What Have You Given Up?



  • bikhi
    bikhi Posts: 175
  • katenmills
    katenmills Posts: 113 Member
    That's intense OP! Good luck :)! I've given up sugar (for now), it's a terrible binge trigger for me. Also, alcohol to an extent... I used to have a couple glasses of red a week as well as going all out most weekends. Now I only drink on special occassions and never enough to get drunk.
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Coke, french fries, burgers...heck anything related to fast food
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,233 Member
    I have given up nothing. I find there are things I don't really want anymore, but there's nothing on my no-no list. I've set out from the beginning to find a food & fitness lifestyle that I can maintain forever. Restrictions are not sustainable for me (I do realize you said you're only doing this temporarily). If I end up being 5 lbs too chunky because I want Mac & cheese once a month-so be it. I'd rather be able to maintain 5 lbs too chunky than end up being resentful and gorging on forbidden foods and ending up back where I started. Maybe I'll revisit that theory later, but sustainability is my biggest concern.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    I've given up soda. That's it.
  • m_wilh
    m_wilh Posts: 362 Member
    I've given up soda, fried foods, fast foods, and all processed foods. Basically, if it's a plant, I eat it and if it's made in a plant, I avoid it except on those rare celebratory occasions.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    The only two things I've really given up are soda and alcohol.. it's very rare to see me drink those two items. It's normally water or iced tea for me.

    Other than that, everything has stayed.
  • Bells5001
    Bells5001 Posts: 75 Member
    I've given up sugar, bread, ...all the "white carbs". it's made a huge difference in my weight loss and my abdomen had really thinned out!
  • Bells5001
    Bells5001 Posts: 75 Member

    SO sad! ...I'd really miss them!
  • SinuousNihilist
    Starting tomorrow, I'm giving up:

    Dairy, gluten, sugar, wheat, grains, nuts, pork, salt, processed, artificially flavored, preservative-laden foods. I will also have only apple cider vinegar and flax seed oil, only 2 servings of fruit daily, and drink only water/lemon water/water spiked with unsweetened cranberry juice. It'll only last a little while until I can re-incorporate some foods back in to track how my body reacts to it, so it isn't a question of sustainability. :)

    How many other people have tried something similar? What sorts of foods are on your no-no list?

    Why that list? Stomach problems? I had to do something similar with acidic foods, and it took forever to reintroduce them. I did figure out that red meat doesn't like me very much.

    Yes. I was diagnosed with IBS, but I feel like that's not the real problem. I think that cutting off of these foods for awhile will help with distinguishing what foods are my "trigger foods."

    I am still eating red meat...hmm! Should look into that.
  • bp716
    bp716 Posts: 68 Member
    The changes I am making are to be healthy= no fast food, processed pasta,potatoes, bread and rice, Starbucks. Do I miss them, no, is the self control worth it-Absolutely!
  • FlittyGetsFit
    I've given up fizzy pop, biscuits/cookies and crisps/chips. But I've added about 15-20 varieties of fruit and veg that I never used to eat. I've cut down on a lot of other stuff, like bread, chocolate, cheese and so on, but I'll eat them if I fancy them.
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    I have not given up anything. If given a choice, trying to pick healthy. More fiber, less refined foods and more natural products. Oh I would say I have given up making excuses about exercise. Just do it!!!
  • zCarsAndCaloriesz
    Most fast foods ( only one I eat now is subway ) Soft drinks, and I avoid fried foods ( though once in a while I will eat some )

    Instead of getting rid of a lot of the things I love I just found ways to make them better for me. I now make my chilli with ground chicken or turkey instead of beef, use less salt. Started making carrot fried by baking them in the oven as opposed to potato fries. I make my own juices from real or frozen fruit so there is no added sugar. It's actually really fun finding ways to make your ordinary meals healthier.
  • lhughes404
    lhughes404 Posts: 42 Member
    I haven't given up anything. I feel that will just make me want it more. I eat and drink whatever I want just not all the time. I used to drink tons of soda and now I only alone myself a little bit on the weekend except for a little bit of ginger ale during the week.
  • Cupcakehippiemommy
    Cupcakehippiemommy Posts: 457 Member
    Only thing I have given up is drinking as much soda nothing else,still have what I love just WAY less of it :)
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    I gave up dairy and eggs...and about fifty pounds.
  • ammatzner
    ammatzner Posts: 11
    Cheese and crackers. Cutting way back on alcohol too.
  • lil_bear0811
    Diet Pop, anything with artificial sweetners, alcohol, and trying to get rid of processed sugars.