
TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
What's everyone up to today? It's kind of a boring day here. Nice in a way because we have been so busy lately.

My son is napping, my husband is eating lunch and I am going to head to the gym in a few....and probably just staying in tonight to watch a movie. Ohhh the excitement of parenthood!! hehe

Anyway, whatever you are doing.....enjoy!



  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    What's everyone up to today? It's kind of a boring day here. Nice in a way because we have been so busy lately.

    My son is napping, my husband is eating lunch and I am going to head to the gym in a few....and probably just staying in tonight to watch a movie. Ohhh the excitement of parenthood!! hehe

    Anyway, whatever you are doing.....enjoy!

  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Still trying to fight off an infection... kind of threw me off course because my appetite has dissapeared and I've been sleeping 14-18 hours a day. On the upside, it hurts less so hopefully tomorrow i'll be human again. :laugh:
  • Helawat
    Helawat Posts: 605 Member
    Pilates, step aerobics, elliptical, and a metric ton of sushi :)
  • lifesaver
    lifesaver Posts: 132
    packing today... for Egypt tomorrow!!
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    Well, I'm potty training my 2 yo. No accidents yet today :bigsmile:
    She's gone potty a whole bunch of times already ( #1 & #2!)

    Baking some cookies with the girls later on today.... watching a movie....... same ol' same ol'.

    Hopping on the stationary bike as dinner cooks.

  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    packing today... for Egypt tomorrow!!
    I am sooooo jealous!!!!
    That is one of my dream trips... I am so intrigued by Egypt!
    Have an awesome trip!

  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    wow good luck w/ the trip to Egypt!!! sounds amazing...and you too Joanna w/ your potty training...I remember those days LOL...

    and everyone else hope your days are going well....and you're enjoy your activities....

    my stomach is acting up so just smelling all the food I'm cooking and thinking...yuk lol...a first for me!

    going out to buy a new vacumm w/ a hepavac I think its called LOL...dust is the enemy people! lol....and then taking my boy out for a walk to the park.....exciting times I know I know...don't be too jealous LMBO!

  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    packing today... for Egypt tomorrow!!

    Aww. I want to go to Eqypt. :sad:
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    packing today... for Egypt tomorrow!!

    Aww. I want to go to Eqypt. :sad:

    Let's all meet up in Egypt!!! I'll pack my bag now! hehehehehe!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Taught 3 hours of yoga this morning. Drinking caffeine all afternoon. Going for a walk. Then to see Young at Heart tonight.
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    wife is away, so I'm gonna veg. Already did my core workout and 10 minutes jumping rope, so I'm done for the day (today is my light day). gotta take the dogs to the park later. Rented No Country for Old Men, gonna see if that's really any good. Ahh, might take a bath (sore bones and all) and read the new book I bought.

    Called Dynasty (the red sox story) Ha! I love it!
  • my2girls0507
    Well, I'm potty training my 2 yo. No accidents yet today :bigsmile:
    She's gone potty a whole bunch of times already ( #1 & #2!)

    Baking some cookies with the girls later on today.... watching a movie....... same ol' same ol'.

    Hopping on the stationary bike as dinner cooks.


    That's great about your 2 yo., I've been working on it with mine and she's gone #1 twice, but that was a week ago and now she doesn't want to do it at all! She sits on the potty and will hold it until I put a diaper on her and then the flood gates open. GRRRRR!!!!
  • lifesaver
    lifesaver Posts: 132
    packing today... for Egypt tomorrow!!
    I am sooooo jealous!!!!
    That is one of my dream trips... I am so intrigued by Egypt!
    Have an awesome trip!


    thank-you!! my dad lives there so it should be fun
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    Trying to pack today for the move. I am so not in the mood to pack. ACK!
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    Well, I'm potty training my 2 yo. No accidents yet today :bigsmile:
    She's gone potty a whole bunch of times already ( #1 & #2!)

    Baking some cookies with the girls later on today.... watching a movie....... same ol' same ol'.

    Hopping on the stationary bike as dinner cooks.


    That's great about your 2 yo., I've been working on it with mine and she's gone #1 twice, but that was a week ago and now she doesn't want to do it at all! She sits on the potty and will hold it until I put a diaper on her and then the flood gates open. GRRRRR!!!!
    My girl did the same thing for about 1 month or so. At one point she held it in ALL morning until I put a diaper on her after lunch time... That's when she let it all out.. masive #1 & #2.

    You just have to give her time to understand how all this potty hoopla works.

    My 1st daughter was potty trained before she truned 2.. it was easy peasy with her!
    She was literally potty trained in about 2 days. Had one accident and that was it... don't ask how I did it.. I had nothing to do with it... it was all her!

    Anywho... just give your little girl get "acquainted" with her potty a bit more.
    Sometimes doing it in the potty doesn't feel right yet... she'll come around.

  • edyta
    edyta Posts: 258
    Rented No Country for Old Men, gonna see if that's really any good.

    I watched it with my boyfriend recently but it's not a good choice for a date :laugh:
    He liked it in a way - me... not so much - way to much blood for a woman :wink:
    Don't worry, I'm not going to say anything more about the movie :wink: Enjoy :smile:

    I just finished my 45mins stationary bike plus 5mins abs and I'm going to bed (it's 11pm here in Europe :smile: ). Tomorrow I'm going to force myself to be enthusiastic about writing my masters thesis. Ehhh, can't wait till it's finished...

    See you on Sunday :flowerforyou:
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I just picked up Cloverfield from the RedBox thing at the grocery store. I hear it might make me a bit queasy with the camera work??
  • BreaNix
    BreaNix Posts: 205 Member
    I'm still fighting my cold so the baby and I are hanging out.

    I think that its suppose to be 90 today, so I set up my other 2 kids in the yard with the sprinkler. I can hear alot of screaming and laughing as 2 wet kids go running by the screen door.

    Got Nancy Drew to watch for tonight. Can't wait, I love mysterys and I'm excited to introduce my kids to another mystery solving character. I already have them hooked on Scooby Doo and the gang.
  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    I just picked up Cloverfield from the RedBox thing at the grocery store. I hear it might make me a bit queasy with the camera work??

    :love: I :heart: this movie!!! :love:

    It's amazing, just try to stick with it. It starts slow, then gets CRAZY!!!

    As far as nausia....yeah, it can. I didn't have any problems, but I know of a few people that had a hard time with it. I would think that if you did ok with Blair Witch you should be ok with this. Small screen should help also. I hope you enjoy it!!! :bigsmile:
  • kerikitkat
    kerikitkat Posts: 352 Member
    My best friend spent a year in Egypt at the University of Cairo while we were in college. I would LOVE to go there! She's in Morrocco in the Peace Corps now... I'm so jealous. :tongue: