

I'm new here. I've tried tracking and such before, but thus far haven't been able to keep on track. I'm hoping that this time will change.

I look forward to exploring the site and learning new ways to improve my diet/excersize program!



  • onyxangel
    onyxangel Posts: 4 Member

    I'm new here. I've tried tracking and such before, but thus far haven't been able to keep on track. I'm hoping that this time will change.

    I look forward to exploring the site and learning new ways to improve my diet/excersize program!

  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,996 Member
    Well, the way to be successful is to keep on trying, learning more about what works for you as you go. Don’t give up. When you have a problem or a question come here to the forums and ask.

    Guaranteed someone can help.