This guy who says he's a "trainer" knows nothing about fitness and diet! and is trying to give me advice -____- sad thing is he could get a few lessons from these forums or at least the google machine to learn proper nutrition and fitness!

He's seriously telling me that i'm not losing weight cause i'm eating too much....excuse me? I have not been eating enough!! I am burning at least 400 calories everyday (I know I've been burning more, but I lost my heart rate monitor, so I now follow the machine) and only eating 1,200 calories! So my body is trying to store the fat and trade the muscle into fat because it thinks i'm starving!

AND now he just told me I shouldn't eat any bread or fruit..ever?...He says to eat less than 40 carbs a day...has he taken a nutrition class?! No carbs = no energy. You don't get energy from protein or anything like that. You get them from carbs! A low carb diet is what it is.. A DIET. yeah you'll lose weight, but you'll also lose energy..

It seems like anyone can get a license nowadays...bleck! That was my rant for the night...
This guy on facebook should NOT be a trainer.


  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    He's certified and credentialed in Broscience! :laugh:
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    That's actually really concerning that he told you you're eating too much when you're netting like 800 a day. You're right, you need to eat a lot MORE! Is there anyone you could report that to? If he said that to the wrong person it could encourage an ED or similar behavior :/
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    That's disturbing. How can you have so much false information and still be a trainer? O_o
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Pretty scary advice, I'm gload you aren't listening to it!

    Are you paying him or is this unsolicited advice on Facebook?

    If you're paying him, I'd sack him on the spot, but if it's Facebook advice - well, I wouldn't take that from anyone, no matter how "qualified" they claimed to be.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Trainers have no business giving nutrition advice. They aren't dieticians, who, unlike trainers, are actually trained formally in nutritional science.

    They should stick to exercise advice.
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    He's certified and credentialed in Broscience! :laugh:

    LMFAO!!!! That explains half the guys in Orange County, CA!
  • That's actually really concerning that he told you you're eating too much when you're netting like 800 a day. You're right, you need to eat a lot MORE! Is there anyone you could report that too? If he said that to the wrong person it could encourage an ED or similar behavior :/

    Not really :/ he works at a cross-fit place (even worse cause they probably burn between 500 -1,000 calories per workout) and I go to the gym!

    BTW, I RUN 3.25 - 4 miles a day plus weights!!! So i'm burning at least 450 calories...he says that's why i'm not losing weight cause I'm not doing HIIT....i'm training for a 10k, mind that I started out only being able to run 5 minutes at a time, with three minute walking breaks and now i'm up to 10 minutes at a time with only 2 minute breaks!
  • alisha2408
    alisha2408 Posts: 3
    Actually that is pretty much what my trainer told me. Well except in my nutrition plan I do get one apple a day. As women we are only supposed to have 22 grams of sugar which is nothing. Sugar is in everything!!! I couldn't believe how much I would go over just from journaling before I got my nutrition plan. He does have me eat healthy carbs like oatmeal for breakfast and kidney beans in my salad. His clients have gotten amazing results with working with him. That why I choose him. Also you could be building muscle and that's why you aren't losing weight. My trainer is all about measurements and watching my body fat go down, not weight necessarily as he wants me building up muscle. Again I totally trust him and if you saw his body, and his clients transformations you wouldn't even question it. He has helped many women train for their WBFF Pro cards. He also does not have me eat more than 1,200 calories even when I burn a lot working out with him. He said once I get more to my goal body fat then he will start adding more foods/calories back in.
  • alisha2408
    alisha2408 Posts: 3
    PS - are you doing any weight training? That is more important as you want to build muscle which will burn more fat.
  • queenbcronen
    queenbcronen Posts: 158 Member
    That is nuts!!!! At least you have enough brains to know different! I can't imagine the poor people out there that maybe listening to this. Did you say anything? Talk to a manager?
  • Actually that is pretty much what my trainer told me. Well except in my nutrition plan I do get one apple a day. As women we are only supposed to have 22 grams of sugar which is nothing. Sugar is in everything!!! I couldn't believe how much I would go over just from journaling before I got my nutrition plan. He does have me eat healthy carbs like oatmeal for breakfast and kidney beans in my salad. His clients have gotten amazing results with working with him. That why I choose him. Also you could be building muscle and that's why you aren't losing weight. My trainer is all about measurements and watching my body fat go down, not weight necessarily as he wants me building up muscle. Again I totally trust him and if you saw his body, and his clients transformations you wouldn't even question it. He has helped many women train for their WBFF Pro cards. He also does not have me eat more than 1,200 calories even when I burn a lot working out with him. He said once I get more to my goal body fat then he will start adding more foods/calories back in.

    See, he says NO OATMEAL at all nothing. ZERO. only carbs from meat and I lost 10 lbs eating 1700 calories a day while working out before..

    I trust my brother the most...he has only 4% body fat, is the healthiest man i've ever seen...he runs between 13-18 miles a day! (he's on his army's marathon team) and he also eats about 6,000 calories a day...he says if you don't then your body turns your muscle into fat, to conserve...
    I'm glad that it is working for you however!
  • PS - are you doing any weight training? That is more important as you want to build muscle which will burn more fat.

    Yup :) I switch back and forth, arms and legs! I follow this program on with Jamie Easton! I love it! :)
  • Trail_Addict
    Trail_Addict Posts: 1,340 Member
    Fitness Instructor =/= Nutritionist
  • ChelseaM18
    ChelseaM18 Posts: 303
    Completely agree with you, but unfortunately a fitness trainer is not certified in nutrition whatsoever (it's part of my college course) . But still, as a health and fitness advocate, he should have the basic knowledge baha :D
  • NanoBear
    NanoBear Posts: 67
    Trainer qualifications seem to come in cornflakes packets these days.
    I had a couple of sessions at a big name (in Australia) gym with one of their trainers. This was some years ago now, before I got serious and did all the research myself. I was quite shocked at the time to discover that even back then, I actually knew more than him. I think there are great ones and crappy ones, same as most other jobs.

    I don't know what it's like in other countries, but in Australia it seems to me there needs to be some regulation in the industry, especially regarding qualifications. Too many trainers here appear to have learned everything they know from watching the biggest loser or some UFC training DVD.
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    Not really :/ he works at a cross-fit place (even worse cause they probably burn between 500 -1,000 calories per workout) and I go to the gym!

    BTW, I RUN 3.25 - 4 miles a day plus weights!!! So i'm burning at least 450 calories...he says that's why i'm not losing weight cause I'm not doing HIIT....i'm training for a 10k, mind that I started out only being able to run 5 minutes at a time, with three minute walking breaks and now i'm up to 10 minutes at a time with only 2 minute breaks!

    I know this is not the point of your post, but I happened to be reading and this ^^ concerned me. I am wondering if you're not losing weight because you're not eating enough. Would you be open-minded enough to try eating a few hundred more calories per day? At least eat back half of what you're burning through exercise... your body does need fuel to operate :-) Eat what keeps YOU satisfied and healthy, not what some muscle-head says you can/can't eat :-)
  • Jkmumma
    Jkmumma Posts: 254
    Trail Addict = new best friend.. JUST FOR THIS
    Fitness Instructor =/= Nutritionist

    It is formatted in the EXACT way I was planning on responding until I saw yours. (expect I was going to use trainer instead of instructor.)

    I'm so glad that my trainer pretty much gave me a rough "500 less calories, 500 calories burned through cardio"

    When I told him how many I was eating, and how many I was burning, and how much weight I've lost, he revised to "don't listen to me, you're doing fine. That's for people that haven't changed eating habits yet."

    I just want it noted that all the trainers at 24 fitness wear redshirts... You know what they say about red shirts...
  • Not really :/ he works at a cross-fit place (even worse cause they probably burn between 500 -1,000 calories per workout) and I go to the gym!

    BTW, I RUN 3.25 - 4 miles a day plus weights!!! So i'm burning at least 450 calories...he says that's why i'm not losing weight cause I'm not doing HIIT....i'm training for a 10k, mind that I started out only being able to run 5 minutes at a time, with three minute walking breaks and now i'm up to 10 minutes at a time with only 2 minute breaks!

    I know this is not the point of your post, but I happened to be reading and this ^^ concerned me. I am wondering if you're not losing weight because you're not eating enough. Would you be open-minded enough to try eating a few hundred more calories per day? At least eat back half of what you're burning through exercise... your body does need fuel to operate :-) Eat what keeps YOU satisfied and healthy, not what some muscle-head says you can/can't eat :-)

    yes! if you look at the beginning of the post, this is what i'm saying! :) I need to eat more!!! :D haha, I lost more weight while I was in school eating 1,700 calories a day!! But i've been waking up super late since i'm on summer (like noon) but staying up till like 2:30 -3 am...but stop eating by 9pm! I need to get back to my normal sleeping routine!
  • alisha2408
    alisha2408 Posts: 3
    I love Jamie Eason. She's my hero. Yeah you definitely need carbs. When I first met with my trainer he said I wasn't eating enough of them and had me add in the oatmeal for breakfast and kidney beans in my salad. I think there are some trainers out there that do know nutrition and some that for sure don't lol! You should check him out on Facebook. He is amazing! Tim Gorham Fitness. He's really nice and cares about people's health more than the person he is helping sometimes as he has fired some of his clients that won't commit. He would probably take a look at your plan and goals and point you in the right direction. Congrats on all the good things you are doing for your body!
  • TheDudette
    TheDudette Posts: 173 Member
    Runners need to eat some carbs. I was raised by a semi-professional runner/triathlete... she's won a crap-ton of races in her life and although it's always whole grains, beans, or fruit trust me when I say, SHE EATS THEM! She is also half my size. A trainer could feed me any sort of bs they want, heavy cardio needs to be balanced out with some healthy carbs.