Lady, are those all yours? With pic!

Yes, all the people in this photo with me are my children. I birthed all seven of them and I have the stretch marks to prove it (which, btw...looks like a road map of the United States on my abdomen) :laugh: LOL....okay....I'll try to get serious....

So can my body actually win the battle of weight loss after it's been through the ringer with so many pregnancies? I feel like my body is in rebellion and refusing to let go of weight. I'm over 40, multiple pregnancies, morbidly obese family history, and I've yo-yoed soooo many times on all kinds of fad diets that I'm thinking my body just says FORGET IT. :sad: Are there others out there that have experienced this? Any thoughts?

Okay, now you can laugh, but each new year when I see the People magazine where folks have lost a lot of weight, I think...Girl, one day YOU will be on that cover.... hahaha Now wouldn't that be cool? After all these kids to see a thinner me and know that I did it the RIGHT WAY...without gimmicks or surgery..... Well, a girl can dream can't she? LOL:laugh:

If you want to view my fitness/food diary, feel free to add me as a friend. :flowerforyou:



  • flobee76
    flobee76 Posts: 67 Member
    First of all, I think you are an amazing woman to have carried all those beautiful children! God bless you!

    Secondly, good for you for wanting to get healthy!!

    I don't really have any advice as I am here for basically the same reasons you have. I am just trying to make time for myself to exercise and eat better (I am a homeschooling mom of 3) and break away from the emotional eating!!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,228 Member
    Yes, you can get rid of the fat, but it will take time and effort. It may not come off quickly, but if you are diligent in changing your lifestyle it will come off.
    FORGVN Posts: 20
    You are doing great! Watching your progess is simply amazing. You have come a long way in a very short amount of time. While I am most certainly not a lady ... I tell you ... it is not a dream, you will do this. You already started.

    BTW, five kiddos and one more on the way.:drinker:
  • robinhardysmall
    robinhardysmall Posts: 246 Member
    I have yo yo'd since my 18th birthday- but it is starting to work slowly- one day at a time- one meal at a time- one snack at a time is my motto right now. You can do this- it just may take some time~ and if you need support- come on back- it's always here :)
  • RipperSB
    RipperSB Posts: 315 Member
    Yes, all the people in this photo with me are my children. I birthed all seven of them and I have the stretch marks to prove it (which, btw...looks like a road map of the United States on my abdomen) :laugh: LOL....okay....I'll try to get serious....

    So can my body actually win the battle of weight loss after it's been through the ringer with so many pregnancies? I feel like my body is in rebellion and refusing to let go of weight. I'm over 40, multiple pregnancies, morbidly obese family history, and I've yo-yoed soooo many times on all kinds of fad diets that I'm thinking my body just says FORGET IT. :sad: Are there others out there that have experienced this? Any thoughts?

    Okay, now you can laugh, but each new year when I see the People magazine where folks have lost a lot of weight, I think...Girl, one day YOU will be on that cover.... hahaha Now wouldn't that be cool? After all these kids to see a thinner me and know that I did it the RIGHT WAY...without gimmicks or surgery..... Well, a girl can dream can't she? LOL:laugh:

    If you want to view my fitness/food diary, feel free to add me as a friend. :flowerforyou:


    Well, you certainly have the right attitude which, I believe, is the most important thing. Friend request on the way.
  • Sunpoet
    Sunpoet Posts: 67
    What a beautiful family you have, I can see the differences in their personalities just by the picture. I will add my support to the rest, yes, you CAN do this. Look at what you've accomplished so far? You're a strong woman and strong women can do anything.
  • tuneweplay
    tuneweplay Posts: 36 Member
    May God Bless you where you are planted.

    My advice for what it's worth:
    Track calories daily - and don't try to eat too few...this will only last temporarily.
    Exercise regularly.
    Get enough sleep.
    Drink water.
    Seek support (at home, at your YMCA, at Church, on MFP).

    I pray God grant you the ability and desire to lose the weight you are seeking to lose,
    AND that you could one day be "that woman" on the cover of a magazine.
    Most importantly, that He would give you positive reinforcement so that you know - you are a beautiful person.

    Show this fickle world it can be done the "right way". We could use a few more role models - and what a great mission field you have, right in your own home!

    Psalm 127:3-5
    3 Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord,
    the fruit of the womb a reward.
    4 Like arrows in the hand of a warrior
    are the children[a] of one's youth.
    5 Blessed is the man
    who fills his quiver with them!
    He shall not be put to shame
    when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.
  • nurserae7
    nurserae7 Posts: 43 Member
    :bigsmile: Thank you all!!!

    I appreciate the warm comments about my *brood*. I have made some special friends on MFP who have spurred me on with encouragement. And I would really like to be an inspiration to my children and others on being fit for life. And now I'm glad to meet some new friends as well! ((HUGS))