Okay Ladies, I need some help PLEASE



  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Planning is key. There are plenty of dinners that require less time to make than ordering a pizza or going through a drive thru. Every Sunday, I sit down and plan out my meals for the week. The nights we are really busy and I don't have time to cook, I plan a crockpot meal. If my husband will be home before me, I plan a oven meal that he can stick in. For me, this has also helped me with not overspending at the grocery store as I'm armed with a list. I have been juggling the same 5 pounds for months (I admit I'm really good for a couple of weeks, then I'm bad and erase my progress. But what keeps me tracking, is my weight is on a slow decline instead of a slow gain that it was on before I started tracking. I may have "only" lost 25 pounds in 10 months but its 25 pounds less than I was last year (yeah its a little depressing when I know others have lost 100 pounds in the same time). One last thing to say about my slow loss, I refuse to do anything to lose the weight that I can't or won't do the rest of my life. So yeah I could work out 2 hours a day and lose the weight but I can't do it forever and I'll likely gain it back if its not sustainable.
  • Hi, for a quick easy lunch try some homemade prawn pasta salad, made with pasta of your choice [we use the twist ones] some cooked prawns spring onions, sweetcorn, peppers and 2tbs mayo mixed with 1tbs tom ketchup stirred through it's very tasty and not too high in cals 274 cals for 250g and can pout it into a container with a lid & take to work with you
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    Another option if you have to eat out is Subway. They have lighter options (9 grain wheat is the best bread calorie wise or you could have them make it on a salad). I typically go to different restaurant sites online and do some research ahead of time with their nutrition guide just in case I would be looking for a place to eat I know what options are good.
  • quill16
    quill16 Posts: 373 Member
    It's been 18 months and 177 lbs loss and I know what works for me. I have a gluten allergy so it makes things a bit tricky.The only fast food I have found is McD's grilled chicken bacon ranch salad with lite balsamic (260 calories total).It's a little high in salt, but sometimes there is no other choice. I eat this whenever I must do fast food for lunch or dinner. The only thing at Dunkin is black coffee LOL I simply don't go there. I keep a lara bar, nature valley almond(gluten free) or south beach peanut butter protein bar in my purse at all times for an emergency snack. I keep to my calories even on vacation. For going out I found that Ruby Tuesdays, EatN Park, Bob Evans, and Applebees have lite and gluten free menus.Greek yogurt (Oikos strawberry) and weight watchers mozzerella sticks work if you have access to a frig or I take a little insulated lunch pack. Old fashioned oats and a few nuts (7 nuts max) works in the micro (1/3 cup oats, 2/3 cup water, zap for 90 seconds, top with nuts.Voila!)

    Don't be afraid to tell your friends that you are on a strict diet (your health is at steak) and if they are true friends they will encourage you to do what needs to be done
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Eat well during the week. Have one meal a week where you have something delicious you've been craving. You'll look forward to it, but not wreck your progress. Also, take recipes you love and substitute ingredients or reduce portions. Eating healthy doesn't need to be boring.
  • gettinthere
    gettinthere Posts: 529 Member
    I hard boil eggs a dozen at a time to keep for the week as grab and go snacks. I love turkey pepperoni and have a package in my fridge at work all the time, only 50 calories for 1 stick. I keep apples and cheese strings and yogurt in the fridge at work too. There is no such thing as not having time to cook in my honest opinion. It doesn't take long for a quick healthy evening meal. With all the pre-cut veggies and stuff we can buy nowadays, it's easy to make stir fry, tortilla pizzas or english muffin pizzas in minutes.
    I love my crockpot a lot! Put in some chicken breast, salsa, black beans and at the end a bit of cream cheese, you can use this in wraps for a few days or add it to rice.
    Good luck!
  • kris4chloe
    kris4chloe Posts: 245 Member
    i always have raw almonds, rice cakes, peanut butter, or protein powder and either in my purse or in the car in my cooler bag. When i go to work I bring my prepacked lunch (which is usually leftover dinner) and various snacks. I work retail so sometimes i need to pack breakfast and bring yogurt and granola and oatmeal, or i work the afternoon and evening.

    I try to preplan out my day and try not to be out and about without at least some almonds or something. I have been known to run into a grocery store and grab a protein bar to hold me over, Or I have figured out the better options at some of the fast food options.

    Subway (no cheese or mayo), McDonalds Grilled snack wraps are always good options and those are pretty plentiful around here.

    Worse case scenario I just chug a bunch of water, sometimes I am just thirsty. Hope this helps.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    While reserved for the ladies, I read the responses...these are all great, but you need more input on where the success is coming from. With that said, your diary is closed and there is not enough information to truly help you.

    Either make it public, or feel free to add me and make it viewable. I can give you some great suggestions. Additionally, make sure that your settings and goals are accurate.
  • - I carry fruit with me for snacks. Apples and bananas are really handy, but if I have a little bit more time, I pack some strawberries or chopped fresh pineapple in a tupperware box to take with me.
    - Savory muffins (you can find recipes online). Probably not the most low fat, low cal option, but not too bad either at 250kcal a pop. I tend to make a dozen and then freeze most of them. Whenever I'm on the run and don't have time to make a meal, I take one or two out of the freezer, throw them in the microwave for a minute or two and have them with a small glass of yoghurt or a vegetable or both. They thaw beautifully and are delicious warm out of the microwave. If you don't have a microwave at work, thaw them at home and take along. They won't be as yummy cold, but they do the trick for me, as they are quite filling.

    That's all I got for now, good luck!
  • MaybeAMonkey
    MaybeAMonkey Posts: 247
    Skip the donut shop and look for a Subway or Quiznos, when there go for the healthier options (whole grain bread, skip mayo, skip creamy spreads, add in all the veggies you can for max flavor and nutrients, go for lean protein like turkey or chicken, add olive oil, vinegar and black pepper for flavor boost but skip the salt bc it's in the meat and you won't notice a taste difference).

    I've almost completely given up soda, no need to waste calories on a drink and that way I can save my calories for a cocktail or beer. I've switched candy bars out for granola bars and protein bars - I just have to look at the calorie, sugar, sodium content before buying. Check out Kashi and Lara bars.

    I usually keep yogurt in the fridge at work for breakfast/mid morning snack and I keep some granola in my desk drawer to mix in. If I have fresh berries at home I bring that in a ziplock baggie or tupperware so I can rinse them and mix them into the yogurt to change things up a bit. A friend of mine keeps a bag of frozen blueberries in her office freezer to put on yogurt or oatmeal (just be careful to let them defrost a tad before you bite into them!). Things like apples, grapes, berries, etc are great to have as a snack when you're at the office and they're great over yogurt, oatmeal or granola. Almonds are also a great snack too, skip the salted kind though and go for the healthier raw version.

    I don't dip veggies in ranch (or any creamy dressing) anymore, I've switched to hummus for my veggie dip and use balsamic vinaigrette dressing for salads. Usually I take a container of hummus and put that in the office fridge, I buy baby carrots and other veggies, rinse & wash them at home and put a tupperware container in the office fridge for snacking or to have with lunch. This is something easy to do on a Sunday night so the prep is done and I can grab and go on Monday morning.

    I've switched to ground turkey instead of ground beef for the protein in my recipes that need ground meat (burgers, tacos, red sauces, chili, stews/soups, etc). I try to grill or bake extra chicken breasts over the weekend (seasoned with lemon pepper seasoning or McCormicks poultry seasoning for added flavor) and then I can put that in small containers to take for lunch (over a salad or with veggies).

    I usually purposefully cook extra when I make dinner so I can bring to work or freeze leftovers. I always make sure I put the extras in individual portion sized tupperware before I put this stuff away when I'm done cooking - savings me tons of prep time on weekday mornings or if I get home late from work and I just want to reheat something for dinner. Definitely worth the effort.

    If you're watching tv, playing games, or spending 20 minutes or more at the end of your day goofing off at home then you have time to prep your meals for the next day or the next several days. It's truly worth the effort because when you eat better you feel better. But make sure you build in a "cheat" day so you still get to taste the things you enjoy!
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    Bump I have ideas but no time be back soon :)
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    I make a frittata and keep it in the fridge so we have a fast, ready to nuke breakfast.

    I like to keep some boiled eggs around for the same reason. You can also pack a salad in a container or mason jar and either take a separate container of dressing or layer all the veggies on the bottom and lettuce on top. This keeps the lettuce out of the dressing and from wilting. Make up some chicken or tuna salad or quinoa salad is also really good and very filling (I love it for breakfast but be sure you have some gum or something because it gives you dragon breath!) Make extra when you make dinner and take leftovers. Sometimes I like to just grab some meat and cheese from the deli and roll it up. This option is high in sodium though so be aware of that. I can't just have them make me a sandwich because I need to be gluten free but that is another option.

    You can also get fruit and stir it into yogurt or get some nuts and stir those in (granola would be good too but be very aware of what you're getting because some of those are really full of sugar!) There is also usually precooked meat (always chicken, sometimes pork or beef) you can add to a bagged salad. If you like cottage cheese you can keep that and single serve fruit cups in the fridge at work and use as you need them.

    It's a whole lot easier for me to stay motivated and on plan if I actually have a plan. If I leave my house knowing that I'm going to be running all day but haven't thought about what I'll eat then I can pretty much guarantee that I'll make choices I'll later regret. If you're going to do this as a lifestyle (and thereby keep the weight off once you lose it) you have to make sure that you set yourself up for success. Plan your meals, especially if you know you will have a stressful day or you're going to be chained to your desk all day. You can't go to work knowing you have nothing healthy there and think you'll be able to avoid the vending machine. And as you do this more you will be able to make the best choice out of the options you're presented with but you have to decide it's important enough not to sabotage yourself. If you know you struggle with grabbing a donut you need to make sure that you have something better for you on hand. Then you will have to actively choose between your healthy food and that donut and you won't be able to excuse it away as easily. Telling yourself "well I had to eat something!" may seem fine in the moment but you're only fooling yourself. :)
  • cineshome
    cineshome Posts: 97 Member
  • JamesonsMommy
    JamesonsMommy Posts: 771 Member

    I try to have tomatoes on hand, and I just eat them like an apple.


    LOL!! I guess i am normal...lol Can't beat a good tomato :)

    I like taking some almonds and reduced fat string cheese with me when i'm on the go :)
  • Healthier restaurants, although sometimes more expensive, are an option. (Subway, Fresh Choice, Panera Bread, etc)
    Something else I do is to pack lunches the night before. Bento boxes are easy and super healthy. Otherwise just carry some simple fruits like bananas or apples. A few chocolate chips and almonds in a bag. Yogurt. Hard boiled eggs. A combination of any of these would make for an excellent meal!
    My motivation comes from before/after pictures of MYSELF. If you don't have any of these look at others! There is absolutely no reason why someone else can lose weight & change their life and you can't! Have a plan. Be inspired. Love yourself.

    Good luck!
  • amusgrave
    amusgrave Posts: 79
    If u have time for MFP you have time to prepare for the next days food. Vegges, fruit, tuna, fat free precooked chicken pre washed salads boiled eggs (some stores sell the boiled) yogurt frozen lean cuisines...u need to make time for yourself to take care of urself to benefit not only you but ur family in the long run
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    I often make my own **homemade** "TV dinners" that I would freeze into individual portions and then microwave as needed. Some of the dishes that work best for me or that I would recommend are: chili & rice, macaroni & cheese, chicken and veggies (e.g. mashed potato, mixed veggies), and meatloaf. The idea is to have a variety of things that I like to eat on hand, so I don't buy something less healthy or less satisfying.

    I have had success in making up a salad, which I also portion into containers. I try to add some sort of protein to fill me up, which is usually a hard-boiled egg, but you can add canned tuna, broiled chicken, etc. If you want to add cottage cheese, I would wait until the time of eating as it may make the salad soggy. Same goes for the dressing. Carry it separately.

    This is a great thread, btw. I hope to refer to it again in the future. Lots of great things!
  • smuffette1967
    smuffette1967 Posts: 10 Member
    if you need help you can always count on me. i have been working out for awhile and have lost 27 lbs this time i have lost 74 lbs in all i have work my butt off doing it and i told my husband that he got jipped because he has never seen me looking all sexy and small and he said i am :-) i want to lost 66 more lbs and have been trying to keep working out. and i did have the help my my 2 kids and it helped lots but they have given up working out with me. so now i get up 5 days a week at 4:45 and work out for 45 minutes before work and then after work i rush home to work out for a half hour before my husband comes home and then we walk out back 4 miles at least 5 days a week. if you need any help at all i am here. i finely am giving myself what i want to be in great shape and look wonderful :happy:
  • grayprae
    grayprae Posts: 109 Member
    Defiantly check out the websites they will surprise you for example I work t Arby's and everyone thinks that the market fresh sandwiches or warps are healthier but in truth they are the highest in calories on the entire menu. Just do some research.
  • LillysGranny
    LillysGranny Posts: 431
    I work almost full-time, go to school almost full-time and have a full family life, so I feel your pain. One thing that helps me is that I have resigned myself to the fact that I might have to eat a lot of repeats to make it all work. Lunch is usually something wrapped in a high fiber tortilla w/ a bag of raw veggies. I bag all my veggies for the week on Sunday---saves a lot of time. Also, a favorite snack is greek yogurt w/ walnuts so the walnuts get measured and bagged over the weekend as well. That means in the evening, all I really have to do is make my wrap. I ALWAYS have a serving of almonds in my backpack as well as a refillable water bottle. Most convenience stores sell bananas or apples and at least a small selection of protein bars and shakes, too, if I'm ever in a real pinch. And if you do get stuck in "bad" restaurants, make smart choices: hold the mayo, cheese, easy on the bread, skip the donut for dessert!