lbs since February - what am I doing wrong?



  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    Hi Yoovie - I understand that I could be changing my body comp, but as fat is less dense than muscle, if I were losing fat and adding muscle, wouldn't my measurements change? Thus far, they have not (which I mentioned in my post). Part of the reason I did the BodPod was to get an accurate picture of where I stand so I can assess what is/isn't working.

    In your original post you said "Right now, I am 41, 5'9" CW 138-140"

    You're not losing because you don't need to. You are already at the low end of your ideal weight range. What makes you want to lose more weight? I think Yoovie has a point-it's not weight that's the issue here.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Hi Yoovie - I understand that I could be changing my body comp, but as fat is less dense than muscle, if I were losing fat and adding muscle, wouldn't my measurements change? Thus far, they have not (which I mentioned in my post). Part of the reason I did the BodPod was to get an accurate picture of where I stand so I can assess what is/isn't working.

    its not just about appearance or body fat either. Can you do more? Are you increasing your energy? Is your brain starting to accept the possibility of doing things that it once would never have dabbled in? Are you braver? Are you willing to try harder or do new things?

    All of these things scream success to me. And all of them lead to better all-around health.

    This is a complete existence over-haul. Cmon darlin you know this! Your brain will change! Your motives in life will change! Your desires and goals will evolve! Your heart will get stronger! Your body will look different.

    You are changing.

    All the parts that progress rotate. Its not always the scale that's moving... sometimes its our brain and heart.

    And THAT is a beautiful and powerful thing.
  • i_miss_donuts
    i_miss_donuts Posts: 180 Member
    It is by accident, less than by choice. I don't eat pasta, rice or much bread, but still can't seem to keep my carbs under 150g day - though I do try to get 100g of protein per day.
    How come the high carb and low protein? Have you tried switching your marcros around? Adding more protein (this is what helps build muscle) and lowering your carb intake?
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 999 Member
  • i_miss_donuts
    i_miss_donuts Posts: 180 Member
    Thyroid issues run in my family, so I have been checked annually for the past few years and everything is a-ok.
  • i_miss_donuts
    i_miss_donuts Posts: 180 Member
    Hi Yoovie - I understand that I could be changing my body comp, but as fat is less dense than muscle, if I were losing fat and adding muscle, wouldn't my measurements change? Thus far, they have not (which I mentioned in my post). Part of the reason I did the BodPod was to get an accurate picture of where I stand so I can assess what is/isn't working.

    In your original post you said "Right now, I am 41, 5'9" CW 138-140"

    You're not losing because you don't need to. You are already at the low end of your ideal weight range. What makes you want to lose more weight? I think Yoovie has a point-it's not weight that's the issue here.

    Hopefully I don't sound defensive. I know not everyone understands why I would want to get leaner. However, for a small framed woman my height - the healthy weight range is actually 129-140 according to multiple charts. So really I am at the top end of my range for my height and frame. That said, my goal is reducing my body fat while increasing or maintaining my lean muscle mass (which is why I put that as goal rather than weight). I gained 8 lbs when my MIL was diagnosed with cancer and died last year. I put it on thru drinking and stress eating + a calf injury that limited strenuous workouts. I don't think wanting to lose the fat I put on is unreasonable.
  • i_miss_donuts
    i_miss_donuts Posts: 180 Member
    I'm sure you are right, the amount of exercise could be screwing up my calculations. However, I am a miserable pain in the a@@ and unpleasant to be around if I am not active. :laugh:
    masses of exercise can screw up weight loss and there's potential for extra uncertainty in the estimates of calories burned which if you then eat them can compound the problem.

    I'm pretty unfit and never done gym type exercises in my life, but I did note that I didn't lose weight for 4 months while walking the dog quickly for at least 90 minutes a day. I then greatly reduced the carbs and calories in my diet and started to lose weight, I continued to do so after the dog had gone and I stopped doing the walking. So my perspective is to focus on the eating and use a bit of exercise if you feel like it, but don't rely on it. That should go down well here, LOL.

    Your BMR is probably just under 1400, sedentary TDEE 1680. If you ate 1400 and didn't do exercise you should see a loss, you could add a bit of light exercise but I think you've proved beyond doubt that the current regime doesn't deliver. Try it for 2 weeks. In reducing the calories take out carbohydrates first, maintain protein and oils/fats. Good luck.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    D-bates - I scan nutrition labels and weigh everything unlabeled (fruit, meat, etc.) and input it - so it must be the fitbit is wrong on how many calories I am burning.
    You might be at the low end of fat you can pull off just by having a slightly restricted diet and I'm not one who thinks that you should just keep cutting calories to no end to get the fat loss. I think the next thing I would do in your place then would be to make sure you're doing HIIT cardio. I've upped the ante on mine lately for just this reason. I'm having the treadmill go to 3% incline for 4-5 min at a time jogging 5 mph and then giving myself an equal break time at no incline before repeating. My heart rate and sweat are way more intense doing this than just jogging along on a flat surface. Very little to no hot water used showering after those workouts for sure.

    If you're honestly doing some GREAT cardio 4-5 times a week and not trying to eat back all the calories it should budge either the scale or the tape measurements. That's working for me now that I'm closer to my goal. The first 20 lbs actually came off pretty easy. These last few are taking more intense work. If you're wanting abs you're going to have to do more than just have a "lose weight" mentality.
  • i_miss_donuts
    i_miss_donuts Posts: 180 Member
    I usually do two HIIT sessions on the treadmill each week: 20 minutes usually about 2.3 to 2.5 miles of sprints with recovery at 6.5. I don't use an incline but could add that in. My steady state run is usually 3-4miles which I do at an 81/2 to 91/2 minute mile pace. Maybe I should add in another cardio day? I figured the walking I was doing covered it - but maybe I need more intensity?

    D-bates - I scan nutrition labels and weigh everything unlabeled (fruit, meat, etc.) and input it - so it must be the fitbit is wrong on how many calories I am burning.
    You might be at the low end of fat you can pull off just by having a slightly restricted diet and I'm not one who thinks that you should just keep cutting calories to no end to get the fat loss. I think the next thing I would do in your place then would be to make sure you're doing HIIT cardio. I've upped the ante on mine lately for just this reason. I'm having the treadmill go to 3% incline for 4-5 min at a time jogging 5 mph and then giving myself an equal break time at no incline before repeating. My heart rate and sweat are way more intense doing this than just jogging along on a flat surface. Very little to no hot water used showering after those workouts for sure.

    If you're honestly doing some GREAT cardio 4-5 times a week and not trying to eat back all the calories it should budge either the scale or the tape measurements. That's working for me now that I'm closer to my goal. The first 20 lbs actually came off pretty easy. These last few are taking more intense work. If you're wanting abs you're going to have to do more than just have a "lose weight" mentality.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    My steady state run is usually 3-4miles which I do at an 81/2 to 91/2 minute mile pace. Maybe I should add in another cardio day? I figured the walking I was doing covered it - but maybe I need more intensity?

    I can't do that pace due to a bad knee but run at about a 12 min mile pace. Sounds easy right? And actually it has gotten pretty easy but adding just a 3% incline will kick your butt. I'm willing to bet your body is conditioned well enough to pull off that pace. Tell it go guess again and alternate the incline on and off at 3% for 4-5 minute periods. Most treadmills will do this automatically if you select a weight loss or fat loss mode. I'm just talking about doing 30 min of cardio not hour long sessions so this shouldn't kill any hard earned muscle.

    Increase your HIIT cardio to 4-5 days a week too. Too much? How bad do you really want it?

  • i_miss_donuts
    i_miss_donuts Posts: 180 Member
    I think you may be right! I am going to change it up a little - add in some hills with the speed intervals. Maybe add in another day of cardio as well. PS - love the video - very inspirational!
    My steady state run is usually 3-4miles which I do at an 81/2 to 91/2 minute mile pace. Maybe I should add in another cardio day? I figured the walking I was doing covered it - but maybe I need more intensity?

    I can't do that pace due to a bad knee but run at about a 12 min mile pace. Sounds easy right? And actually it has gotten pretty easy but adding just a 3% incline will kick your butt. I'm willing to bet your body is conditioned well enough to pull off that pace. Tell it go guess again and alternate the incline on and off at 3% for 4-5 minute periods. Most treadmills will do this automatically if you select a weight loss or fat loss mode. I'm just talking about doing 30 min of cardio not hour long sessions so this shouldn't kill any hard earned muscle.

    Increase your HIIT cardio to 4-5 days a week too. Too much? How bad do you really want it?

  • Shellyeubanks
    If your goal is to gain muscle then you need to back down on the cardio and up your protein. It's not simply about calories in versus calories out. You need to have the right combination of macronutrients for your body. Right now looking at your food dairy, you are not eating enough protein and too many carbs.

    And excess cardio burns weight (muscle and fat) so you don't need to go overboard on the cardio or up it even more than what you are doing now.

    Again this is if your goal is to add muscle and not just to simply lose weight.

    You can still be skinny fat (skinny looking but high bmi).
  • FitForLife81
    FitForLife81 Posts: 372 Member
    I have a fitbit and I think it is dead on with being accurate. I even checked it against my HRM and it was spot on. I think you are not eating enough personally =)
  • stacie48
    stacie48 Posts: 63 Member
    I want to read this whole thread....coming back....we are the same age and height. You look amazing...just real quick have your thought about upping your protein to 150g a day and keeping your carbs below 100g a day?
  • msudaisy28
    msudaisy28 Posts: 267 Member
    Get a food scale.

    Her post says she has one :smile:

    I don't have any advice for you, but wanted to tell you to hang in there! It took me over 2 months to see any change on the scale AT ALL and then it's been slooooooow since then.

    Yes I do have one and was shocked to see how I was under estimating my calorie intake. I think a lot of us do. A food scale helped me lose all the weight I wanted. :flowerforyou:

    Wow, you really didn't carefully read the original post *or* this response to your post, did you? The OP states that she has a food scale... that's not the problem.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    have your thought about upping your protein to 150g a day and keeping your carbs below 100g a day?

    Didn't even look at that but yes I think at least 1 gram per pound of lean body mass. 1 gram per pound would be tops but the former should be a minimal goal. I know everyone can't squeeze in that much protein every day.

    Disagree slightly with morrisonkm9. She's not trying to lose weight but change body composition. Switching to a better protien/carb ratio and adding in more HIIT cardio should help a lot. If the weight has been constant for months then she's dead on with the calories for maintenance. She just needs a bit more intensity on the cardio and 30 min sessions won't break the bank on muscle development.
  • eknobbe
    eknobbe Posts: 106 Member
  • dethjester
    dethjester Posts: 28 Member
    Scanned your food log going back a couple of weeks. I am NOT getting down on you for your adult beverages, but you might think about the sugars you are taking in, you seem to be a bit of a fruit junkie, and alot of the reading I have been doing suggests fruit sugars are some of the most easily converted to fat. Maybe switch in more vegetables for some of the fruit? Maybe check out the Paleo Diet for hints on that score.

    2 cents worth is all.
  • zia130
    zia130 Posts: 21 Member
    I feel your pain, I too joined in February and initially saw a decrease but then an increase and steady plateau...i've tried upping calories, decreasing, eating exercise calories back, not...i've saw a brief change in my measurements (decrease) with an increase on the scale but now everything seems to be plateaued....i've beyond frustrated but still try to hang in there. I too am open and grateful for any advice / tips that work. also, feel free to friend me, we can support each other on this journey

    also, while i think you look fantastic, i understand your want and desire to lose weigtht, I myself am currenlty about 132 pounds, a year ago i was 122 pounds, i'd love to get back down to that or even in the 125 - 128 range...just to feel better about myself and have my clothes fit better again - we all have our reasons for wanting to lose weight and feel healthier, i disagree with those making negative comments about your want to do this (again i think you look amazing), we should all be supporting one another, our journeys are all very different with the hope of having similar outcomes - smaller numbers on the scale, decreased measurements and a healthier body

    one other thing...no need to answer, but are you on any medication? i'm starting to think that perhaps my meds for my heart condition are part of the reason behind the lack of loss
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Your diet, exercise, expariments with calories levels all are great. I have only one suggestion, because it worked for a friend. Try removing all wheat from your diet. You can replace it with other grains. Some people do not digest wheat well and get a wheat belly.
    This may not be your problem but if you have tried everything then this is another option. Food combining also works for me.
    (you certainly don't look like you have a wheat belly.)

    I am sorry for your frustrations, i understand it. Keep it up you are doing things the healthy way.