Calling all Joggers :)



  • pariswhenitsizzles
    pariswhenitsizzles Posts: 1 Member
    First post!
    There is nothing like the runners high. I used to be quite keen but I gt injured training for a half marathon then had a baby then had a myriad of other excuses. I'm trying to get back into it and could really do with some support and encouragement. Would love to get back to where I was back then and stick at it this time! Add me! X
  • AngelRobbie
    AngelRobbie Posts: 153 Member
    Hey Runners! I started running about 3 years ago, but didn't seriously get into it until about 6 months ago. I have done a few 5Ks, a 10K and I am training for a half marathon in October. I am nervous about it because where I live it's mostly flat, and this race is going to go through some crazy hills in the City.. Anyone have any good tips for hill training without the hills?

    I'm newish to the site and I am looking for friends with similar interests. Let's support eachother to reach our running goals!

    Add me :D
  • mathlete99
    mathlete99 Posts: 133 Member
    I too completed C25K and have done a few 5Ks so far this year. Now that all of our kids are in college and beyond, the hubby and I realized we finally have time to do what we want to do, haha! Kids think we are crazy, but it sure is fun to train and compete. Would love more running friends, the more the merrier :)
  • gehlerc
    gehlerc Posts: 651 Member
    I'm old (will be 50 this summer) and just started running again this past February with C25K. I'm now doing 4 miles at a time (10 min/mile), 3-4 times per week, and am signed up for my first race EVER on July 14, a 10K. (That's the day after I turn 50!) I'm working on increasing my mileage--will worry about time later.

    I'd love to be friends with more runners / joggers. If anyone here is interested, please send me a request.
  • ktsail
    ktsail Posts: 21 Member
    I am a runner, as well. I'd like to sign up for some races soon for added motivation! Request is on its way.
  • aehakes
    aehakes Posts: 3
    Just started a 6 week program at my gym with endurance as the main focus! My goal is to be able to jog at least two to three times a week. I had surgery on my knee a few years ago and that is really putting me in a lot of pain when I do jog but, I am powering through as I have used this as an excuse for 5 years now....

    Any suggestions on how to start out?!

    Add me so I can use you for motivation!
  • Chickadee03
    Chickadee03 Posts: 1 Member
    First post!

    I want to get more fit over the summer so I plan on starting jogging tomorrow (really!) and I just joined a gym so we'll see how this goes!

    I would love a group of friends for motivation!
  • fit4change
    fit4change Posts: 19 Member
    Hi there! I'm running a half marathon at the end of June. I'd be happy to support you on your running adventures. Feel free to add me. Good luck!!
  • khawkin
    khawkin Posts: 39 Member
    I'm on week 3 day 2 of C25K right now. I also like to do Zumba on my non-jogging days :D