Advice on Exercise.



  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    Thank you to everyone for all of the tips and advice. I think I do need to work on my motivation and try and break through the tiredness barrier. My daughter maybe nearly two but she is still up a few times a night and then I am up at 6.30am. I suppose once I start eating healthily and drinking more water then I might not feel as tired and sluggish and will do more and then feel better - un- vicious circle :bigsmile:
    I will try and work out a schedule for myself and try and get some time to do a little bit when I can.
    xx :happy:

    your schedule sounds similar to mine, except I also have homework to do when I get home from work. I get up between 5 and 530 everyday to exercise before the kids wake up, if I'm running short on time I do a body rock workout, they're only about 12 minutes long! I plan my dinners out for a week and do much prep in the morning so when I get home an am exhausted I only need to pop a pan in the oven or dump stuff into a skillet..... I say it all the time: you have to treat exercise like every other aspect of your life - you wouldn't call out to work because you didnt have time or were tired? treat it like that.
  • Penelope2Plyr
    Penelope2Plyr Posts: 166 Member
    I think you really know within yourself, just make yourself do it. Surely you get breaks on your sitting job, get up and walk. I agree you need to work on your motivation and healthy eating and it will make 100% difference in your want to. When you want to bad enough, you will! Sorry to sound rough, but this has proved true for me. I love the new me that eats right and does my exercises. GL
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    Thank you to everyone for all of the tips and advice. I think I do need to work on my motivation and try and break through the tiredness barrier. My daughter maybe nearly two but she is still up a few times a night and then I am up at 6.30am. I suppose once I start eating healthily and drinking more water then I might not feel as tired and sluggish and will do more and then feel better - un- vicious circle :bigsmile:
    I will try and work out a schedule for myself and try and get some time to do a little bit when I can.
    xx :happy:

    It's sort of a catch-22. When you aren't in shape and/or eating properly, you don't have the energy to workout. Once you are in shape and eating properly, your energy level will skyrocket. Just try to squeeze in a little workout here or there and before long, you will be looking forward to working out. I have a very sedentary job and literally can't wait to leave work to get to the gym every day. Right now I am on vacation, so my exercise consists of hiking with my dogs and doing the 30 day shred. And some fishing...
  • Alysgrma
    Alysgrma Posts: 365 Member
    You can always walk on your lunch even for a brisk 15 min walk, there are resistant bands that I keep at my desk so when the phone isn't ringing and no one around I break them out for a quick 10 min workout...which I just did. I also use a ream of paper, lift it over your head then behind your will be amazed of the workout you get by doing that. But, what you put into anything is what you get out of it!!!! My pastor always says "if there is something you want to do, YOU will find a way to do it" Take your daughter on a walk after dinner. It is teaching her to be active too, not only that the fresh air should help her sleep through the night....will help you too. 10-15 min walk or anything is better then nothing.

    Good Luck, YOU can do this, put your mind around it and JUST DO IT!!

  • MollyMinx
    MollyMinx Posts: 14
    Thank you so much everyone! Can you all come and live near me so you can provide motivation and positivity when I'm lacking some!
    :heart: :bigsmile:
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    I'm with everyone else - you just have to do it.

    I get up early for my strength training and throw in cardio at night for 30-60 minutes. My family understands why I do it. If we have other obligations, I work my workout schedule around them. Your family should be supportive of you and your quest for health.

    Or do things together - go ride bikes. Go for walks and hikes. Go to the pool and swim. There's plenty you can do together as a family as well.
  • Snowbird73
    Snowbird73 Posts: 25
    My sympathies are with you MollyMinx. I was in a similar situation prior retirement and know how you feel. Regrettably, I did nothing until I had practically wrecked my body and now I am 30 lbs overweight, have high blood sugar, hypertension, etc., etc. Please do not wait too late. You need to be there for your daughter in the years to come. All of the suggestions look good to me, but remember, the best exercise for you is the one you can actually do. Keep trying.:heart:
  • TMcSter
    TMcSter Posts: 69 Member
    what do you do for work? If it is mainly on your feet that is exercise.. And walking does help you lose weight and you just gotta watch your calories

    Unfortunately my job is in admin so just involves me sitting on my bum at a desk :(

    Me too! I walk on my lunch hour. 40 minutes of walking and I pack my lunch and eat it during the other 20. Good luck!
  • Chelkb
    Chelkb Posts: 65 Member
    It's hard being a working mom but as everyone else stated, you just need to find the time. 15-20 minute HIT exercises 3 to 4 times per week. During the winter, I used to get up at 4:45 to run 45 minutes on the treadmill. It was my only time to do it. There were plenty of mornings I hated that alarm clock but after my workout was finished, I never once regretted getting up. Now that the weather is nice and I have longer daylight hours, I am back to running outside (I also do kettlebell workouts when the hubby works late) but between my job, my husband's job (which he works an hour away and is on call every other evening and weekend), my son's extracurricular activities and my daughter, it can be exhausting. I always feel so much better though after a good workout plus it is great for the kids to see how important physical activity is.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    I walk every day on my lunch break (many of us where I work do), and squeeze an hour or so of exercise between putting the kid to bed and dinner. Quite often in fact I make dinner at the same time as exercising; taking breaks between sets to get things going and tend to the oven/stove.
  • zeala
    zeala Posts: 119 Member
    My husband and I get home around 7pm, then have dinner and go to the gym at around 9:30/10pm. Stay there for about 45min and head home. We do this about 3 days on the week day and then morning work out on the weekends.
    My friend thinks it's crazy that we work out that late, but it works for us.
    A lot of people also just get up earlier to do their work out. You could go an hour earlier to bed and then get up earlier. Yes it sucks, it's not fun, but can't be excused as having no time.
  • sglato
    sglato Posts: 28 Member
    That used to be my excuse. That I never had time. But I realized that there is always time for exercise. You can buy workouts to do at home. I have Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, and pretty much all of Denise Austins dvds. All it takes is 30 mins a day. Wake up 45 mins earlier for work, if you have too. Even walking around the neighborhood helps. If you really want to exercise you could find a way to do. Good Luck, and you can do this!!!