Emotional Eating/Binge Eating

So I have been dealing with some emotional eating for the last few months. I feel overwhelmed with everything. I have a lot of different mental "issues" and thoughts going back in forth that are causing me to over eat every day. It has been too long, and I want to get a hold of this before I gain ALL the weight back, but I don't know how to do it alone. The thoughts of food are so intense, the anxiety is so intense. It is worse now because there was a point where I sent A LOT of my chocolate to my mom so it wouldn't me in my apartment. I had to move back in with her (a few months after I sent the chocolate) and it is ALL STILL HERE. I am upset with her that she didn't eat any of it. And I have been chowing down on it ever since I got back. It's here and it is in the house and there is nothing I can do about it.

I want to know, for those of who you were/are binge eaters or emotional eaters... how did you over come it? How did you get passed the temptations? Is it just about not doing it? Choosing not to? Is that all I can do is just suffer through it?

I drink a lot of water and all the tips and tricks that people list about eating small meals or going for a walk, chewing gum, or chugging a glass of water... it doesn't help. Waiting doesn't help. It just is so intense. So are there any other tips other than those? Anything that helped you get passed it?



  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    I would throw it out. Every time you feel like emotionally eating. i would turn on the kettle. Have a green tea or herbal tea. But this kind of this should really be taken to a counsellor and/or dietitian.
  • RoseAmongThorns91
    RoseAmongThorns91 Posts: 215 Member
    I don't have any tips for getting rid of it as I am still struggling. I am currently struggling with depression (I am stationed in San Antonio, hubby is in Norfolk, VA) and my fall back is to eat food that I cook that I like. It's like the one thing I can do right when everything is going wrong.

    First thing I would say is to get the chocolate out of the house - don't eat it!!

    Talk with your mom and/or someone you trust who can help you. Your mom might not realize what's going on and will probably be able to help you out if she knows.
  • TurnLeftNow
    TurnLeftNow Posts: 171
    I wouldn't feel right with just throwing it away. I am one of those people that hates wasting food. I don't even really know where it came from, but I can't stand the thought of throwing out food... I feel sooooo guilty. I have already talked with her about it being hard not to eat all of the chocolate and so she has taken a lot to work and I have given a lot to friends. But I still feel really guilty about spending all that money and then just giving it away. Part of it is really difficult too, because it makes me feel really scared and depressed to give it away; like once it is gone my security blanket isn't there anymore. It makes me sad that I have to give it away because I can't eat a normal portion of it. It is dumb because it is *just* food, but yet it has so much emotional control over me.
  • deadbeatsummer
    deadbeatsummer Posts: 537 Member
    I wouldn't feel right with just throwing it away. I am one of those people that hates wasting food. I don't even really know where it came from, but I can't stand the thought of throwing out food... I feel sooooo guilty. I have already talked with her about it being hard not to eat all of the chocolate and so she has taken a lot to work and I have given a lot to friends. But I still feel really guilty about spending all that money and then just giving it away. Part of it is really difficult too, because it makes me feel really scared and depressed to give it away; like once it is gone my security blanket isn't there anymore. It makes me sad that I have to give it away because I can't eat a normal portion of it. It is dumb because it is *just* food, but yet it has so much emotional control over me.

    so don't use your body like a bin for food just because you don't want to waste food.
    just don't have it in the house and don't buy any when you are out. start eating clean. you are stronger than chocolate. stop thinking of it as a security blanket - as there is nothing secure about eat f--loads of high calorie high sugar chocolate that will give you a sugar dip and make you crave more.
    you need to step up and just get on with it.
  • Lesley2901
    Lesley2901 Posts: 372 Member
    I often eat more when I'm feeling bored or sad and a lot of the tips you mentioned usually help. It sounds like you have a lot of anxiety in general and around food in particular so perhaps counselling would help.
  • Fatbuster205
    Fatbuster205 Posts: 333 Member
    I would throw it out. Every time you feel like emotionally eating. i would turn on the kettle. Have a green tea or herbal tea. But this kind of this should really be taken to a counsellor and/or dietitian.
    Totally agree and look at it this way - by going to the cupboard, taking the chocolate out and throwing it out making sure it cannot be retrieved puts you taking the first step in regaining control. But It sounds very much like you need additional professional support to help you through a difficult time. Councellors are great for this and really can help you determine the root cause. You do have to choose to do this and it won't necessarily be easy and plain sailing but it is achievable and believe me, a slightly painful short journey to resolve the issues is way better than the destructive self-loathing cycle you seem to be in. Good luck!
  • unassembledandy
    I wouldn't feel right with just throwing it away. I am one of those people that hates wasting food.
    I can't stand the thought of throwing out food... I feel sooooo guilty
    But I still feel really guilty about spending all that money and then just giving it away
    it makes me feel really scared and depressed to give it away

    "so much emotional control over me"

    you arnt kidding, you are living in fear of food, its like an abusive husband, you wouldnt keep him around, you'd "bin" him

    get that food in the bin, or give it to a charity store (they might give you a weird look but bah) or knock on your neigbours door and hand it over

    you may feel guilty etc.. whatever but it will pass, but then you can start a new relationship with new food, grab some mushrooms, some peppers, keep a good shelf of spices and experiment and put YOU in control, not the food

    you shouldnt fear your food, unless your on the T-rex and velocoraptor diet, then you are perfectly ok to fear your food

  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    Therapy has been amazingly helpful to me in terms of discovering exactly *why* I binged. (It was not simply bad habits, lack of willpower, and/or anxiety, which is what I'd been attributing it to for years.) After we figured out why I binged, my relationship with food is changing and I am starting to feel like I'm eating "like a normal person" (i.e., I still might overeat sometimes, but it's not with that crazy and out-of-control intensity).

    I agree with others that giving the chocolate away is okay. It sounds like right now if it's in the house, you're going to eat it. If you don't want to eat it (and you don't!), get rid of it.

    Good luck. This is hard stuff!
  • Whatamilike
    Whatamilike Posts: 51
    I'm going to disagree with some of the replies here (sorry people!). Don't try to stop it completely - you won't be able to anyway probably until you sort out the REASONS you're doing it.

    Next time you want to eat the chocolate think about how you feel. What is making you feel this way? What are you thinking? It's your thoughts and feelings that are making you turn to food. This isn't bad or wrong - in fact it's perfectly normal behaviour! Food is your coping mechanism for the problems you have. Don't worry too much about eating at the moment - try to sort out your problems and then food will get back back into the right place in your life.

    In the meantime make sure you're eating healthy meals, try to relax and do lots of inner searching. Be gentle on yourself and forgive yourself...

  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member

    so don't use your body like a bin for food just because you don't want to waste food.
    just don't have it in the house and don't buy any when you are out. start eating clean. you are stronger than chocolate. stop thinking of it as a security blanket - as there is nothing secure about eat f--loads of high calorie high sugar chocolate that will give you a sugar dip and make you crave more.
    you need to step up and just get on with it.

    Kinda rough, but ya. You really do need to take some control. Getting rid of the foods that are problems for you isn' t wasting food it's taking control. If those things aren't there for a crutch, you'll have to find other ways to deal with stress. Try getting out of the house when you feel the urge. Maybe some therapy. Do something social or healthy like joining a yoga class, swim aerobics, join an art class. Do something that makes you feel good about you, lets you feel positive and in control of something.
    I'm an stress eater. I cope best when I make sure to do "me" things. A long walk when things are bad, time in the yard (I planted a nice garden this week)... something that makes me feel successful and gets me away from it all does a lot. Luv me some bubble bath!
    Hope you find something that works for you.
  • melpinky
    melpinky Posts: 13 Member
    I am a emotional eater and also struggle!

    I find having low fat treats in this helps so I don't feel like I'm missing out. If my partners eating something something for pudding or supper I can still have something.
    Reading helps me about people who are doing well and losing weightit makes me want to do well like they are doing or TV programmes such as 'the biggest loser'
    I also look at photos of times when I was happier with myself and this often helps to steer me away.

    There are going to be times when you will not be strong. last night I ate much more pasta than I was supposed to because I was feeling miserable and really wanted to dig into some yummy chcocolate desert that was in the fridge but instead I came on here. I felt much more motivated after having some friendly advice on here and went for a walk to help walk off the pasta instead of feeling sorry for myself and eating the pud.
  • rosalclmn
    rosalclmn Posts: 2 Member
    I think emotional eating is something so many of us struggle with at one time or another. I find when I'm extremely stressed, I'll reach into the cabinet without being conscience of doing it. If I'm eating a meal when stressed, I eat it so quickly that I have no memory of eating at all. Regarding the chocolate, why not try wrapping it up in many layers of plastic wrap. If you're tempted to eat it, you'll have to work through the layers to get to it and it will give you time to gain control. You can also freeze chocolate and that will add an extra layer of protection against a binge. In the meatime, have healthy binge foods ready to eat all the time. Have a bowl of carrots or celery washed, cut and ready in the refrigerator. It may help.
  • Kebby83
    Kebby83 Posts: 232 Member
    You say you would feel guilty throwing it out but you feel guilty eating it. Which guilt is deeper? Which will you feel good about tomorrow?

    I am struggling with comfort eating right now too. Out of control.

    What my plan is (starting today) - log foods for the next day the night before. I logged today last night, leaving room for more and watching macros somewhat - at first I was negative in sugar. I included popcorn for a snack. Snacks are good - they stop binges. I am grocery shopping today and picking up 100cal popcorn packs. I would normally make a bag and split it - but right now I would eat it all!
  • FJMilner
    FJMilner Posts: 407
    Ive just bought a book called "Making Peace with Food". So far so good. It's not a diet book, it's about emotional attachment to food and the reasons for chronic dieting, bingeing, and alsorts of ED's. Some parts are a little bit scary but it all seems to make sense (so far) Maybe give that a go....that's what Im doing. I think back to the times in my life when I was at my slimmest, and each and every time was when I wasn't dieting or thinking about food too much, nothing was off limits, food was there to satisfy my hunger and keep me alive....oh how I long to be back in that place. Good luck xx
  • Genie30
    Genie30 Posts: 316 Member
    The main things that have helped me are things I've learned from listening to Pema Chodron (a Budhist nun who has several cds about coping).

    1) Work with what you can. When you get that craving think to yourself 'am I strong enough to risist this today' and really challenge the idea of whether you are truely strong enough or not. If not, have it but don't feel guilty. the more you do this, the stronger you'll get and the more times you can say not to food.

    2) Be gentle on yourself. Beating yourself and getting worked up will only make you worse. try to build some time into your day for relaxing. Mindfulness breathing and meditation are useful for this but again, don't expect to be good at it right away, it takes practice.

    3) Do you really what what your craving or could you substitue a healthier option so you still get to eat but don't blow your day. Ie a banana instead of chocolate.

    Hope that helps

  • katewillbethinx2
    You could always message me for tips if you want. If you have done it... most likely I have too. I am going to an eating disorder treatment center for it and bulimia nervosa symptoms in a couple days and its scary but I'm so hopeful that this demon can be conquered and destroyed that is binge eating and disordered eating in general.

    Good luck and don't lose hope and never, ever give up on yourself.
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    I wouldn't feel right with just throwing it away. I am one of those people that hates wasting food. I don't even really know where it came from, but I can't stand the thought of throwing out food... I feel sooooo guilty. I have already talked with her about it being hard not to eat all of the chocolate and so she has taken a lot to work and I have given a lot to friends. But I still feel really guilty about spending all that money and then just giving it away. Part of it is really difficult too, because it makes me feel really scared and depressed to give it away; like once it is gone my security blanket isn't there anymore. It makes me sad that I have to give it away because I can't eat a normal portion of it. It is dumb because it is *just* food, but yet it has so much emotional control over me.

    What you're doing is sooo hard keeping it all in the house it's the equivilent of trying to quit smoking but having a 200 carton of cigarettes in the cupboard, trust me get rid of it all and don't buy anymore whether it's giving it away (take it into your work, school, evening class and just tell people what they don't take will be binned) or binning it and pouring a can of coke on top after you've binned it and taking it to where you're bin men collect it outside (so you don't fish it back out)

    However it's really hard to go from that to pure clean eating, what I did was get some iced lolly pops in to eat. Dunno what you have where you live but I get Walls mini milks, walls mini twisters and mini fruit pastill lollies to get my sweet fix (only buying one box at a time so I can't go too mad if I have more than one lolly), ice lollies take a few minutes to eat so you usually get over your craving after one and the ones I listed are less then 50 cals a pop :D

    However the main thing may be trying to break the emotional cycle of binge eating and avoid times/places when you binge, so if it's at home get out of the house but def try to speak to someone about it, Good luck and take care. x
  • BHRussell
    BHRussell Posts: 83 Member
    I am a binge eater so I know what you are going through. I am fighting the battle now on and off again. So far I have had to just stop myself, constantly tell myself no... and so on. Let me give it more thought, I was heading to bed when I saw this.I would love to be friends and see if we can overcome this together.
  • kimdarren
    kimdarren Posts: 76 Member
    I didn't realise my binge eating was out of control until one day I was out shopping with hubby and kids and I managed to buy a chocolate bar & eat it without the hubby noticing and I FELT PROUD that i'd accomplished this. I always knew I had a problem cause I used to hide in the bathroom or in the kitchen and eat something really quick before anyone noticed, but when I felt proud about the chocolate bar, I think that was a real wake up call for me.

    I've been a binge eater for nearly all of my life. Since I've joined MFP I've only binged twice, I'm proud to say. It's just as much an emotional thing as a physical thing. You need to take it HOUR by HOUR, and then day by day and so on.... It WILL be VERY hard at first, and I didn't beleive it myself, but it will get better in time. You'll be able to control yourself just that little bit more. Remember you've been doing this for a very long time, don't consider a bad day as a failure, just a little slip up and get yourself back on track. I still have problems the week before my cycle with the sweet (chocolate) cravings, but I don't deny myself anything, I just take it in proper serving sizes now. I find denying yourself makes things even worse, to a point that when you do finally have what you want you 'pig out'. Let yourself have little bits, just enough to satisfy your 'need'.

    It will get better, I promise. As long as you're positive, and determined you will get there.

    I'd be more than happy to be your friend and help support you, one binger to another :)
  • Emilina79
    Emilina79 Posts: 28 Member
    I want to know, for those of who you were/are binge eaters or emotional eaters... how did you over come it? How did you get passed the temptations? Is it just about not doing it? Choosing not to? Is that all I can do is just suffer through it?

    I drink a lot of water and all the tips and tricks that people list about eating small meals or going for a walk, chewing gum, or chugging a glass of water... it doesn't help. Waiting doesn't help. It just is so intense. So are there any other tips other than those? Anything that helped you get passed it?


    I think the Paul McKenna "I can make you thin" book is quite good. It comes with a DVD, Hypnosis CD and a 90 day diary log in addition. Its all about reprogramming your mind so you work on the route causes of your overeating and I found it is helping me, though I have just started it. I'm from UK but i'm sure you can get this online.

    I have also started to walk to work and back instead of public transport, I find that helps keep me on a positive frame of mind and stops me from slipping into eating out of boredom.

    Good Luck, listen to your body and do what works for you.