Protruding bones



  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I can't see how anyone would find that "attractive" on it's own. It seems a bit weird, especially as not everyone can achieve them healthily (it's reminding me of the thigh gap trend)

    Although if I see a girl with protruding hip bones, I don't think she looks ill or anything, unless the rest of her looks underweight. My hipbones show and always have done apart from at my very heaviest, and I'm definitely not underweight! I just store fat in other areas.

    I say attraction for me is what looks healthy. I can find someone attractive if they're healthy, I don't find them attractive if they look unhealthy (on either side of the spectrum) Hip bones to me are not a determinant of health. They're just there, or they're not.

    ETA: My bf's hipbones show a little. He's far from underweight (180ish lbs, 5'10) and has quite a lot of muscle. TBH I've never really taken much notice of them.
  • Chubbyhulagirl
    Chubbyhulagirl Posts: 374 Member
    Do I like a protruding bone on a man? :huh:

    I am so sorry OP, I know this is a serious question but....hehe, you gotta see the humour here:bigsmile: ? or maybe i have just had a long day...

    Sorry, no intention of derailing, back to regular programming. :laugh:

    Thats what I read. Lol.

    I dont think prominently protruding bones is as a attractive but a little collarbone and hipbones on a woman is nice to me. Especially if they look really healthy and not emaciated. I think its sexy. But I also think a heavier woman who dresses well for her body type will look sexy also. I find sexiness in women everywhere. Lol. On men, I prefer lean but not really protruding bones except one...:)
  • hanahlai
    hanahlai Posts: 281 Member
    My husband likes my hip bones. They stick out, but not in a skeletal way. I still have a lot of meat.
  • theladyy
    theladyy Posts: 176
    Nope. Certainly not on guys, since I like'em big. And I definitely don't find it attractive for females....girls should be soft, not boney or a workout away from being the Hulk.
  • mrsRhughes
    mrsRhughes Posts: 122
    I definitely don't think you have to be stick-thin or underweight or "pro-ana" to have protruding hip bones. I'm 5'7" and a healthy 122-125 lbs (depending on the day!) and my hip bones definitely stick out. I'm pretty sure it's just my bone structure, because they were still there even when I weighed in at 140 :) I personally love them! My husband jokes around about them .... he loved me at 140 and loves me just the same now :)
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    Even at my heaviest of 209 lbs my hip bones, collar bones, and shoulder blades have always poked out. I am fairly tall (5'10).

    Im like this too... Im 5'10" and even at 200lbs, my collar bone and hip bones protrude...its just the way my body is. Sort of blah that people are saying thats gross and unattractive. I cant help it...and goodness knows Im not going to become even more overweight to try and hide it that I have any bones!

    Anyway, I wouldnt read much into it if a guy said he liked to see least to me, it in no way means hes saying he likes super skinny women, its just something he likes. And I agree with the person who said that your self perception may be getting in the way, with your weight loss, you may well be getting more defined/not as padded (for lack of a better way to put it!! lol) and he likes what he thats what came to mind to tell you...that he liked how *you* look :)
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    If they do a little, I'm okay with it....I like my collar bones showing, I feel slim that way. There is a limit though. I like a smooth, curved look!
  • logicandlove
    logicandlove Posts: 191 Member
    Agreeing with all the previous posters, it really depends on your body type. I'm 5'8" and 170 right now, and my hip bones are clearly visible when I stand up straight. There are some women who can be healthy and never see a bone, and others who might be overweight and still see them all. it honestly has more to do with genetics than simply how healthy you are.
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    personally, I don't think he got with you because of your hip bones.... I am almost positive it was just a statement to add to the conversation, kind of like, if someone said "I love Mel Gibson" And her boyfirend taking offense to it because he is no mel gibson

    My point is, I am sure you took it differently than he intended. If you truly have an issue with it, ask him. He is the one that said it, and he is the one that knows what he meant. Asking someone else, is like asking a dog if he knows if the cat likes catnip.
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    personally, I don't think he got with you because of your hip bones.... I am almost positive it was just a statement to add to the conversation, kind of like, if someone said "I love Mel Gibson" And her boyfirend taking offense to it because he is no mel gibson


    The other day my wife and I had a conversation about butts. She couldn't understand how people can like a bubble butt (like Kim Kardashian style *kitten*)...I personally love it...I know a lot of guys that do. She didn't take offense...It's no secret that I'm attracted to my wife who does not have a bubble butt.

    I also have never liked big wife didn't have big boobs when we met but since having our son, gaining weight, and getting prego with #2 they've probably tripled in size...and I'm cool with it...I am still just as attracted to her as I always was.

    Point is...whether your hip bones protrude or not...he's still most likely into you.
  • Donnaakamagmid
    Donnaakamagmid Posts: 198 Member
    ewww bones
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I think hip bones are very sexy, if I do say so myself! I think you're picturing people who are basically skin and bones. But with hip bones, they can show even if you're not that thin. When I was in the "overweight" category mine still showed a bit, and now that I lost weight they are very prominent. It's just because I have large hips.

    I do think it was bit insensitive of your BF to say that, but to each their own :P
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    personally, I don't think he got with you because of your hip bones.... I am almost positive it was just a statement to add to the conversation, kind of like, if someone said "I love Mel Gibson" And her boyfirend taking offense to it because he is no mel gibson


    The other day my wife and I had a conversation about butts. She couldn't understand how people can like a bubble butt (like Kim Kardashian style *kitten*)...I personally love it...I know a lot of guys that do. She didn't take offense...It's no secret that I'm attracted to my wife who does not have a bubble butt.

    I also have never liked big wife didn't have big boobs when we met but since having our son, gaining weight, and getting prego with #2 they've probably tripled in size...and I'm cool with it...I am still just as attracted to her as I always was.

    Point is...whether your hip bones protrude or not...he's still most likely into you.

    Exactly. Men can find a lot of different things attractive. He is probably still very attracted to your lack of bony hips :)
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    I love hip bones and collar bones, both are so sexy! Everyone finds something attractive and I don't shy away from telling my hubby what I like on a man (even if he doesn't have it...yet), just like he tells me things he likes that I don't have :sad:
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    Even at my heaviest of 209 lbs my hip bones, collar bones, and shoulder blades have always poked out. I am fairly tall (5'10).

    Im like this too... Im 5'10" and even at 200lbs, my collar bone and hip bones protrude...its just the way my body is. Sort of blah that people are saying thats gross and unattractive. I cant help it...and goodness knows Im not going to become even more overweight to try and hide it that I have any bones!

    Anyway, I wouldnt read much into it if a guy said he liked to see least to me, it in no way means hes saying he likes super skinny women, its just something he likes. And I agree with the person who said that your self perception may be getting in the way, with your weight loss, you may well be getting more defined/not as padded (for lack of a better way to put it!! lol) and he likes what he thats what came to mind to tell you...that he liked how *you* look :)

    Yeah, it's a tad irritating that my natural body is 'gross and unattractive'. What do you want us to do, suck in our bones!?
  • sexycheesemonkey
    sexycheesemonkey Posts: 196 Member
    My hubby does not like bones sticking out, he prefers an athletic type of build...where as I find bones to be kind of attractive...I think it's the artist aspect of me a little bit. I find them attractive, as well as the wrist and ankle bones....maybe I'm just odd? Either way, if that's what he likes that's what he likes...doesnt mean you have to meet his perfect image, you are you and I'm sure he accepts that. =)
  • Slimmasaurus
    Slimmasaurus Posts: 141 Member
    personally, I don't think he got with you because of your hip bones.... I am almost positive it was just a statement to add to the conversation, kind of like, if someone said "I love Mel Gibson" And her boyfirend taking offense to it because he is no mel gibson

    My point is, I am sure you took it differently than he intended. If you truly have an issue with it, ask him. He is the one that said it, and he is the one that knows what he meant. Asking someone else, is like asking a dog if he knows if the cat likes catnip.

    Haha I would be massively creeped out if he DID get with me just because of my hip bones... :P
    Thanks everyone for your posts, it's interesting to get different perspectives on it :)
  • ChelseaM18
    ChelseaM18 Posts: 303
    I like to see my hip bones, but I don't think the majority of guys do. Or they're just lying when they say they don't like them. Who knows, dudes are diverse, confusing creatures that are too simple to be not difficult to read BAHA.
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    Yeah, it's a tad irritating that my natural body is 'gross and unattractive'. What do you want us to do, suck in our bones!?

    I know right...I cant even suck my stomach all in anymore lmao!!!
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    My boyfriend says he finds redheads sexy and likes women who like beer. I'm a brunette and I hate beer, really alcohol in general. It doesn't mean he wants me to dye my hair and force myself to drink a Bud Lite, it's merely something he finds mildly attractive but can live without. I would imagine what your guy said about hip bones is the same thing, he likes it but it's not necessary on any girl he dates, including you.

    Long story short there's nothing to worry about. I think it's only when someone tries to force something like that upon the person they're with that it becomes a problem, not only for the relationship but for the one who might/might not change since it will give them a skewed perception of themselves and their attractiveness.