Coffee Suggestions



  • mdcjmom
    mdcjmom Posts: 597 Member
    Torani sugar free syrups and zero calories creamer plus 0 calorie sweetner!
  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    Congratulations on kicking the other vices! I agree, brewing good coffee and fresh ground is best. However, you can make some "gourmet coffee" by adding some cinnamon or vanilla to the grounds before brewing. I also have added orange peel with the cinnamon and it is great! I also like the milk/cream in my coffee so I add 1% milk. Lastly, I have added 1% chocolate milk, which is a better alternative to the coffee creamers. Hope these tips help!

    Bahaha, this is more or less what I said, but you beat me to it!!
  • Dovekat
    Dovekat Posts: 263 Member
    I use semi skimmed milk (1.7% fat milk) and a little cinnamon in mine, if I want it sweet (for me) I add half a teaspoon of honey, I have also been known to add in a teaspoon of coco from time to time or take black if it's a good coffee. I've never had (or even heard of) liquid coffee mate only the powder and then I only use it if I've no other option; it has a funny after taste. At the end of the day I don't think a few cups (or mugs :-D) of really tasty coffee that you love will destroy your efforts, like others have said everything in moderation.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    How many calories are we talking about, here?

    If your preferred creamer already has some sugar, lose the Stevia and see if you can get used to it a little less sweet. Eventually, you might find that you like non-creamer flavors, then just coffee.

    I started drinking coffee with cream and sugar, then switched for a while to adding a touch of cinnamon, then found that I suddenly didn't need the "sweet" and just enjoyed the flavor of black coffee. I do like the flavored coffees (the ones that have flavoring in the grounds) occasionally, but I usually just drink it black now.

    But, seriously, it's also OK to keep it if it fits in your budget. You're making a lifestyle change here, but you don't have to give up EVERYTHING.
  • try using almond milk, agave nectar and natural spices like, cinnamon, nutmeg,pumpkin spice or even allspice. Sounds crazy but it works. I have to watch my sugar intake so i had to switch,, most days i just drink it with the almond milk only. Hope this helps.
  • brm12450
    brm12450 Posts: 2 Member
    I use my keurig all the time. Flavored coffee--I'm drinking coconut now. Add a little lowfat half and half (not full or non)(2T) and sweetener that comes in the bottle (all sorts of flavor). Each time you drink coffee cut back a little on the sweetener and eventually/hopefully you will be able to drink w/o sweetener. Green Mt has iced coffee k cups.
  • Brizoeller
    Brizoeller Posts: 182 Member
    Thanks everyone. Some very good ideas! And i definitely don't want to give up everything. I like a cupcake now and again and such. I don't diet, i've just changed my way of eating. I just am trying to eat a little shall we say "cleaner" so i thought maybe a more natural way for the coffee may be best. I definitely will try these ideas though, i will try anything once :) i love how many different things people use, keep them coming!
  • chayleah
    chayleah Posts: 51 Member
    I have recently started mixing black coffee with my protein powder. The protein powder adds enough sweetness and creaminess that I don't need anything else & it helps me reach my protein goals for the day.
  • bluenote37
    bluenote37 Posts: 1 Member
    I use Vanilla flavor soy milk in replacement french vanilla creamer:) you barely notice the difference
  • spikefoot
    spikefoot Posts: 419
    I am fighting the coffee battle here.

    I own a french press, coffee maker and a tassimo machine.

    Ideally I like cream and sugar in my coffee.

    For some reason I started to hate adding dairy to my coffee (don't ask, I don't know why).

    So I switched to coffee whitener and sugar. I got really addicted to it and it is by far my favorite.

    I hate the chemicals in whitener and not a fan of sugar in general....well I am a fan but you get my point.

    I switched to just whitener and I slowly reduce the amount until it is borderline tolerable/enjoyable.

    I can now drink a black coffee here and there but it is by no means my top choice.

    Personally I would hang on to something you enjoy and just be mindful of how much you are consuming. In the end I am sure we absorb more toxins from our environment than we do from the occasional coffee the way we like it. I know it isn't the same as calories but that is how I try to justify it. Today I put whitener in my coffee with a clear conscience.

    I have tried stevia, almond milk, brown sugar, cocoa, agave nectar, coconut milk, soya milk etc... They all taste terrible imo.

    Good luck
  • BustyTransformer
    BustyTransformer Posts: 45 Member
    I just throw in instant coffee into my morning whey shake. It tastes great and It's like a punch in the face ( in a good way).
  • keep your vice.

    cut Calories some place else, jog a few flights of stairs!

    dont have to give up EVERYTHING you love in life!

    This. Yes. Seconded.
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    I use whey protein powder as my creamer with sugar free Toriani syrup (cinnamon brown sugar is my fav) and sometimes I add a splash of unsweetened soy or almond milk.....tastes like a cinnamon dulce latte from star bucks, is low in sugar/fat and has lots of protein.
  • HollywoodDJ
    HollywoodDJ Posts: 296
    I haven't given up my coffee and Creamer...and the good news is...I don't have to!

    Switch to the powdered form of sweetened cream and you will save yourself a ton of calories. I use the Caramel Macchiato and it's only 60 calories for 4 tsps.

    Glad you switched to Stevia....(I have a personal reason for hating Artificial Sweeteners - cause muscle soreness and dizziness among many other things)

    Good luck! and remember a little sugar isn't going to kill you. Balance and moderation and you are fine! I have kept my cream and still lost 27 lbs in 12 weeks~!
  • taralc005
    taralc005 Posts: 8
    soy milk....I use the original unsweetened kind but you could always use vanilla or chocolate to give it some extra flavor!
  • taralc005
    taralc005 Posts: 8
    I know somebody who puts 100% pure maple syrup in coffee to sweeten it
  • taralc005
    taralc005 Posts: 8
    or sometimes I even put coconut milk :)
  • SwimTheButterfly
    SwimTheButterfly Posts: 265 Member
    Keurig Coffee makers make the BEST coffee at home. Black Tiger from Coffee People (a coffee company from Oregon) and also Coconut Mocha by Coffee People...YUMMM!