My turn!

RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
My story:
I joined My Fitness Pal towards the end of January, 2012 - I had enough of hating myself and literally feeding that hate. I am/was an emotional eater. Bored - food, celebrating - food, depressed - food, you get the idea.I hated how I looked, I hated shopping in the fat people clothing section, I hated people LOOKING at me with their judgmental eyes. I never felt good about who I was, what I was doing, you know the story, right? Whole lot of hating. Heck, even my marriage sucked because I spent the last few years convincing my husband he didn't possibly love me, or find me attractive - I know *I* sure didn't so how could he?! He endured it, God bless his stubborn heart. This year I finally got over wishing the weight would just go away, and feeling sorry for myself.

I started with committing to an hour walk per day- using "dog walking" as my crutch so people wouldn't know I was trying to lose weight. That was a difficult challenge. My poor legs didn't know what happened to them, all they knew was I was making them hurt and my feet stopped speaking to me civilly for a good month. Then I bought them my first pair of "real sneakers." They forgave me, haha. The leg pains gradually stopped as my walking continued, my endurance increased- and I found myself able to trot up and down the stairs in my house within the first 6 weeks (OooOoo!)

After the sneakers, hubby picked me up a proper scale that I continue to use daily, then came the FitBit Ultra which is now a permanent part of my daily morning routine - then came the real fun. My hour long walks increased from a 3 mile distance to a 4 mile distance, and by the end of my second month on my weight loss journey I hit my first ever 6 mile walk/20k steps. It took me a week to hit that again, but I did.

My walks these days lean more towards the 7-10mile distances averaging a peppy pace of 3.7mph. I am working on scale #2, new sneakers #2, I have even signed up for my first ever walking competition next weekend- ok maybe that sounds lame, but what could it possibly hurt?

I have been lucky and able to work with a dietitian who corrected some of my mistakes, emphasized the good choices I had been making, and has been giving me all kinds of information that has definitely opened up my eyes on everything from Fad Diets, to processed vs natural foods and anything that is even remotely related to eating! She has been a terrific sounding board for my successes, failures, and worries/questions. (Anyone who has that option available should take it!)

My food choices I started making myself. First rule: never say no. I'm allowed to have whatever I want to whenever I want to - as long as I remember there are consequences to my choices. If I want to hit the Chinese buffet - then I can, just means the next few days are going to be working towards getting rid of all that bad food ;-) If I want some cake, then have some! Just a smaller piece than I normally used to take and if I make it myself use healthier substitutes in the ingredients!

Exercise and eating back most of THOSE calories has been the best discovery for me. The more I work out, the more i can eat. Who wouldn't want that kind of "diet?" LOL! And no, this isn't a diet. Diets fail. This is a lifestyle change. I don't see me eating any differently 10 years from now except perhaps more variety in the recipes I make! This is a forever and ever thing, not a "17 day" or "6 week" ordeal.

My Starting Weight was 355lbs. Yep. Big ole fatty butt.
End of 2nd month I weighed 310lbs. (45 lost that fast?!)
Today, at the end of the 4th month I weigh 282. (another 28lbs gone!)

I posted a pic with side by sides of all 3 dates, I do not see any significant changes yet but I DO notice there is a space between my calves, and I can actually see where my head and neck begin now =P Truthfully I was hoping for a more significant appearance difference, but then perhaps I just am a poor judge of my own picture.

Anyway- 73lbs later, here I am. Ill post a new pic in 4 months, maybe there will be a difference even *I* can see by then ;-)

Thanks for listening to me babbling!!




  • robinhardysmall
    robinhardysmall Posts: 246 Member
    You have come so far! Amazing story! Keep up the great work and I can't wait to see the next set of photos! Great job!
  • skinnyeascolady
    skinnyeascolady Posts: 287 Member
    That is so awsome. You can really see the difference. Good for you that is amazying 70 odd pounds. I solute you my dear. Keep up the hard work.:drinker:
  • stargreen25
    stargreen25 Posts: 30
    WTG! That is so great! Sounds like you have truely made a life change! Keep pushing for the rest!
    Hopefully soon I can say I lost 73lbs!
    It is taking me a bit longer...14.2 in 2 months!

    Good luck and God bless!
  • jk051861
    jk051861 Posts: 41 Member
    Oh! My Dear!
    Take a good look at those pictures. You have definitely lost inches with the weight. Be confident; you are losing weight the right way with the support of a nutritionist. Making lifestyle changes is hard, but necessary to accomplish your goals. You will find many tasty substitutes for the old foods as you go. Try for ideas. Have your loving, supportive husband take your measurements. He doesn't have to tell you what they are. Then do it again in a couple of months. You will be so surprised.

    I am proud of what you have done so far. Keep it up; many good things are coming your way.
  • niecyc23
    niecyc23 Posts: 402
    You can see a big difference you are doing great keep it up:)
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    Thanks =)

    I am skeptical of physical changes, like I mentioned I am just a hard sell when it comes to myself. All I know is I've "outgrown" half of my wardrobe (finally!) and can almost see my "real" face, :laugh:
  • lastchance2010
    lastchance2010 Posts: 494 Member
    You look amazing!!! :noway: Keep it up! Congrats!
  • angiestoltmanlee
    angiestoltmanlee Posts: 19 Member
    Way to go! That's great progress and you're looking great to the rest of us. You just need to see it yourself!
  • I can see it! You are doing great! And you will keep doing great, can't wait to see your progression!
  • CaraColleen
    CaraColleen Posts: 110 Member
    I really enjoyed reading this! You look amazing, and I can totally see a difference!
  • There is definitely a difference, and you look amazing. You should be very very proud! You are an inspiration and your spirit is superb.

    You're going to sail through the rest of this journey!

  • spells1977
    spells1977 Posts: 146 Member
    Wow excellent story. Hope you are very proud of what you have acheived so far.

    I too started my weight loss by walking and now it has become a way of life for me to walk everywhere. I even got rid of our second car as i never used it! I'm also going to be brave and join an actual walking club. Great way to keep fit and socialise and make friends.

    Anyway keep going and i'm loving the before and after photos :)
  • PFJules
    PFJules Posts: 26 Member
    Of course the change is visible! You have taken giant steps towards your goal and it is very obvious that you won't stop till you get there! Inspirational x
  • mini72
    mini72 Posts: 59 Member
    Maybe you need new glasses because its really obvious to me the change in you!

    Well done!
  • mrsejennings
    mrsejennings Posts: 97 Member
    I see a huge differnce. Look at your face...your chest..your stomach. Look at the way your arms lay closer into your core. Your doing a great job. Great job indeed. You are a success story and a work in progress. Get Em Tiger!
  • kelzpop
    kelzpop Posts: 156 Member
    I can definitely see a difference in your pictures. Congratulations and keep up the great work!!
  • lvnspoonful
    lvnspoonful Posts: 391 Member
    Congratulations!!! Keep up the hard work!
  • rooster70460
    rooster70460 Posts: 206 Member
    Gosh you hit the nail on the head when you talked about all the reasons why you ate. It was like you wrote MY story. Your doing so great and everyone can tell a difference in your weight loss. Great job. I'd love to add you if its ok. I need someone who knows how I feel and has made some head way!!
  • hazymary
    hazymary Posts: 190 Member
    Ohhhhh Contare Robin.....take another look sister...cause you ROCK...We need to learn to be our biggest cheerleaders, alot of us are our own worst enemies. I know I still see the fat girl in the mirror...duh...I'm down 47 lbs. Sooooo...Standing ovation......Continued success !!
  • jlm_getfit
    jlm_getfit Posts: 53 Member
    You look great! Keep up the good work!
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