I need to kick artifical sweetners HOW???

Hi ~ I have made lots of healthy changes during the past year. Losing weight, changing habits and loving exerise. I am so hooked on exercise I am always up for trying new things now that I have dropped some pounds! I think the next thing I need to look at is artifical sweetners. I know they are not good for you and I need to work on cutting back or cutting them out all together. I enjoy a Fresca a few times a week and put splenda in my coffee..I also enjoy crystal light, and once in awhile treat myself to a Weight Watcher ice cream. I have tried agave sweetner.....yuck!

Have you given up sweetners??? Looking forward to any tips you might have :happy:


  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    How about real sugar in your coffee? It is only 15 calories per teaspoon.
  • missattitude57
    How about real sugar in your coffee? It is only 15 calories per teaspoon.

  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    I highly recommend coconut nectar.
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    I used to have a teaspoon of sweetener in my tea and I used to eat whole biscuit with it in the morning.

    I got down to a tip of a teaspoon of sweetener and now I have none.

    I cut down my biscuit to 1/10th just a tiny corner. Am working off the last bit, somedays I do somedays I don`t

    Just wean your self off it...it isn`t so hard
  • tina219
    tina219 Posts: 47 Member
    Domino sugar has a product out that is a mixture of sugar and stevia which is natural. I use half the amount that I would use with regular sugar, and I like the taste.
  • louwanna
    louwanna Posts: 6
    I use Stevia from the health food store. I don't buy the off brands. Stevia is more natural.
  • LaPatrizia
    LaPatrizia Posts: 10 Member
    Xylitol is good- try the brand called Ideal Sweetener. It tastes just like sugar and is natural.
  • kazza2cats
    kazza2cats Posts: 87 Member
    I gave it up years ago by just not drinking tea or coffee for a week or so then when I really wanted one I just had it without sweetner and it tasted ok.
  • DelilahCat0212
    DelilahCat0212 Posts: 282 Member
    Nutrasweet is the only thing that doesn't make me violently ill (I'm talking about you, Splenda) but it does leave me feeling hungry. My body expects sugar and gets Nutrasweet and says WTF, man????? Where's the sugar? So I have a Fresca maybe once or twice a week and that's it. More than that and I'm starving. I love unsweetened iced tea with lemon.

    Stevia tastes awful. That licorice aftertaste is just awful. I hate anise/black licorice with a passion so it just isn't for me. I've tried and I've tried it and I just can't stand it.

    I use real sugar in my coffee and just count the calories. It's worth it.
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    Hi ~ I have made lots of healthy changes during the past year. Losing weight, changing habits and loving exerise. I am so hooked on exercise I am always up for trying new things now that I have dropped some pounds! I think the next thing I need to look at is artifical sweetners. I know they are not good for you and I need to work on cutting back or cutting them out all together. I enjoy a Fresca a few times a week and put splenda in my coffee..I also enjoy crystal light, and once in awhile treat myself to a Weight Watcher ice cream. I have tried agave sweetner.....yuck!

    Have you given up sweetners??? Looking forward to any tips you might have :happy:

    Wean yourself off gradually...

    I'm in the habit of unsweetened tea/coffee, but there is one type of tea that's just a thousand times better sweetened... so I use stevia. It's concentrated substance from a plant leaf, it's not sugar but it somehow tastes sweet. Just don't add too much or it's really gross.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    Go to A.S.A.

    Artificial sweeteners annoynmous.

    Start by admiting your problem by simply saying hi my name is ---- and I am a A.S. junkie... :laugh:
  • ready2tryagain42
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    Personally I don't see the point. Life has gotten be sweetened up somehow and real sugar adds too many calories and carbs. And contrary to popular belief, consuming artificial sugar does not make you crave real sugar.
  • EJED724
    EJED724 Posts: 13
    Amen to this, I have a diet soda addiction! I'm insulin resistant and my doc said a little diet soda is ok - does anyone know if there has been definitive research that shows that your body responds to it the same way as it does sugar? it would make sense since it does that to my tastebuds!
  • hennagrrrl2
    When it came down to no sugar or artificial sweetner in my coffee and tea, I opted to go without sweetner. Real sugar is much more healthy than artificial, in small doses. I was highly addicted to diet colas for most of my adult life, but quit basically "cold turkey" a couple of months ago when I realized how artificial sweetner and carbonation were affecting my hunger levels and waistline. My advice is to switch to small amounts of real sugar (the less processed, the better) for sweetening foods and beverages.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I used to drink a ton of soda, even diet.

    Since I cut out unnecessary sugar/sweeteners, I am not MUCH more sensitive to sweetness, and adding sugar even to coffee is just too sweet for me.

    Try quitting cold turkey and you may find that you don't need as much sugar when you come back.
  • MichelleMcClung
    Good for you for wanting to quit them!!
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    Xylitol is good- try the brand called Ideal Sweetener. It tastes just like sugar and is natural.

    If you have pets, be very careful as this is extremely toxic to dogs -- even in very small doses.
    This is the reason I don't buy it .... I don't even want them licking my plate/bowl with something I used this in.

    Sorry to go off topic :)
  • MichelleMcClung
    Personally I don't see the point. Life has gotten be sweetened up somehow and real sugar adds too many calories and carbs. And contrary to popular belief, consuming artificial sugar does not make you crave real sugar.

    The point to not using artificial sweeteners is HUGE! It's not about the calories it's about the foreign chemicals that you are putting into your body that your body does NOT know how to digest! It's like poison! So the best thing to do is either not use them at all or use good ole fashioned organic sugar in moderation. That is the only way to go for the most healthy choice and you will benefit so much from it! In my opinion artificial sweeteners should be banned and no longer allowed in stores. They are highly toxic! So unless you are detoxing constantly it's not a good idea. I would just stay away from them altogether. For example, Just drink your coffee black...that is what I do. I used to drink all those fancy coffees at starbucks and caribou but after changing my ways and my very bad habits I have learned to live a life without sweeteners and high calorie coffees. Once you get used to it, you will be fine and your body will thank you for it! :o)
  • FreedomReigns
    FreedomReigns Posts: 195 Member
    I completely understand. Splenda is my evil....it makes my heart race if i use it to much so you would think i would stop but no i keep buying it. Even before i had weight issues i always used it....never have been a sugar person. Trying to cut it out completely is hard but i am trying. Good luck

    ~ Amber