25 random facts about you



  • dlpnrn2b
    dlpnrn2b Posts: 441 Member
    1. I am a Christian
    2. I feel becoming a mother was the best thing ever
    3. I don't trust easily "with plenty of good reason"
    4. I am actually very reserved and private
    5. would be shy if we meet in person
    6. When I want something, I go after it, I am not a quitter
    7. I love Florida State College Football
    8. I hate being cold and would rather sweat any day then freeze to death!
    9. I enjoy the outdoors
    10. Love to go fishing
    11. would live in a hammock on the Florida gulf coast if it were possible
    12. have weird allergies
    13. Have rods and screws in my back at age 33..
    14. love tattoos
    15. photography is a passion I've always had
    16. My friendships mean a lot to me
    17. believe that nothing comes easy.. you have to work for it
    18. would give the clothes off my back to someone in need
    19. loves seafood and Italian
    20. have had more stitches in more places then I can count.
    21. love going to rodeos
    22. could eat an entire veggie pizza all on my own
    23. sleep with the tv on for the light and noise factor..
    24.Spends way too much time of MFP
    25.^^ seriously just left the eggs on to boil this entire time and yes, just heard a crack in the pot because the water dried up and egg shells burning.. :laugh:
  • m_wilh
    m_wilh Posts: 362 Member
    Oops! I accidentally hit the wrong button!

    Today is a good day for this. Not a lot going at my house until this evening.

    1. I went to college to be a school teacher and loved teaching public school but now I homeschool my own and LOVE it!

    2. I come from a family of divorce but have been married (only once) for 25 years to my wonderful husband who's the love of my life.

    3. I am the mom to four sons ages 22, 18, 12, and 10.

    4. I am a born-again Christian who is unashamed to call Jesus my savior.

    5. I try to treat everyone with kindness. It costs nothing to do so.

    6. I am left-handed.

    7. I love music but can't sing or play an instrument. It's hard for me to even keep a steady beat.

    8. I can't dance because I have no rhythm either.

    9. My favorite colors are purple, pink, lime green, and blue that is the color of the carribean sea.

    10. I love cheesecake!

    11. I bite my nails and pick at my fingers terribly when I'm stressed or bored. I wish I could stop that terrible habit!

    12. I was born and raised in the south, specifically in North Carolina and that's all I know.

    13. I've never traveled much but would like to do a lot of that one day.

    14. I'd love to complete a 5K in the near future.

    15. I lived in Chattanooga for 2 1/2 years and LOVED it!

    16. I don't like tea.

    17. I no longer drink soft drinks of any kind, having been "clean" for 19 months now.

    18. I'm really bad about putting other people ahead of myself to the point that I get exhausted and run down. I'm learning not to do that. If I don't take care of myself, I can't help others.

    19. I'm not artistic in the least. I can't even make a stick figure look decent.

    20. I'm extremely organized.

    21. I created a county-wide homeschool co-op of 50 families. The first and only in our county.

    22. I don't like sports but living with five males and sports being the center of their world, I grin and bear it because I'm a team player.

    23. My favorite sports teams are those my husband and sons play for.

    24. I refuse to watch horror movies. I personally think the world has enough evil in it without creating more just to watch for entertainment's sake.

    25. I love to read non-fiction. I don't have time for fiction as I am a life-long learner.
  • Fairlady1964
    Fairlady1964 Posts: 27 Member
    1. I've worked at the same company since I graduated from college (1980).
    2. I love roller coasters, but hate ferris wheels.
    3. I love playing golf.
    4. I stopped eating red meat when I was 20.
    5. I've been inside King Tut's tomb.
    6. I've climbed Ayers Rock in Australia.
    7. I love living in New England.
    8. I am right handed but use scissors with my left hand.
    9. I have too many pairs of shoes.
    10. I have over 150 cookbooks.
    11. I am a "make from scratch" kind of person (cooking/baking).
    12. I am an avid reader.
    13. I read books mostly written by women (not purposely, but pointed out by my husband).
    14. I love wallpaper.
    15. I like old detective shows.
    16. Cary Grant is my favorite actor.
    17. I am from a large family.
    18. I have no children, but love being an aunt.
    19. I'm a very sound sleeper.
    20. I hate putting my face in the water when I go swimming.
    21. I like football and hockey.
    22. I am very modest.
    23. I have no tattoos.
    24. I am gluten intolerant.
    25. I love to travel.
  • DrPepperLeigh74
    DrPepperLeigh74 Posts: 236 Member
    1. I love gardening.
    2. My favorite color is purple.
    3. I played basketball from 5th grade to 8th grade in school.
    4. I want to own my own Country cafe/bakery
    5. I live on a farm and have chickens, cows, 1 horse, 2 dogs, 1 rabbit.
    6. I married my high school sweetheart and will be married 17 years this August and I love him more everyday :)
    7. I would love to move close to the beach and be a beach bum :)
    8. I love bath and body works cucumber melon
    9. I like to make character cakes for my kids Birthday's
    10. I am a stay at home Mom and I homeschool my kiddos who are 6 and 9 and I love being with my kids.
    11. I love mfp , and how much it has helped me with all my wonderful friends support.
    12. I love Country music , 80's music and just about any music with a good beat :)
    13. I love yard sales and Goodwill and antique stores. I love looking at other peoples junk:)
    14. I can't dance or sing.
    15. My eyes are blue.
    16. I love almonds.
    17. I have never had a cavity or a broken bone....knock on wood :)
    18. I like reality tv shows.
    19. I am so thankful for my husband and kids and would do anything for their happiness.
    20. I wish the Gilmore Girls would come back on with new episodes :)
    21. I was a fat kid until about 5th grade when I started playing basketball.
    22. My parents divorced when I was 5.
    23. My husband and I started saving pennies and dimes in high school and opened up a savings account together and was able to put 8000.00 dollars down on our home we have been at now for almost 17 years. We bought our house without our parents knowing at ages 19 and 20 and got married 6 weeks after we purchased our home. We were in love and determined that no one would stop us and it worked out great :)
    24. I hate water chestnuts, they feel funny when you bite into them.
    25. I drive a 1999 Ford explorer.
  • Skinny_Jeans_Soon
    Skinny_Jeans_Soon Posts: 326 Member
    1. I played golf in HS and college.
    2. My husband was my HS sweetheart and first everything!
    3. I don't enjoy shopping at all.
    4. When my kids aren't In the car I drive it like I stole it!
    5. I enjoy anything that goes really fast.
    6. I am frugal to a fault
    7. I am an IT nerd
    8. I want boobs soon...real soon!
    9. I haven't ever taken drugs
    10. I am married to an alcoholic and he makes me crazy!
    11. I love to garden
    12. I want to repel out of a heli just like my dad did in the army before I die!
    13. I love horses and ride them often
    14. I Love God
    15. My sweat doesn't stink, I can be drenched in it and still smell yummy!
    16. I prefer to always keep my toes and fingers painted, it makes me feel Girly
    17. I do my bible study everyday before I get out of bed
    18. I am stubborn and headstrong
    19. I don't much enjoy tv
    20. I love making s'mores in the firepit at the lakehouse
    21. I don't have a filter and often catch myself making fun of people, a huge fault of mine
    22. I enjoy witty people and am not fond of stupid
    23. I am a mean mom that insist my kids have manners and use them daily!
    24. I sew custom baby outfits and own a clothing line that sells at market
    25. I "heart" Zumba or any opportunity to shake my rear and wish hubby took me out!!
  • drgmac
    drgmac Posts: 716 Member
    1 I can write in cursive backwards.
    2. I dress in black because I can drop in at a Sicilian funeral or double as a Starbucks barrista at a moment's notice.
    3. I have over 120 pairs of shoes.
    4. My deepest darkest secret is that I bake Cheezits and then lather them in crunchy peanut butter.
    5. The inside of my car looks like a science project,
    6. I hate the circus and Disney films. Always have.
    7. I don't own a TV or have cable,
    8. The best meal is the one that I don't have to cook.
    9. my knowledge of pop culture ends somewhere around 1990.
    10. I have four shots of espresso to start my day every morning.
    11. I hate milk chocolate, cheese, and donuts.
    12. On the other hand I can eat my weight in black gum drops, black licorice, and Mexican hats
    13. I love Brazilian samba music and jazz.
    14. It is impossible for ms to hold a grudge.
    15. I believe that fair is what everyone gets what he or she needs; not that we all get the same.
    16. I decorate in vivid colors and think my future lies in artistic design when I retire from education,
    17. I want to go to law school to learn to think in a different way.
    18. Brevity is the soul of wit. I can't say anything in less than a page. I suppose I'm witless.
    19. Running is therapy for me.
    20. I love to share a good meal: particularly Thai or Korean
    21 I get up at 3:55 each day
    22 I read the dictionary
    23 I enjoy the small things and celebrate every day
    24 I jump on tge bed when no one is looking
    25 I'm a lop sided perfectionist
  • Bignfulww
    Bignfulww Posts: 26 Member
    1. I am the last of four siblings ages 32, 31, 28, me 21!
    2. I am the first generation American from a Nigerian Family so (Nigerian by blood)
    3. I had my own Big girl dance group in High School
    4. I taught myself how to do the splits by stretching
    5. The smallest i have been since age 14 is 250
    6. I have 11 piercings ( 9: ears, 1: tongue, 1, Belly button)
    7. I want to loose weight and take up pole dancing for fitness;-)
    8. I love dancing with a passion and have not danced for real in 3 years.
    9. I want so bad to move out of my parents house it kills me
    10. I smile and laugh all the time ppl call me a giggle box lol
    11. I have only been in one real relationship (lasted a year an half long distance)
    12. I have never been on a date ( i know then how did ^ happen lol ... long story)
    13. i have a youtube channel (Bignfulww) check me out lol
    14. I have weighted about 360 b4
    15. I am 5'4 1/2
    16. I am a Certified Pharmacy Technician :-) (ChPT)
    17. I am a sucker for love it is so beautiful to me
    18. I am a ppl person but I don't talk when i have nothing to say or don't know what to say lol
    19. My favorite color is purple
    20. I am a Aries/ Taurus Cusp sign
    21. I want a Tattoo in a erotic spot but am afraid i'll regret it later
    22. I have a interest in erotic things and feeling extra sexy. (but only a selected few expediences it)
    23. I am always getting compliment with the words : Doll, Black barbie, Adorable, so cute lol
    24. I hate being called Adorable it makes me feel like a child.
    25. Ppl are always laughing at the thing I say and do but im not trying to be funny Im speaking the truth lol.
  • amruden
    amruden Posts: 228 Member
    . I have always been one to go against the grain!

    2. I am afraid my daughter will grow up to be just like me!

    3. I have a terrible weakness for terrible pop songs.

    4. I think the most attractive part on a man is his arms.(they are what hold you!)

    5. My favorite color is black

    6. I grew up in a room that was top to bottom pink. BLCH

    7. My house is always messy! But I know where everything is!

    8. I am not perfect

    9. I still climb trees

    10. I bite my nails

    11. I have been fired from 2 jobs

    12. My intuition is right, and I always follow it. Even if it mean to break a few rules/laws along that way

    13. I believe that my grandmother is with me at all times!

    14. Glad that I had a child at 18. Who knows what trouble I would have found!

    15. I’m proud of what I have done in the past 5 years!

    16. I love thunderstorms

    17. I floss when I am bored

    18. Kicks her self for quitting dance

    19. I like watching movies, but I can't sit still while watching them.

    20. I cheer for a pro football team.

    21. I like go places where no one knows me!

    22. I can fake happiness!

    23. Only a handful of people know the true me!

    24. I have a little brother who is now 16!

    25 Don’t cross me I have a very bad temper!
  • NemoDog
    NemoDog Posts: 61
    1. I have 2 Dogs Beagle(Dory) and a Yorkie(Nemo)
    2. I have 3 tattoos
    3. I drive a Toyota Corolla
    4. I love food (may be my reson for being part of MFP-lol)
    5. I have 1 brother (Bob)
    6. I love to read
    7. I'm a Virgo (bday Sept 4th)
    8. I live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada eh!
    9. I work for the Federal Government
    10. I'm Single
    11. I love travelling
    12. I have the best girlsfriends around! God love them for putting up with me!!!
    13. I have 2 god children (Jacob & Nicole)
    14. I'm a true kid at heart and love being stupid every once in a while :D
    15. I have blue eyes
    16. I went to Champlain High School
    17. I have an addiction to Diet Coke
    18. I own over 30 pyjamas
    19. Hates cooking
    20. I'm righ handed
    21. Love going to farmer's markets or flea markets to pass my Saturday's
    22. I had braces as a child
    23. I would love to go back to school - if I didn't have a mortgage to pay...
    24. I have 10 piercings (1 nose, 1 belly button and 8 in my ears & surrounding areas-lol)
    25. I love sports
  • 1Kristine1
    1Kristine1 Posts: 697 Member
    Okay lets see if I can make it to 25:
    1. I want to learn to ride and buy my own motorcycle next summer, despite protests from my dad.
    2. I drive a VW Jetta, love it.
    3. I have a lot of freckles
    4. I have never gotten a speeding ticket
    5. I may have road rage occassionally :D
    6. I love rollerblading
    7. I am a nursing graduate, looking for a job.
    8. My sister lost 70lbs using this site
    9. I prefer, small dogs.
    10. My room is always a mess
    11. I love the ocean, walking along the beach, lobster, swimming
    12. I am a hardcore nintendo, mario game nerd. Challenge me at Mariokart if you dare.
    13. My bloodtype is A+
    14. One of my favourite books is Pride and Prejudice
    15. I like chocolate mint icecream
    16. Taylor Swift was the best concert I have been to so far
    17. I am naturally blonde, but like to fool people into thinking I am a readhead :D I get away with it too.
    18. I have lost 17lbs using myfitnesspal, 23 more to go.
    19. I bought a bikini to motivate me with my weight loss
    20. I biked 220km for MS bike tour last year
    21. I love my mom and appreciate everything she does for me, even if she doesn`t know it
    22. I have an obsession with Pandora charms
    23. My favorite season is autumn
    24. I am always late paying my credit card
    25. Add me as a friend, if you read this and think I am cool
  • Hairotica
    Hairotica Posts: 24
    1. I got my provisional driving licence in 1978, passed my test in 2010 and am too nervous to drive
    2. I have a passion for mashed potatos and could eat them with custard if it was the only option to have them
    3. Im scared of froth, I can't watch a movie or advert where people brush their teeth. I have to turn away til its gone off
    4. I can't have baked beans next to egg or tomatoes. YUK!!
    5. I love jam on bread but fold it over and make it a sandwich and i can't touch it
    6. I have a mole on my forehead that I call Derek . . . and so does everyone else :(
    7. I go on here when Im at work and shouldn't.
    8. I love mannequins and have 3 called Janice, Adele and Gabrielle
    9. I prefer kittens and bears to children but adore my own grown up kids
    10. I love hares and have 2 tattoos of hares
    11. I used to be in the Kate Bush fan club til it closed in 2004

    Wow Ive run out!
  • sunkissedxo20
    1. I would love to be friends with Sheldon Cooper from the Big Bang Theory...I'd probably even date him

    2. If I'm in your bathroom and your toilet paper goes under and not over, I'll change it :)

    3. Sometimes I pretend I'm Scarlett Johansson. She's sexy.

    4. I actually don't like hugs

    5. I love to collect expensive make-up, but I don't wear much of it

    6. Lately, I have a redbull obsession. I must be stopped.

    7. I don't like kids, but feel that a marriage may be incomplete without them

    8. I have a hard time picturing myself spending the rest of my life with only one person

    9. I don't like sex and the intimacy, but I'm infatuated with the idea of sex

    10. I wish I was Carrie from Sex and the City (for the most part)

    11. I hate exercising, but I know I have to do it

    12. I find many books boring and I've tried to read plenty of them

    13. I'm a terrible driver, and I'm also a terrified driver. So I don't drive. No tickets here! :)

    14. I kind of want to be a house-wife, not sure about the wife part though, but I can totally cook, clean & do your laundry

    15. I want a 1965 (or 64') Ford Mustang...a red one

    16. Reading over some of this, I think I have adult ADD

    17. I was a vegan for about 6 months, it wasn't hard, but I gained weight.

    18. I love dogs, especially German Shepherds

    19. I also love wine...actually I love alcohol period.

    20. I love horror movies

    21. I want a huge king size bed...only for me to sleep in :)...and Egyptian cotton sheets

    22. The older I get, the less I value the materialistic things

    23. Sometimes I think that I'll be forever alone...that's a lie, I think that a lot actually.

    24. I really only have one friend, everyone just pisses me off.

    25. If I could, I'd be naked all the time. I don't like clothes.
  • 1Kristine1
    1Kristine1 Posts: 697 Member
    8. I have a hard time picturing myself spending the rest of my life with only one person

    Me too.
  • garita93
    garita93 Posts: 276 Member
    1. I used to be a cheerleader but I am not really that kind of personality.
    2. I have two half sisters and two step brothers but no full blooded siblings.
    3. I hate cottage cheese.
    4. I LOVE my job but I so badly want to be a stay at home mom.
    5. I have a biological father and a step father but together they didn't measure up to my father-in-law who died a year ago.
    6. I am addicted to my Zumba class!
    7. I was relentlessly teased as a child for having red hair and freckles.
    8. I love my husband more deeply today then the day I married him.
    9. I have very strong religious views that are unlike many in this world.
    10. I have a very good friend who has 1,059 friends on Facebook, I am not on Facebook and I am the only one who comes to her rescue when she needs help.
    11. I almost died when I was little.
    12. I am allergic to raw fruit, veggies and nuts.
    13. I am a city girl who married a country boy.
    14. I moved 25 times before I was 21 due to my rough upbringing.
    15. I spent a total of 78 hours in labor with my three children.
    16. I love trying new recipes.
    17. I have 2 dogs, 1 cat, 11 chickens and 2 rabbits and gaining another dog this week.
    18. I will never tattoo my body.
    19. I am a compulsive organizer although my house is most always messy, open a drawer or a closet and there is order.
    20. I love socializing and being around people but my husband is more of a homebody, go figure.
    21. I have a strong work ethic.
    22. I hate divorce!
    23. I am a contagious crier
    24. I love helping people in any way.
    25. Since joining MFP, I haven't hated myself as much as I use to.
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    1. I was named after my grandfather.
    2. On the day I was born my grandmother—who had three boys of her own—was quoted
    as saying, “he sure has big balls, doesn’t he”.
    3. Yes, yes I do.
    4. I share the same birthday as George Washington.
    5. I cannot tell a lie.
    6. I am related to Davy Crockett.
    7. My small toes are oddly smaller than the others.
    8. I broke both bones in my right arm in the 3rd grade… trying to impress a girl in 5th grade.
    9. I was hit by a car my senior year in high school.
    10. I am allergic to cats yet have two at home.
    11. I lost my virginity at 21 or 22.
    12. I can’t remember and she passed out before I finished.
    13. I cannot roll my double Rs.
    14. I have a wicked sweet tooth.
    15. I hate the sound of my own voice and so, in turn, hate talking on the phone.
    16. I can’t decide on whether to change the locks on the house or not.
    17. My last name is McCloud.
    18. Yes, I have heard that before.
    19. No, no relation.
    20. I take work I completed on Friday and put it on my desk on Monday. That way I don’t actually have to work on Monday but it looks like I am.
    21. I have had a gun pulled on me twice… more if you count police officers.
    22. I used to play drums in a band.
    23. I often wonder why country music is the only type of music where the artists’ accents are noticeable.
    24. The day my grandfather died was the most painful day I ever wish to experience.
    25. My kids are “my world eternal”.
  • jgardner38
    jgardner38 Posts: 70
    If you like add me as friend...
    1. I love the outdoors
    2. I love to hunt and fish
    3. I love to make people laugh
    4. My wife is my best friend
    5. I have two kids (Boy and Girl…he is 14 and she is 5)
    6. I have one dog (Boxer)…he was a rescue
    7. I was in the Navy (Seabee) for 8yrs
    8. I have been to Kuwait and Iraq (convoy security)
    9. I love my truck (Toyota Tundra 5.7 liter SR5 4x4)
    10. I like to wear cowboy boots and hats
    11. I love county music
    12. I love positive people
    13. We have a horse (Tennessee walker…Black)
    14. I love to ride my bike (Suzuki C90T Boulevard 1500cc)
    15. I work for Glovis (automotive) as a operation supervisor
    16. I have three tattoos and will get more
    17. I collect guns and knives…the more rare the better
    18. I love to shoot…and quite good at it
    19. SEC football is the best (Alabama…RTR!!!)
    20. I could eat Mexican food every night
    21. I love hot stuff
    22. I don’t like people that say that some kind of food is nasty and they haven’t tried it
    23. I have a 2011 Polaris 700cc mud Pro four wheeler
    24. I like to drink whisky straight out of the bottle
    25. I love to play video games but never have time anymore
  • cgray
    cgray Posts: 132 Member
    1. I love rats, I think that they are cute.
    2. I did a lot of acting and modeling as a child.
    3. I'm adopted.
    4. I hate the city where I grew up.
    5. I'm 35 and am not sure if I ever want children.
    6. My husband and I met at a frat party.
    7. I was anorexic in college and have food diaries from the age of 18 on.
    8. I want to play a dead body on tv (and not on the news or The First 48...that would be bad).
    9. I'm terrified of heights.
    10. I have no idea what nationality I am and I don't care.
    11. I teach at a high school despite the fact I didn't enjoy GOING to school as a student.
    12. I have a degree in journalism.
    13. My favorite hobbies are reading and exercising.
    14. I have never been to a Walmart.
    15. I think I'm addicted to payday bars and swedish fish.
    16. I don't eat anything green. I kind of have a phobia about green foods. I'm doing better. I can do dark green if I have to but there is no way I'll touch a green M&M or Skittle.
    17. I personify just about everything.
    18. I don't repeat clothing or shoes in the same month.
    19. My husband is my best friend.
    20. People say I'm easy going and nice, but I've been to anger management classes.
    21. I have tons of iphone cases...way too many.
    22. Rebecca Minkoff is my favorite designer.
    23. I can't cook.
    24. I was a cheerleader, a sorority girl and I've worked as a bikini model and I've never felt pretty.
    25. I'm a born again Christian.
  • Salamanda425
    Salamanda425 Posts: 358
    1. I take my daughter to Build-A-Bear, because I actually enjoy doing the whole Build-A-Bear thing too.
    2. I'm a good swimmer, but I'm terrified of waterslides.
    3. I own four snakes (A milksnake, a ball python, an Eastern Brownsnake and a cornsnake) and I want more!
    4. Seeing someone lick a piece of wood (wooden spoon, popsicle stick, etc.) makes me cringe.
    5. The sound/site of someone filing their nails also makes me cringe.
    6. I bite straws when I have a fast food drink.
    7. I love shopping for other people, hate it for myself.
    8. I eat raw cookie dough, but don't care for baked cookies.
    9. I'm afraid of centipedes.
    10. I take tons of pictures. Generally 200+ a week of just random things.
    11. I have peed outside at least 3 times this week.
    12. I want a Dodge Challenger.
    13. I'm secretly addicted to Taco Bell.
    14. I still like to color.
    15. I think fishing is extremely relaxing.
    16. I don't like monkeys.
    17. I can't help but laugh when I see other people fall down.
    18. I was once chased by a deer.
    19. Only thought of the deer episode b/c I just saw a deer run out in the road.
    20. I love firefighters.
    21. I play Yahtzee every M-F during my lunch break.
    22. I do not have nor plan to get an Iphone, Ipad, or Ipod.
    23. Can review engineered building plans with no problem but struggle with putting together my daugthers toys!
    24. I root for the Baltimore Orioles! (Go O's!!!!). And still LOVE Brady Anderson and Rafeal Palmeiro.
    25. I love the feeling of brand new socks!
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    This is like bearing your soul to the world!

    1. I am a huge procrastinator....
    2. I am afraid of the dark
    3. I still count on my fingers
    4. I am horrible at math even with a calculator!
    5. I don't think clowns are funny - they try too hard.
    6. I love dogs
    7. I cry very easily
    8. I gag watching them eat weird things on FEAR FACTOR
    9.I have terrible balance
    10. I don't like to run because I am likely to trip and fall
    11. I love to cook
    12. I can't chew gum because it makes me gag
    13 I can only snap my fingers left handed even though I am right handed
    14. In high school my friend would tease me by talking in a Swedish accent like was it Inger Stevens (?) "the Farmer's Daughter" if you are old enough to remember that show.
    15. I don't know when to stop - in many areas
    16. I hold terrible grudges - Luckily I married an Irish man so I can claim Irish Alzheimers now.
    17. The old "reach out and touch someone" phone company commercials used to make me cry.
    18. Gone With The Wind is my favorite movie
    19. I regret the fate that I never had children - married too late
    20. I would help anyone I love with anything
    21. I don't think I can count on anyone except for my husband
    22. I have a hard time making friends - I think I expect too much or expect every need to be met by that one perfect person
    23. The good friends that I've had for years now all live in other parts of the country
    24. My mother died 15 years ago and I don't think there is a day that goes by that I have not thought of her.
    25. I love the smell of horses and even horse manure
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    heh i just found my answer and cracked myself up