LONG! In desperate need of help! Starvation mode?



  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Start working out and you will get HUNGRY! problem solved!
    But I would go to the doctor first, just to make sure everything is ok.

    Not always true. If someone's already damaged or slowed down his or her metabolism, exercise may not cause hunger.
    Also, as your next statement indicates, multiple health issues can cause a lack of appetite.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Hi, @VegasBaby04!

    Thanks for your insight :)

    I can't go to the doctor on my own for many reasons. I'm still a minor (MFP only lets you set a minimum of age 18...), I can't drive, and even if I could, I wouldn't go to a doctor without my parents knowing! My family is kind of strict in that regard. I don't roam around without them knowing. Also, I live in the US, not Canada :)

    Honestly, I don't talk to my parents about how many calories I eat a day (they'd think I'm obsessed), but I plan to explain this to them soon. Even before I decided to eat healthier, I probably wasn't eating enough calories. It really depends on what my mom shops for. Also, my mom is very stubborn. If I tell her that I'm not eating sufficiently she'd probably tell me something like "I have a bachelor's degree in Health Science; I know what's good for you and what isn't nag nag nag" :laugh:

    But in all seriousness, I just started this healthy weight loss journey, and I hope to really talk to my parents about it soon.

    P.S. My family doesn't drink dairy. I haven't had cow's milk in years! We started with soy milk, and now we drink rice milk :smile:
    I will be starting a simple exercise plan next month, and I'm sure I'll HAVE to eat more then!

    I understand now about going to the Dr and that makes sense. I think that you need to sit down and have a discussion with your mom and dad about what is going on and let them know how much you're eating and how you're feeling. I'm assuming now that you are under 18 and perhaps a couple years under 18? This is an important time in your life and both your body and your brain need that fuel in order to excel. It's so awesome that you want to lead a healthy lifestyle....just be careful of letting those "healthy" choices have unhealthy consequences.

  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    You shouldn't need to eat junk food to eat more calories. Although you may need to change your protein-fat-carbohydrate mix. You may need to eat "richer" foods, like avocado, higher fat milk or cheese, olive oil in your dressing or cooking, but you should be able to stick to healthy foods. (Edited: Ok, so higher fat milk or cheese won't work for you.)

    (Note: To the person in Canada who mentioned that teenagers can see the doctor without parental permission. That's true in other places as well, but remember that not every place has universal health care. Laws are different by location, so not all places would allow a younger teen to see a doctor by him or herself. Some places may not have public transportation, and other places someone might need parental help with paying or insurance. On the other hand, it may be an option here... we just don't know.)

    I completely agree :) I just wanted to ask because it's clear that she is under the age of majority and if it was a situation where negligence was involved then I would have encouraged her to seek help somehow whether that be through a medical doctor or through her school counselor. I'm glad that it's a situation where she respects her parents and the relationship she has with them and not a unfortunate alternative :) And I do apologize....it is hard for me to sometimes wrap my head around not just being able to "go" to the Dr. Perhaps it was insensitive of me to inquire :embarassed:
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Under 18 - you need to eat waaaay more. Your body has additional energy requirements to an adult because you are still growing. Try spark teens website - they're more set up for people your age than here.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I think for many of us who have dieted on and off for years, hunger is really not a good guide as to how much food our body needs to stay healthy and full of energy.
    It sounds as though you are undereating, which is going to make it hard to get enough good nuttition to stay healthy for the long term. If your current strategy isn't working for you - change it!

    I know that's easy to say, so here's some practical ideas:
    - maybe you would be better with several smaller meals rather than a big breakfast (not that your breakfast sounds very big to me!)
    - you can add in things like cheese, olive oil, avocado to your breakfast which don't fill you up much but get some healthy fats into your system.
    - some other ideas: snack on nuts, full fat yoghurt, red meat instead of chicken breast, peanut butter on your toast. These will all add a few extra calories but not much bulk.
    - try increasing by about 50 cals per day. Then you won't feel like you are overwhelmed and that it's all too hard.

    I'm not recommending that you eat until you stuff yourself, but gradually increasing your calorie intake seems like a good idea to ensure you stay healthy.

    Ahhhh, I've just read that you're still in your teens. That makes it even more important to eat enough calories to fuel your body. We're not just talking about being healthy here, the fact is that your brain and body are still developing at your age and you can't afford to starve your body at this stage of life.
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    (Note: To the person in Canada who mentioned that teenagers can see the doctor without parental permission. That's true in other places as well, but remember that not every place has universal health care. Laws are different by location, so not all places would allow a younger teen to see a doctor by him or herself. Some places may not have public transportation, and other places someone might need parental help with paying or insurance. On the other hand, it may be an option here... we just don't know.)

    I completely agree :) I just wanted to ask because it's clear that she is under the age of majority and if it was a situation where negligence was involved then I would have encouraged her to seek help somehow whether that be through a medical doctor or through her school counselor. I'm glad that it's a situation where she respects her parents and the relationship she has with them and not a unfortunate alternative :) And I do apologize....it is hard for me to sometimes wrap my head around not just being able to "go" to the Dr. Perhaps it was insensitive of me to inquire :embarassed:

    And I didn't think of the possibility of negligence... with just one post, it's hard to know or take into account all the possibilities. I don't think you should be embarrassed... I wish access to healthcare was an option for all.

    <preachy mode on - please forgive me>
    Best wishes to the original poster. It may be hard, and they may not always react in the best way, but it probably is time to talk to your parents. Before age 18 it's reasonable to check in with a doctor once a year and to begin taking charge of your own health. If you can get them "on board", it will be much easier to adjust your diet with your parents' help. No one's perfect, and they won't be right about all the things they suggest for you, but you may be surprised... as long as what you want to do is reasonably healthy, they could be quite helpful. If your parents are both well educated about health issues, it may be hard to convince them that their "baby" may know something they don't. But even if you don't agree you can show them how much more mature you're becoming by doing some research and showing it to them. And if they're saying you're overly concerned with calories... they may mean that they think you're trying to eat too little... which it sounds like you are to many of us too. But you can tell them it's not just calories, and that you're trying to find the right, healthy balance for you, and you'd like a neutral, objective opinion like your family doctor or a nutritionist to help you learn more about how to take care of your health. If you act more mature, even when they forget how much older you're getting, they will probably begin to treat you like a more responsible person. While no parents are perfect, they do understand more than you may think.
    <preachy mode off>
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
  • sarar_smiles
    This has probably been stated, but when you rarely eat or don't eat very much, your body gets used to it. This is BAD. Try slowly building up to 1300 calories or so.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,041 Member
    fill up on higher calorie foods such as peanut butter! i doubt you will fill full with only two tablespoons (a tablespoon is a lot smaller than people think) and this already has 200 cals!

    Oops! OP is allergic to nuts.
  • Rosa1213
    Rosa1213 Posts: 456 Member

    This person's blog was really useful to me as a calorie calculator and seeing just how many calories I need to be eating.

    I wish you all the best in getting healthier, and am on the same page as a few above posters: If it's your shape and bf % that's bothering you, try lifting weights and not focusing quite as much of your attention on the calorie count.
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    Am I the only one who sees a real problem here. 130 lbs at 5'8.there is NO reason for you to want to lose weight- you cant go to the doctor and your a minor- you are seriously under weight and near starving. period. You need to go to your parents and seek medical attention. something isnt right here. If you wanted to get in shape the strength train, but this post really bothers me alot. Sounds like theres more to this than the eye can read.
  • Sarahkittymeoww
    Basically you have to force yourself to eat more, once your body gets used to it (wont take more then a few days) you will start to feel hungry, and it will be much better off for it! you will have more energy, feel less tired and look better. You must be eating way below your BMR right now which means your body is eating into lean tissue for weight loss as it is programmed to survive, and will do so no matter what.

    Just try and eat high calorie good foods in amongst your day, nuts , avocado, peanut butter etc etc and that shoudl take those numbers up a bit.

    I have the same problem as you, and I would agree that this is good advice. Once I started forcing myself recently to eat to my set limit each day on clean foods (which you don't seem to have a problem with so that's good!) I already feel a lot better, with more energy and can get through my workouts. I haven't started losing again, but I'm sure if I keep shifting my calories and getting them a little higher, it will start seeing some changes on the scale, since it's worked for me before. Just sit there and try watching tv while you munch on a big, healthy meal...for boredom eaters and overweight people this is a problem since when you are keeping yourself preoccupied you tend to just eat mindlessly. But in your case, it can be a helpful way to get your calories in at a nice comfortable pace.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I do not know how old you are, but the settings on MFP are not set up for growing teenagers. You need to eat way more than you are. I am a few inches shorter than you (less calories needed) and more than double your age (slower metabolism), and I would lose weight on anything less than 2200 (without exercise).

    It sounds like you want to 'tone up' (sorry for the usage) - not actually lose weight (your weight is already pretty low). You should be eating at a small deficit and strength training. Without exercise, I would estimate that you should be eating at least 1800 calories a day (but please please please check this with your doctor) plus what you expend exercising.

    Eat calorie dense foods and there is no point restricting your carbs. Eat nothing low-fat or sugar free. To get your calories up, add butter and oils to food and full fat dressing to salads. Try drinking chocolate milk. Try eating seeds, avocados and cheese.

    Please see a doctor however and talk to your parents.

    Edited for typos (and I am sure there are more!)
  • unsound
    unsound Posts: 31 Member
    I hate to say it, but if your numbers are right, you should do whatever you can to get yourself to a medical professional. 700 calories per day sounds like borderline malnutrition to me, and it appears that your appetite is suppressed for some reason. You really need to get yourself checked out (hormone imbalances can mess with your appetite, for example). According to the standard formulas, someone of your size and approximate age burns about 1450 calories a day even if you never move a muscle.
  • doriefish1
    doriefish1 Posts: 10 Member
    I don't know if anyone else has mentioned this, but my son is also allergic to nuts and we use sun-nut butter. It's 100% peanut and tree nut free and made in a peanut free facility. It is high in calories, but it tastes (to me) better than peanut butter. Also, rice milk is actually just the water used to cook rice in, there is not a lot of nutritional value in rice milk. I asked my son's dr. about that as an option since he was allergic to milk as well and that is what he told me.
  • HealthyMichie

    Thanks for all your advice--I have joined EM2WL and I'm going to start tomorrow!

    To everyone who is concerned about my health, maybe I should make this clear: I do not want to lose weight. Weight isn't my problem. How am I underweight? Isn't 130 pounds ideal for a person of 5'8"? Anyway, I'm more concerned about inches than pounds, and the scale is not important to me. I just want to be healthy. I'm not trying to starve myself, and I'm not malnourished. I started this thread in the first place because I WANTED the help so that i could eat MORE. I have no intentions of harming my body. I just want to learn what's right, and I want to find ways to be healthier. How can I know without someone telling me?
    I plan on eating more, which is hard to do for a kid in school, by the way. I don't have the time to plan out afternoon snacks and perfectly balanced meals, but I'm trying my best.

    I want to be HEALTHY, not skinny.

    I agree that I need to focus more on strength/shape than weight loss.

    If you still doubt my honesty, and if you truly believe that I want to lose weight in an unhealthy way, please PM me so I can thoroughly explain to you otherwise.

    edit--and to everyone and their suggestions; thank you SO much!
  • HealthyMichie
    I just posted this in the Eat More to Weigh Less discussion. Could you all state your opinions on this, or spread the word so I can get some responses? I'd like to eat more starting June 1st! Thanks :happy:


    edit: stupid me, I forgot to paste the link! :embarassed:
  • TeresaC79
    TeresaC79 Posts: 316 Member
    If you really want to prevent yourself from going into starvation mode you're probably going to have to eat a bit of junk food.

    this might take the cake for the stupidest thing i've read all day. no pun intended.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I just posted this in the Eat More to Weigh Less discussion. Could you all state your opinions on this, or spread the word so I can get some responses? I'd like to eat more starting June 1st! Thanks :happy:


    edit: stupid me, I forgot to paste the link! :embarassed:

    People will not be able to comment on that specific thread unless they are a member of that group.

    With one caveat - you plan looks fine - do not worry about going over on sugars - just hit the macros (carbs/fat/protein) with a well balanced diet (fruits veggies etc). Some people like to gradually increase to those levels and others just up their calories straight away. If you do have a suppressed metabolism, it is actually recommended to eat at maintenance for at least 4 weeks and then cut back - however, one month of low calories should not have impacted you too much. The caveat is - I do not know the proper macros for your age and I would highly recommend you discussing your plan with your doctor/parents,

    Kudos to you for trying to do this the right way and for trying to get yourself informed of what the right way is.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    If you really want to prevent yourself from going into starvation mode you're probably going to have to eat a bit of junk food.

    this might take the cake for the stupidest thing i've read all day. no pun intended.

    It's definately up there.