Help! Weight lifting / Cardio

I've been lifting weights since Nov 2011.. I've seen tremendous results. I'm not looking to lose weight just tone.. I'm currently needing help with abs, thighs, butt.. the usual. I do not like cardio and I think that's why I'm not seeing the results I want.. My thigh are toning more, they are actually getting to the point where my jeans are tight in the thighs... a little bulk ok.. but not much. Still not toned like I want. I have began walking... I walked almost 3 miles on Sunday. How much cardio should I incorporate in my workouts. I have been doing about 10 min on a bike/elliptical at the gym before weight lifting just to get my heart rate up. Wondering if I should be dedicating at least one workout at week to just cardio.. like walking 3 miles etc. I just want to make sure I'm working out to the best of my ability.. I have certain goals I want to obtain, granted it hasn't been that long, but I'm getting a little discouraged. Extreme tone is my goal... does it just take time or am I doing something wrong. I'm also eating every couple of hours.. try to eat right ect. Any pointers?? Anyone?


  • nevabigenuff
    nevabigenuff Posts: 1 Member
    Im in the same boat as you. Cardio is good, i aim for 30 mins 4 times a week. But like you i also dread cardio, so rather then bust out endless hours on the treadmill i do high intensity weight training, keeping rest to a minimum. Eating every 2 hours is good just make sure they are healthy meals with a high quality protein component. At the end of the day exercise is to burn calories and high intensity weights can burn just as many calories as cardio. I have found good programs for this on body building web sites.