This is one of my worst fears but is to blame for why I am so overweight. I have been to many buffets in my time. How many calories would you say a trip to the following would cost you....


Scary thought, but my guess is most buffets put you easily in the 3500+ range per trip.


  • weightlossguy01
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    I would honestly not go to one. That is just promoting over eating.
  • weightlossguy01
    I agree the best way would be to not go. But I think knowing the damage it does ahead of time could help prevent it from occuring which is why I'm curious what that amount would probably be. Think it's something good to consider ahead of time so if it ever comes up, you'll realize you truly are better off going to McDonalds than to a buffet..sad to say.
  • maxonehiphop
    maxonehiphop Posts: 139 Member
    I just keep track of each thing I eat and input them individually. I always er on the side of more calories when I'm not sure about something. I love buffets but don't get to go very often.
  • kmpawley
    kmpawley Posts: 21 Member
    Buffet are a hard place to go when you are trying to loose weight. This is just a guess but Lunch and dinner would easily be 1,500-2,500.
    When we have gone to buffet I eat a healthy salad and soup before I eat anything else. I also try to eat slowly. I don't know if you have noticed this before, but they always play faster upbeat music. I think this makes you eat quicker so you leave faster. I try to let the salad and soup fill me up so I can resist. My 2 sons love country buffet. Its a killer.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    It totally depends on whether you get a reasonable sized plate or whether you take all-you-can-eat as a challenge.

    I haven't been to a buffet in a while, (actually, checking my food records, it was February 18th), but it set me back just over 2,000.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I agree the best way would be to not go. But I think knowing the damage it does ahead of time could help prevent it from occuring which is why I'm curious what that amount would probably be. Think it's something good to consider ahead of time so if it ever comes up, you'll realize you truly are better off going to McDonalds than to a buffet..sad to say.

    You already know the damage it does ahead of time.....get on the scale.

    Seriously just don't go to Buffet's.
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,808 Member
    Buffets are hard. It is probably best to avoid but let's face it, none of us are probably never going to visit a buffet ever again. I have gone and still lost weight but keep in mind a few basic tricks:

    Drink lots and lots and then more water ( not only will it help you feel more full but it will help with flushing out the sodium content )
    Start with a broth based soup ( might be high in sodium but helps fill you up)
    If you dont like soup reach for the salad first ( not the mayo based kind) and watch the dressing ( balsamic or raspberry are better options)
    Avoid anything that looks fried or is covered in rich sauces
    I try to stick with veggie and meat based dishes and avoid the pasta, rice or potato ones.
    Of course dessert is going to be there. Have what you want but have the smallest piece that will satify your craving and then move on

    This is about lifestyle changes not deprivation but if you think you will not be able to control yourself , you might want to avoid. If you do , just eat clean the rest of the week and get in a few extra workouts.
    For tracking, just do the Add calorie option ( I track about 1500 for a buffet meal) or dont track that day.
    Dont beat yourself up
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    It makes me sad when people eat at Golden Corral.
  • rprussell2004
    rprussell2004 Posts: 870 Member
    I would pretend my computer crashed that day and skip it.


    Not worth the trouble - who knows how any of that stuff was prepared...
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    I keep track of what I eat and log it best I can. On April 9th I went to Golden Corral and it looks like it set me back about 2390.
  • mfp_junkie
    mfp_junkie Posts: 359
    I'm guessing 2-3 times a normal meal, and all high fat, high calorie items. I'd quick add 2,500 and move on. Of course, that would be all of my calories for most days, after I've worked out....

    So not worth it.
  • futuremalestripper
    futuremalestripper Posts: 467 Member
    On a diet, i'd avoid it.

    Off a diet, if you don't surpass 10,000 calories in one sitting, then you aren't doing it right.
    I like to capitalize on my investment.
  • alucard75
    alucard75 Posts: 207 Member
    just quick add 3000 calories of fat pills....BUT god they are yummy, part of the reason I'm here today, damn buffets arghhh
  • bellygoaway
    bellygoaway Posts: 441 Member
    1 trip to a buffet = 1 lb gained
    So I would say about 3500 calories (give or take)
    Or you could just remember everything you eat and list them out one by one.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I honestly don't eat at buffets much anymore, mostly because I prefer to give my service to local places which tend to be sit down restaurants anyway.

    When I do go to buffets on occasion, I typically only get one plate (which at this point, is enough to fill me up just fine). I also remember to pace myself. I'm the kind of person that wants to try a little of everything, so I take very small amounts of what I want, knowing I'll want to try a good portion of what is out there.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I ate at the chinese buffet the other day (gasp!). I didn't eat much but even then, blah!!

    Still, I enjoyed it. :smokin:
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    I would write down everything you are eating and fill up on salad if you do go. Or some places do have the option to order an individual plate entree. I went to a buffet not too long ago and managed to restrain myself to one small plate but I was also busy chasing a 4 year old lol
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    Agreed, don't go, impossible to not overeat :noway:
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,808 Member
    Off a diet, if you don't surpass 10,000 calories in one sitting, then you aren't doing it right.
    I like to capitalize on my investment.

    Lol so true, have to get our moneys worth