swimsuits and stretch marks

I hate the fact that I have stretch marks only because of my pregnancies.. I'm hoping I get over the 'ashamed' feeling so I can wear my swimsuit.. Anyone else feel ashamed of them? Anyone brave enough to post their pictures....


  • Crazy4Healthy
    Crazy4Healthy Posts: 626 Member
    I'm with you on that one and not brave enough to share any photos (if I had any). LOL
  • SexyMidnight
    SexyMidnight Posts: 72 Member
    we are like tigers who earned their stripes!! thats what i tell myself bc i have a lot from post pregnancy bc she was little and i had to sit at home for 6 months!
  • Rokwell
    Rokwell Posts: 143
    NEVER feel ashamed for having those marks. They show the world that you gave it a beatiful gift. (just my opinion)
  • lindsy721
    lindsy721 Posts: 350 Member
    ^^ I agree with the PP!! You do not have an imperfection, you're a tiger who earned her stripes!
  • MrsB123111
    MrsB123111 Posts: 535 Member
    I actually took some pics of myself last night, but deleted them! The sad thing about MY stretch marks is I did NOT have a baby, I was just fat. I've lost 110 pounds since April 2011, which I'm super happy about, but I am a little saggy in places and have some cellulite! I bought a two piece for my trip to Jamaica this month... Don't know if I'll wear it
  • minnesota_deere
    minnesota_deere Posts: 232 Member
    don't be so hard on yourself, it could be a lot worse.
  • slynn28
    slynn28 Posts: 93
    I actually took some pics of myself last night, but deleted them! The sad thing about MY stretch marks is I did NOT have a baby, I was just fat. I've lost 110 pounds since April 2011, which I'm super happy about, but I am a little saggy in places and have some cellulite! I bought a two piece for my trip to Jamaica this month... Don't know if I'll wear it

    Everyone tells me I don't have them bad for having four kids but I really need to get over this feeling and maybe tone more.. I hear ppl say they fade away a lil' when you lose weight and I feel like mine are still the same.. I have a cruise to go to and I really want to wear my swimsuit 'two piece'.
  • Irish_Lanie
    Irish_Lanie Posts: 100
    SPRAY TAN! Helps hide them in the meantime. :)
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    Stretch marks. Allllll over my stomach from pregnancy. They've faded a bit over time (my son is 5 now), but they are definitely there and they are definitely visible. Don't care, still rock a bikini! I work hard for this body, I'm gonna show it off!

  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    I have stretch marks and loose skin from 6 kids. I do hate them, but I still wear bikinis. This sounds a little lame, but practice some different poses that stretches out your tummy so in pictures so it is not as noticeable. I noticed that if I pop my butt out, the tummy looks a lot better.
  • slynn28
    slynn28 Posts: 93
    Stretch marks. Allllll over my stomach from pregnancy. They've faded a bit over time (my son is 5 now), but they are definitely there and they are definitely visible. Don't care, still rock a bikini! I work hard for this body, I'm gonna show it off!


    you look good! let me see if i can post my recent picture i took about 2 1/2 weeks ago...
  • Ariana_75
    Ariana_75 Posts: 224
    I am a proud Mama of two and have worked very hard to get my abs! There ain't no way I'm gonna hide myself because of a few marks on my tummy....they are a sign of true strength....no man I know would ever be able to go through a pregnancy!! So wear them proud girl!!
  • Athena98501
    Athena98501 Posts: 716 Member
    I hate the fact that I have stretch marks only because of my pregnancies.. I'm hoping I get over the 'ashamed' feeling so I can wear my swimsuit.. Anyone else feel ashamed of them? Anyone brave enough to post their pictures....

    Unless you think they're gross when you see them on other people, you should be able to talk yourself out of feeling this way. I don't have any pics, but I wore a 2 pc when I was 6 months pregnant (maternity suits fill up, and when you get out of the pool, they gush like your water broke). I got lots of looks of course, but they were expressions of awe.

    When I lose this weight, I'll be rockin' whatever suit catches my fancy, with pride for all my hard work. :-)
  • MrsB123111
    MrsB123111 Posts: 535 Member
    SPRAY TAN! Helps hide them in the meantime. :)

    THIS!! I've always heard that "fat looks better tan" :tongue:
  • brokenartist
    brokenartist Posts: 52 Member
    NEVER feel ashamed for having those marks. They show the world that you gave it a beatiful gift. (just my opinion)


    "you were big and got small or you were small and got big, never in the history of niggadom has a *kitten* said, oh I cant hit that there are stretch marks" - Kat Williams
  • slynn28
    slynn28 Posts: 93
    NEVER feel ashamed for having those marks. They show the world that you gave it a beatiful gift. (just my opinion)


    "you were big and got small or you were small and got big, never in the history of niggadom has a *kitten* said, oh I cant hit that there are stretch marks" - Kat Williams

    lol kat williams..

    thanks yall.. hopefully in july i can wear one for my son's 5th bday party! :) since hes having it at the pool.
  • dragunfly
    dragunfly Posts: 48
    Honestlt..I'm ashamed like so many of you...I have 4 kids now, but shortly after my first one I decided I would wear a two piece to the beach, because I was proud to have my son...but then I heard the snickers and comments...ohh shes hot...mind you i was laying in the sand on my belly...and I heard another guy make a horrible comment.."just wait til she turns over" I remember it like yesterday and my oldest just turned 13. I of course no longer show my tiger stripes to anyone other than my husband...People are ignorant...and sometimes it can be hurtful...you do have to have some thick skin to do it...
  • Kandygirl
    Kandygirl Posts: 249 Member
    my kids are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. i proudly show them off
  • hellokehtty
    hellokehtty Posts: 94
    I have them too, ALL over my stomach but 1) they have faded to where they are not very visible and 2) the appearance of my skin in general has greatly improved after losing weight...there is hope :)
  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    how do i post pics?
    I GREW BABIES!! lol how awesome is that?! I created life :-) anywho here is my pic


    this is my belly soon after my last delivery ( i have given birth to 6 full term kids in just over 5 years) one set of twins obviously. i dont know if you can see well because the lighting isnt the greatest but my belly is FULL of them. i am not to goal weight or anything lol i used to hate them because they are all over and really dark (i have them all over my boobs too) BUT now when i look at them they remind me of the cute little kicks i felt and my wonderful family and i wouldnt change them and if it took some stretches in my skin to get such wonderful blessings then so be it! :-)