Good Books?

Are there any really good books about losing weight, motivation, etc? Not necessarily "diet books" on HOW to do it, but people's stories and advice.


  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I just posted about this in another thread, but I can share it here too! :smile: My therapist recommended "The Beck Diet Solution: Train your brain to think like a thin person" by Judith S. Beck.

    I really like what I've read/done so far. It is a cognitive therapy approach that basically teaches you how to diet (that term is used loosely - it applies to just watching what you eat as well as to popular diets that are out there). It works with whatever eating plan you are on and helps with the motivation and positive thinking that we need to stick with it and get through the challenges that all people trying to lose weight have (or will) face.

    I'm currently reading a library-borrowed copy but will probably buy my own when I have to return this one. :smile:
  • jenninsocal
    Cool thanks, I will check that one out.
  • lsjd2000
    lsjd2000 Posts: 287 Member
    i really like the Eat Fat Lose Fat by Mary Enig also the book by Bob Harper - Are You Ready! : Take Charge, Lose Weight, Get in Shape, and Change Your Life Forever..which is motivational and has some great tips for weight training.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Thanks for the info. Someone I know has You On A Diet, Dr Ian Smith's Books and Dr. Phil's Book. This actually might be something to add to the colleciton.
    Excerpt from an interview on MEDSCAPE

    Dr. Beck: Dieters need help in coming to grips with the fact that they need to lose slowly and sensibly -- and that they will need to be on a variation of this diet for their whole life. They need to know that they won't lose weight every single week, even if they're keeping their caloric intake and amount of exercise constant. Hormonal changes, water retention, and other biologic processes can cause weight to vary. Also, once they lose a certain amount of weight, they will plateau, unless they cut calories further or exercise more. And they also should know beforehand that dieting often starts off easy when people are motivated, then it's normal for it to get harder, but that it will become easier again when they have the right tools.
  • neclark18
    the peaceful warrior. my boyfriend just read it, he said it changed his life :) i plan on reading it now. so im reccommending it to you.
  • tdbrown10
  • nakrya
    nakrya Posts: 191
    This book has nothing to do with food or health, but it's a great inspirational book. Got me through some rough times. "The Last Lecture" by Randy Pausch. It really gives you perspective :)