
Just can't seem to get motivated, some encouraging words would be great! Some success stories may also work! Thanks.


  • Goingnuts2
    Goingnuts2 Posts: 160 Member
    I see you've been a member since Dec. 2010, I've been a member of MFP since November. 2010. I didn't start to add friends until last December and found so much more support and incentive. I would have gained a lot by now if it wasn't for them holding me up when I fell down!! I have plateaued, but know I will start losing again and so will you!

    Losing 14 lbs. is awsome! Keep that in mind when you're thinking it's just too much.

    Good luck in your journey :)
  • kfoxa2010
    kfoxa2010 Posts: 3
    Food addict here and I am having the same issue. I have begun to stop telling myself, "I'll start tomorrow" or "This is my last _______ then I'll get serious." You have to take it one day at a time. Food is a source of energy not pleasure or entertainment. I try to imagine what I want to look like and have to decide every day to make that happen. Honestly, I'm still struggling but those things help.
  • FelicityArtifex
    I have a photo of myself looking my best (160#, running 5 miles per day) and I keep that in mind. I never feel badly after a workout. I've been working out for a month and have seen no change on the scale but my brain is so much more settled. "Hasfit" is a website that has all kinds of motivating pictures and quotes, I post them on my facebook wall. I look at what I've done and then add it all up (ie, 60 miles in the month of May over 18 workouts) and that makes me feel proud, that I accomplished something....Hope some of these tricks work for you!!
  • gilito
    gilito Posts: 5
    I think we all struggle. I find that my greatest support is my TOPS group. Having people going thru the same and a few of them with great success helps me a lot. But, using myfitnesspal daily and religiously keeps me on track.
    If you don't know about TOPS look at A non profit weight loss organization.
    Don't give up!
  • Cyngen
    Cyngen Posts: 557 Member
    Adding friends helps, you can motivate each other. You could then open your diary up of what you eat and how you exercise and get some assistance there as well. If you wish, feel free to add me as a friend.

    Don't give up, you can do this.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Just can't seem to get motivated, some encouraging words would be great! Some success stories may also work! Thanks.

    You will NEVER achieve your goal by doing nothing. Yes, it sometimes sucks, but look at where you have been and focus on where you want to be. Now, Get off your *kitten* and MOVE IT!!!

    How was that?:bigsmile: