June Challenge- women who want to lose 5+ pounds

Okay. So we have a few more openings for a June challenge. If you are interested in doing a group challenge, are willing to support team members (about 15 per group), log in as regularly as you can, weigh in weekly, count calories burned, and are willing to stick with it for the entire month of June, please leave a message. I will fill spots tomorrow with the first come, first serve. At this point we have at least 10 spots.



  • cherlea33
    cherlea33 Posts: 25 Member
    Yes, please include me. I have these 6 last pounds that I need to lose and need some extra motivation, plus I will be supportive. Thanks!
  • moodyfeesh14
    moodyfeesh14 Posts: 811 Member
    me please
  • tlafrance
    tlafrance Posts: 105 Member
    I'm interested. Count me in!
  • tenishak34
    tenishak34 Posts: 28 Member
    I want to be apart of your June 5 pound challenge, I will commit to the entire month of June!
  • abigailmariecs
    abigailmariecs Posts: 192 Member
    I am in.
  • Gulzilly
    Gulzilly Posts: 238 Member
    I have 38 lbs to loose overall. I would be ecstatic to loose 5+ lbs and help motivate others to do so as well. Please include me if you have a spot open. Thanks and good luck to everyone!
  • JENNY7634
    JENNY7634 Posts: 67 Member
    Would love to do this if you still have spots. Just started a week and a half ago and could use a challenge to give me that extra push! I would definately commit for the month of June :smile:
  • MelC2564
    MelC2564 Posts: 182 Member
    Me please!!! My birthday is July 3rd, what better present to myself than shedding a few more before then :) Am on daily!
  • bigpenguin570
    bigpenguin570 Posts: 52 Member
    I am in my second week and this sounds great for a challenge!! Count me in :)
  • ashiggins
    ashiggins Posts: 144 Member
    If you have a spot available, I would be interested. I'm on here all the time! Thanks :)
  • Auntzip
    Auntzip Posts: 126 Member
    I have one additonal person for the Ruby Team. mjdailey ( Misha Dailey)
  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    Count me in if you still have a spot available.

  • sweetnotsour
    sweetnotsour Posts: 14 Member
    I would love to be a part of the June challenge, please include me if you have spots available!
  • lulu_1
    lulu_1 Posts: 100
    Can you include me to?
  • Cstar75
    Cstar75 Posts: 7 Member
    Include me please!
  • mgnmsn
    mgnmsn Posts: 133 Member
    i am down! i have been here just over a month!
  • TheresaC928
    TheresaC928 Posts: 849
    I will try this again. Please add me.
  • hilsidney
    hilsidney Posts: 93 Member
    I would like to if there is room! :)
  • monicamk1975
    monicamk1975 Posts: 298 Member
    I would love to join! I want to lose at least 10 pounds this month :)
  • juliespears
    juliespears Posts: 25 Member
    I'm in. Currently deployed to Afghanistan, so highly motivated to keep mfp structure to stay healthy and fit.