I CAN'T lose weight!

I typically stay clear from the discussion boards because there are so many conflicting opinions but I'm desperate! Since Jan 1, I've been exercising and dieting. Over the past 6 months I've tried low calorie, low carb, low fat, gone to my primary care physician, talked to a nutritionist, had blood work done, the whole nine yards. And in the past 6 months, I haven't lost a single inch, pound, or pant size.

I make sure I get the right amount of protein, whole grain, fruit, veggies, and dairy. I work out 3 to 5 times a week. At least 2 of those times, I cycle between 15 to 25 miles (about 400 to 700 calories). The other days I go for a walk and do a Jillian's Michael video (about 200 - 300 calories) - I don't normally record these days because of the little calorie burn.

On days I cycle, I consume 1500-1800 calories. On days I walk/video, I consume 1200-1500 calories. My current ratio is set at 50% carbs, 25% protein, 25% fat.

I'm lost, confused, and unsatisfied. Why don't I just go back to eating pizza and drinking beer if I'm going to look the same?


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,321 Member
    Maybe you need to eat more. With ten pounds as your weight-loss goal, you need to be eating to within 200-300 calories of your maintenance calories. At age 23, I'd guess that to be about 2000 on your non-workout days, and maybe 2300-2600 on your workout days.
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    Sorry to read you are disillusioned. Ditch the diet fads and eat as clean as you can. Personally my opinion is if you eat all the good foods, then the carb/fat/protein split shouldnt matter as much as long as you feel satisfied. Have you tried incorporating more weight training in your schedule? This is fantastic for both shaping up and burning calories (although unfortunately trying to get MFP to record cals using strenght training is hit n miss). Maybe split cardio / weight training instead of just walking/cycling. Also, really the walking thing isn't going to do much unless you are getting a good sweat on (uphill). Good luck and keep us updated on your progress.
  • taiji22
    taiji22 Posts: 13
    Have you checked out fat2fitradio.com? Without knowing your stats it is hard to make any suggestions, except fat2fitradio.com
  • teary48
    teary48 Posts: 1 Member
    I thought I couldnt lose weight either because of the medications I take...I went to a nutritionist and she put me onto mfp and I lost 13 lbs in about 5 1/2 weeks...I usually go under my calorie limit of 1200 calories and exercise about 5 times a week but do not take the extra calories allowed for exercising. I'm 5'3" and started at 215 lbs...now Im 202....got a long way to go. Perhaps you are taking certain medications that slow up your metabolism...ask your doctor...
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Have you been tracking your progress in other ways? Measurements, how clothes fit, photos? Because the scale is about the worst way to track progress, especially when you have so little to lose.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    How much are you trying to lose and how much do you weigh now? What does your doctor say? I know people will say that you need to eat more, which may be true, but starvation mode does not explain not losing any weight whatsoever.
  • levisgal1
    levisgal1 Posts: 2
    I get into slumps where I can't lose weight myself, your body falls into a plateau, which I am in at the moment, for me what seems to work is switching up my exercises, challenge myself a bit more, push myself a bit farther, add something new to my routine any of these and all have put me back into calorie burning mode again. Hope this helps because I know how frustrating this can be, I am also on my final 5 lbs and hit my 3rd plateau, I have added something new and hoping to see a difference once again.
  • zannapike
    zannapike Posts: 18 Member
    How disappointing for you. Such a shame you are not seeing results on the outside, but I am sure your body is thanking you on the inside. I always have so much more energy when I eat well and when I have a day off and eat bad, I just want to have a lay down because I have no energy. Are you gaining any extra muscle from the cycling?
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member

    I make sure I get the right amount of protein, whole grain, fruit, veggies, and dairy. I work out 3 to 5 times a week. At least 2 of those times, I cycle between 15 to 25 miles (about 400 to 700 calories). The other days I go for a walk and do a Jillian's Michael video (about 200 - 300 calories) - I don't normally record these days because of the little calorie burn.
    I think you could try a change in diet. You exercise a good amount. What percentage of your calories comes from fat? carbs? protein?
    Do you still eat any processed foods, in any amount, like bread, oil, baked goods, protein powders, etc?

    Go to youtube and search for "80/10/10 results"
  • Travelfixer
    Travelfixer Posts: 137 Member
    Sorry to read you are disillusioned. Ditch the diet fads and eat as clean as you can. Personally my opinion is if you eat all the good foods, then the carb/fat/protein split shouldnt matter as much as long as you feel satisfied. Have you tried incorporating more weight training in your schedule? This is fantastic for both shaping up and burning calories (although unfortunately trying to get MFP to record cals using strenght training is hit n miss). Maybe split cardio / weight training instead of just walking/cycling. Also, really the walking thing isn't going to do much unless you are getting a good sweat on (uphill). Good luck and keep us updated on your progress.

    I've lost 17 lbs mainly walking so I have to disagree!
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Are you measuring & weighing your food? I have lost a lot of weight laetly not eating processed foods...no sugar, and no starches also low carbs. The weight is falling off
  • jfinder11
    jfinder11 Posts: 6 Member
    When I started in January, I was 138. I got down to 132 when I was taking an appetite suppressant (only lasted a couple weeks because I want to be healthy more than skinny). Now I'm back to 140. I've thought about the medications aspect of it. I'm just on birth control, and I know that's been known to cause weight gain. My doctor has told me to stop obsessing, so I didn't get on MFP for about a month and that's when I gained the bulk of my weight back. I'm sure I'm gaining muscle from cycling and I can tell a difference in my leg measurements, but I carry all my weight in my tummy and butt - so that's what I really care about. But I have a bad back from tennis so doing ab workouts is less than pleasurable. My doctor also told me to up by calories to at least 1500 when I don't work out and at least 1800 when I do, but I have such a mental block about it. I plan out every day ahead of time, but just don't feel comfortable eating 2000 calories.
  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    Check out the group Eat More to Weigh Less. There is an excellent, informative read on plateau. It might shine some light on a frustrating time for you! I know it's frustrating to hit a plateau, so you have to be out of your mind if you have been up to this since January! Good Luck!
  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    When I started in January, I was 138. I got down to 132 when I was taking an appetite suppressant (only lasted a couple weeks because I want to be healthy more than skinny). Now I'm back to 140. I've thought about the medications aspect of it. I'm just on birth control, and I know that's been known to cause weight gain. My doctor has told me to stop obsessing, so I didn't get on MFP for about a month and that's when I gained the bulk of my weight back. I'm sure I'm gaining muscle from cycling and I can tell a difference in my leg measurements, but I carry all my weight in my tummy and butt - so that's what I really care about. But I have a bad back from tennis so doing ab workouts is less than pleasurable. My doctor also told me to up by calories to at least 1500 when I don't work out and at least 1800 when I do, but I have such a mental block about it. I plan out every day ahead of time, but just don't feel comfortable eating 2000 calories.

    I didn't either but now I'm losing after a plateau!
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    If you don't feel comfortable eating more in general, try calorie zigzagging.
  • jfinder11
    jfinder11 Posts: 6 Member
    Yep - measuring everything and avoid processed foods! I follow the rule of shopping on the outside of the grocery store and only wander in the middle for beans, total whole grain cereal, and 100% whole wheat bread.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Talk to your doctor. Ask for thyroid and cortisol tests, and explain everything you've been doing to try to lose weight. Bring up the possibility of a thyroid condition or Cushings.
    You may not have either, but it's worth finding out.
  • dschimmenti
    dschimmenti Posts: 1 Member
    You definitely need weight training, after a while cardio doesn't do much for you. Weight training combined with cardio helps you get the most out of your workouts and achieve the most calorie burn. You need to build muscle particularly in your legs if you are doing that much cycling because increased muscle will help you burn more calories during your cardio workouts, and often weight training and interval workouts are more effective in producing weight loss than cardio workouts alone. You can only get so much out of a cardio workout, so try some weight and/or interval training
  • jennifeffer
    jennifeffer Posts: 98 Member
    I too carry my weight in my bum and belly. I really cut back on grains. I don't even eat them every day. I get my carbs from fruit and veggies. I know i plateau when my grain intake is up. Just a suggestion:) I'm down 21 lbs since Jan 2. Good luck and remember you don't have much to lose and sometimes that seems to be harder than those of us with a long way to go:)
  • Norinella
    Norinella Posts: 31
    Maybe you are in too much of a routine. Sometimes you have to sneak up on your body and surprise it with something different, both in food and exercise.
    I absolutely SWEAR by the elliptical. I have lost 30 pounds, and most of it has been from the legs and butt... that is where the most noticeable difference is. I know people say you can't target weight loss, but that has been working wonders for me.
    Have you thought about a personal trainer? Sometimes they can give you different routines, challenge you to work out differently, and it could be just the shakeup you need.
    Weight machines have made a big difference for me, too, when I hit a plateau.