Wife not having same results



  • runnerchick69
    runnerchick69 Posts: 317 Member
    Personally I would cut the wine out or maybe just do a very small glass with dinner. When I started losing weight I was also doing it with my husband but he lost weight faster than I did even though we were eating basically the same things although his amounts were larger. Even so, we both ended up getting to where we wanted to be and I learned to accept that he was going to burn more calories than I was just due to size differences alone.
  • dueover
    dueover Posts: 18
    You are right. Wine is loaded with sugar so that will definately slow her down her progress.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    I'm not a believer in of it's within the calorie range nonsense. I beleive in making healthier choices, eliminating the stuff that got you here in the first place then reintroducing them once you're closer to your GW in moderation and alcohol doesn't cut it. It's empty calories and she could be fueling herself with something better. I do agree 1200 is a little low, is she working out at all?

    I believe this to an extent. but 25% of her daily calories are coming from wine....that isn't good.

    That's exactly what I said. I think alcohol should be eliminated on a weight loss journey. Not sure where you gather I was thinking it was ok?
  • wolfi622
    wolfi622 Posts: 206
    Any alcohol within calorie limits won't affect weight loss, but on such a low intake she'll be missing a lot of important nutrients to make room for it, especially protein.

    You'd have to prise the wine glass from my cold, dead hands

    Agreed. As long as it is truly within your calorie limits it should not hinder weight loss at all, It has not hindered or slowed mine. (I have one glass of wine a day about 5 days out of 7) If it's really just two 5 oz glasses of wine a day that can be as little as 200 calories. Does reduce the amt of calories available for more nutrient rich foods though.

    ETA: If she is not eating enough calories, then 200-250 a day in wine can't be hindering her weight loss. It can't be both ways. Either she isn't eating enough or she IS eating enough......
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    ...... You'd have to prise the wine glass from my cold, dead hands (check my diary - I even have a booze section!), but I usually only use my exercise calories for drinks, so it's over and above what I actually need food-wise ......

    That is one of the funniest posts ...... and sensible too ....... I look forward to a glass of something in the evening & don't apologize for it ......... but then you'll never hear me complain if my weight loss slows to a crawl :drinker:
  • PixEm
    PixEm Posts: 190 Member
    I know that I recently hit a wall. I think I was not taking in enough calories because once I increased my calorie intake to 1500 I started losing again. It sounds like she may not be eating enough.
  • mlbrowninsc
    mlbrowninsc Posts: 22
    Thanks again everyone! I will give her some of the feedback shown here. Her exercise is generally walking a few times a week where I do a circuit training routine on my total gym three days a week for 25 minutes or so. I have a knee that bothers me that has limited my cardio workout for the last three weeks, so the total gym is the only thing I'm using right now. She hates the machine and will not use it, lol. We do get out on the weekends sometimes hiking for photography. We will work on adjusting the diet and get rid of the alcohol and see how that goes.
  • ElectricWoman
    ElectricWoman Posts: 8 Member
    I have had excellent success losing 30 lbs (most of them pre-mfp) and getting to within a few pounds of my goal weight and I have a glass of wine (or sometimes two) with dinner every night. It took me almost two years to get here but my diet/exercise regimen is something I think I can live with forever.

    However, I wholeheartedly agree that if she's only eating 1200 calories a day and that includes wine calories that she's not getting enough nutrients into her body. Personally, I aim to eat 1200-1300 calories of good quality food (I'm only 4'11") and exercise off the wine and chocolate that I plan on having that day. I have even been known to get on the elliptical after dinner so I can have another glass of wine. Don't worry... that's not a regular thing. ;)

    It's awesome that you guys are doing this together and looking out for each other. Keep up the motivation!
  • mumof5
    mumof5 Posts: 328 Member
    shes about the same height as me. i would starve if i only ate 1200!!!

    Im that height too, but mfp says thats what i should be eating to lose weight.Ive just done 35 mins on a cross trainer today but i cant always get to doing it, so it might only be once in a week or 3 times, But are you really supposed to eat more coz you have burned those cals.

    YES!! if you don't eat your exercise cals where will
    you get the energy from?! yr muscles NEED to be fed. if you set at 1200 you will still have a deficit and you will feel a whole lot better - remember its about life style change NOT a quick fix! ;)
  • obum88
    obum88 Posts: 262 Member
    You are eating more, working out more and you are a guy.
    Hating something you haven't tried is not really hating it but not knowing about it. There are plenty of non machine cardios out there. If she wants to walk, she can try leslie sansones dvds it is low impact enough to be done everyday. Eat more, walk more and cut down on the wine.

    Editted: Also a logging mistake people make is not checking serving sizes on things, and she also has to log everything from gum, to the bite of your sandwich.
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    You simply can't compare the rate of weight loss between male and female. Males lose weight much faster than females, due to our hormones.

    I, personally, don't think wine is hindrance if the people is eating enough calories to fuel their bodies and the wine calories are within that caloric goal. With that said, she is probably not eating enough.
  • kylesmommy89
    kylesmommy89 Posts: 356 Member
    I think she needs to eat more and work out if she doesn't already. I lose at 1600 net cals and maintain at 1800 net. I'm 5'4 and 106 lbs. 1200 sucks. Maybe she should try to eat at LEAST 1200 in food so that she can get the nutrition and she can keep her wine. I drink wine nearly every night and I still lost the weight. Screw giving up everything you love!
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    I STRONGLY disagree with all of those saying that alcohol intake as long as it is within calorie limits, will not affect weight loss. As a female who has gained and lost more than once, I have found that when I drink, I can't lose the last 10 pounds. Doesn't matter if it's within my calories, my body will hold onto that fat because it doesn't have enough other good stuff. Even cookies don't seem to do as much damage on me as alcohol. She really should limit her drinking to 1-2 nights a week max. Another advantage to that is that one glass of wine goes a lot farther and when her tolerance goes down, she can switch from 2 glasses to 1. Basically what it comes down to is that alcohol is completely empty calories and when you are eating such a low amount already, those calories need to be nutrient dense. Read up on nutrient density and try and share some articles with her.

    Finally, even if she doesn't like the total gym she really should try and get some strength training in. Your losing faster because you're working out smarter. Maybe you can buy her a set of dumbbells? It doesn't even have to be weights, just something with resistance to build more muscle. Even yoga is a form of strength training. If she puts on more muscle mass she can eat more and will be able to maintain for much longer.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    I'm sure it's not helping her any....maybe a glass or two a week. Ladies don't lose weight as fast as men....You have more mucsle then we do .
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    If she is complaining about her progress then she should be eating more and drinking alcohol less.

    If she is happy with the way things are going, then leave her be.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    You are eating more, working out more and you are a guy.

    ^^ This. My husband can just switch up one meal and not lift a finger and he starts losing weight. It's disgusting really.

    My two cents -
    1. She needs to eat more, and work out more. I recommend looking into the eat more to weigh less group here on mfp: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/3817-eat-more-to-weigh-less. She can find info on running her numbers and getting fuel for her body.

    2. If she works the calories in and is eating back exercise calories and the majority of her nutrients are from food, she can also work in some wine to drink. Someone else said this is a lifestyle change. Absolutely, and unless you both plan on quitting with any alcohol whatsoever and are fine with that, then you can work in the treats. Alcohol is calories and the body doesn't spend those calories any different from the others.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    ...... You'd have to prise the wine glass from my cold, dead hands (check my diary - I even have a booze section!), but I usually only use my exercise calories for drinks, so it's over and above what I actually need food-wise ......

    That is one of the funniest posts ...... and sensible too ....... I look forward to a glass of something in the evening & don't apologize for it ......... but then you'll never hear me complain if my weight loss slows to a crawl :drinker:
