Weight Loss Mommas

I am a momma of 4 and in desperate need to lose 32 pounds. I have been exercising Mon.-Friday walking and doing yoga. I have done many diets in the past and fail badly at them. looking for other mommas for a support group I am 31 and ready to lose some weight

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  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    Im a mom of 3 ages 5,3,2. Last year I lost 96 pounds but slipped a disc in my back, got lazy and gained back 15 pounds...so now Im back to MFP and I have 12 pounds to go back to my goal again. I walk with the kids in the am before if gets to hot, we walk about 4 miles a day 5-6 days a week.
  • chelll224
    chelll224 Posts: 52 Member
    I'm a mom of 3, ages 22, 10, and 8. I work full time and have an hour commute each way so I spend most of my life sitting. I'm also a stress/emotional eater so the more unhappy I got with my weight, the more I ate. I'm taking the stairs at work now instead of the elevator, 4 flights should count as aerobic exercise! I also started C25K, tonight I did the second day of week 1. So far so good. Good luck ladies!
  • teannie84
    teannie84 Posts: 1 Member
    Iam a mother of two awsome little boys, a 2 yr old and a 3 month old, i held on to my baby weight from baby number one, and only gained a little with number 2. Ive been working out for about a month now and am having a hard time loosing weight while breastfeeding my youngest. i run about 20 miles a week at the gym when i have time. I got probably about 40 lbs to loose to reach my goal.
  • msrugg88
    msrugg88 Posts: 3
    I am a mother of two young boys, ages 1 and 5. With the amount of energy the two of them have, I find it hard to keep up with all of my extra weight. I have managed to loss 45 pounds so far but I still have many more too go. I am looking for mothers/women like me for support and motivation. I am so ready to finish getting this weight off! :)
  • tynybury
    tynybury Posts: 7
    I am a mother of 2, ages 2 and 7 months. Once I start to eat unhealthy foods, I feel like I can't stop. If I don't start eating them, I do really well. I hate feeling like food gets the best of me and I am here to get my weight and food intake back on track.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    My son just turned 1 last week. I'm hovering around my goal, but am trying to get the hang of this maintainence thing. I've gained back a few lbs from my goal weight because I've been MUCH more lenient about what I eat. I'm trying to get my motivation back. I work full time on a crazy schedule and just trying to keep up!
  • kristikin
    kristikin Posts: 6 Member
    I'm a mom of 2 - 4 year old boy and 19 month old girl. I've lost about 40 lbs this past year and have 10-15 to go (depends on the day and water weight) to get to my ultimate goal weight. I've plateaued recently and am getting very frustrated about that. Most weeks, I exercise 4-6 times doing a mix of yoga, cardio, and strenght training. I would love a group with some different exercise ideas, any quick, healthy meal or snack ideas, and any other support in general!
  • sconrad2012
    I have been on MFP since 5/5/2012. I have only lost 2 lbs. Last year I lost 30 and I still want to lose 20 more. I am 38, work full time, married and have a 9 year old daughter. I do not want to get discouraged.
  • CUgirl
    CUgirl Posts: 8 Member
    I would like to add you as support person too. I am 39 with three boys - 16, 13, and 9. I work full time (8 to 5). I have been been using MFP for about 5 weeks I believe. My goal is to lose 30 lbs (I am 5'6" and would say I have a medium frame. Pear-shaped body! LOL) I recently went through a 7 day detox a few weeks ago and it helped me kick my regular Coca-cola habit. I am very proud of this because it was my crutch. Since then I have seen a change in my body slowly but have not lost a lot of weight. I am not giving up though. I feel good when I track what I eat...no more mindless eating. My priority for several months now has been making time to workout. I attend both Kickboxing classes and Zumba classes during the week - they start basically after work, 5:30 and 6:15 respectively. On my best weeks I can go to the classes 4 days a week. I prefer these classes to treadmills, elliptical, weight machines, running, etc. Group exercises is really for me - especially these particular ones. The problem is I have major guilt leaving my boys to basically eat by themselves while mom works out. My husband gets home from work late - 6:30 or 7 pm so he is not home to eat with them either. I bust my butt to make the boys supper before I go work out - most days I am able to do this, other days I either don't go to class so I can provide them with something or I turn to fast food or pizza. I grew up with family meals and have always felt that dinner time is important to bond as a family. Because I am not able to do this as often as I can because I choose to workout instead, I feel I am letting my kids down. I feel bad when I throw supper on the table and say "gotta go, enjoy your dinner together you three" and book to class. However, I don't want to stop going to the classes because, even though they are challenging, I love to go. I really need them in my life. I guess I have to get over my guilt but I can't help it sometimes.

    Anyway...sorry to write a book here. I didn't really know I had it in me! LOL. If you or anyone else have a similar lifestyle to me, please send me a friend request.
  • sjowett77
    sjowett77 Posts: 6
    This is a great idea. Can we create a group? I am new here, but I think we can.
  • Mommy_Time
    Mommy_Time Posts: 256 Member
    I am 29 and a mom to 5 ages 6,5,3,2 and 9mths...I am on day 24 of Insanity.

    I am on here every single day and love being supportive. Anyone feel free to add me.

    Also if u do not log in for 7 days in a row I delete u just as I am here to get healthy and fit and need friends who are committed like me.
  • jamie_maddox
    jamie_maddox Posts: 57 Member
    Hi! I am Jamie. 31-year-old Momma to a 4-year-old girl and a 2-year-old boy! Please feel free to add me or let me know if a group is started!
  • Angieb1982
    Angieb1982 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey, I am a 29 f from Mobile, Al. I have a 14m old handsome young man, and I am on a mission to weigh less as an adult than I ever have. I have to loose 140 lbs. I am 259 and have always struggled with weight. I gained 50 lbs with my son and have 10 to go to be pre-baby! If you are in my area and need a workout buddy let me know. I go to the Y and am always looking for people to start a support!
  • Tanya5791
    Hi, I'm a 36 year mom of two teenager’s son 16 and daughter 15 from Texas. I have just started my journey on MFP and want to be fit and healthy by the age of 40 when my children are off to college and I have the opportunity to expand living my life. I work full time and my children are highly involved in extracurricular activities that sometimes limit my ability to work out as much as I would like. I'm ready for back to school so that I can rearrange my schedule to start going to the gym. Please feel free to add me as a friend as we all work together and offer encouragement to reach our goals.
  • sherylmariecampbell
    hey there! My name is Sheryl, and I also live in Mobile! I am 29, work out at the ymca, and am a mommy trying to loose some baby weight! Feel free to add me!
  • ivan1964
    ivan1964 Posts: 435
    Hello and welcome here. You can do anything you put your mind too. I hope you have a great day and feel free to add me if you wish. :smile:
  • shyeban
    shyeban Posts: 121 Member
    I'm 29, with two kids - 3 1/2 & 1 1/2. My second child has been very hard work (digestive problems, not sleeping) and I have gained far more weight than I realised by comfort eating.
    I'm now 15lbs down and hoping to carry on as I've begun.

    Feel free to add me.
  • Amfro
    Amfro Posts: 12
    Hi, my name is amber, mother of one 9 year old boy. He's wonderfully bright, and i weigh about as much as i did before him plus his weight. From Wisconsin, love cheese curds. I'm new here and looking for friends, would love to make your acquaintance.
  • turquoise3
    turquoise3 Posts: 79 Member
    Hello. From Northern Ireland, looking for some people in a similar situation to myself to help keep me going :) Mum of two boys, youngest is three. Just didn't put in the effort to loose the extra pregnancy weight this time! Been on a steady diet of nommy noms for a little too long, no longer want to stay at this weight/size. Feel free to add me if you think we could spur each other on :)
  • marketdimlylit
    marketdimlylit Posts: 1,601 Member
    Ello, i'm a mum of one daughter :)
    Looking to lose weight also!
    Add me if you like mommas.