
So this site is telling me that I need what ever amount of protein a day and I have reached that by breakfast( I had cottage cheese) my 1st day. Is more protein than recommended a bad thing?:ohwell:


  • skcornett
    skcornett Posts: 169 Member
    My trainer has me on a 30/40/30 plan - 30% carbs, 40% protein, 30% fat. But we're working towards increasing protein, and carbs/fats have to come from good sources. Hope that helps.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Nah... this site way under targets your protein if you ask me. The generally accepted amount is .7-1g of protein for each lb of lean body mass you have. If you aim for at least 30% you'll be just fine. Many people eat more. I think MFP defaults to 15% or something silly.
  • WannaLoseit101114
    Thank you! It does help. I am having a hard time finding things to eat because my sugar was so high with my last blood work, we were trying to figure out why I can't loose. I guess the granola bars and bananas and too much sugar in my coffee :noway: So I am cutting all of that out! but I will have to watch every thing in every food which is going to get rough! but I will get it eventually!:love:
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Thank you! It does help. I am having a hard time finding things to eat because my sugar was so high with my last blood work, we were trying to figure out why I can't loose. I guess the granola bars and bananas and too much sugar in my coffee :noway: So I am cutting all of that out! but I will have to watch every thing in every food which is going to get rough! but I will get it eventually!:love:

    In that case, ignore MFP completely on this issue. As long as the protein isn't causing you stomach upset or other problems (check with your doctor), you should be good. I had gestational diabetes with my pregnancies and was able to control it with diet alone. That meant eating protein every time I ate any carbs. As long as your calories are in line with your target, worry less about fat, hit your carb targets and eat protein and highest-fiber options whenever possible.

    Hard boiled eggs
    Turkey Pepperoni sticks
    Cheese (mozarella is usually lower in calories)
    Chicken breast

    I also drink a protein shake made with sugar free vanilla whey protein powder. Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey... it's 130 calories but 30g of protein or thereabouts. There's only as much sugar as you add to it... if you make a shake with ice, unsweetened almond milk, peanut butter (or PB2), spinach leaves (you won't taste them), and maybe half a banana if you can handle the carbs, that will fill you up for a while for sure!
  • choirgirl1130
    choirgirl1130 Posts: 80 Member
    you need to change the setttings on your food....mfp sets protein at 15%. good ratio especial if you are trying to reduce body fat and contorl cravings is 40% carb, 30% protein, 30%fat. from home tab go to goals> customize> and reset your food ratio % :)
  • choirgirl1130
    choirgirl1130 Posts: 80 Member
    actually from home tab choose goals>change goals> customize> then you can reset your food ratios
  • marie_2454
    marie_2454 Posts: 881 Member
    A lot of people on here think that the protein level MFP sets is too low (myself included) unless you're eating upwards of 300g a day or something you'll be fine. I changed my goals and aim to eat around 140g a day. Don't worry about it :smile:
  • Benson19
    Benson19 Posts: 54 Member
    My husband is into body building. So for him he says he has to eat as many protein in grams as his own weight in order to build muscle. For me he says I just have to eat about half my weights in grams of protein. Protein is one of the most important things we can eat. Protein helps build our cells in our bodies. So i'm with everyone when I think MFP underestimates its daily value of protein.
  • yourenotmine
    yourenotmine Posts: 645 Member
    This is a question you should ask your doctor, who knows your medical history. On this site we all have opinions, but we don't know you. Especially if you're having health problems (and it sounds like you might be, elevated blood sugar, at least).
  • WannaLoseit101114
    Thanks for your insight everyone! My doc told me I probably was not getting enough protein as it was so I think I will raise it! Thanks again!