Sad Tina...

Braved the scales, they reckon i'm 3lbs heavier!! Knew I shouldn't have bothered... You can all see my diary, what's going on? :(

Fed up . com :( Will I ever beat this thing?


  • suemorgan1969
    suemorgan1969 Posts: 132 Member
    You have done really well so far. Your diary looks fab!!! My weight has stalled at mo and can go up/down 3lbs in a week, its so annoying isnt it. Add me if you like, we can work together x
  • FJMilner
    FJMilner Posts: 407
    Diary looks great. Im no expert would I would suggest upping your cals for many, maybe not all. I know not everyone agrees but works for me :-)
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    You seem to be netting under 1000 cals most days, which is way too low for an active lady, try eating your exercise calories and see how it goes.
  • This has been going on since March, now with the 3lb gain i'm back to where I was at the beginning of March :( I work so hard at my training and eating healthy. I've even cut out most of my carbs from pasta, bread, rice and pasta and if I do have bread, I have it at lunchtime. I know this is a lifelong thing but i'm so fed up with not seeing results... :cry:
  • walkner88
    walkner88 Posts: 165
    Well I'm no expert but I do see two patterns that may be contributing.
    1. Your breakfast are typically low calorie but are a huge part of your carbs. For breakfast it is usually a good idea to get a good amount of protein. This helps to keep you full longer as well as to give your body something to work with throughout the morning as you start to move around and work your muscles.
    2. This may sound generic but you appear to be drinking a lot of calories. My nutrition instructor was always big on telling us that if you're drinking calories you're wasting calories. Only water was a big thing she pushed. The way it was put to me was so simple. A full glass of orange juice has more calories than a half pound of chicken breast, but offers nothing but sugar and a little vitamin c.

    Hope I can help
  • Well I'm no expert but I do see two patterns that may be contributing.
    1. Your breakfast are typically low calorie but are a huge part of your carbs. For breakfast it is usually a good idea to get a good amount of protein. This helps to keep you full longer as well as to give your body something to work with throughout the morning as you start to move around and work your muscles.
    2. This may sound generic but you appear to be drinking a lot of calories. My nutrition instructor was always big on telling us that if you're drinking calories you're wasting calories. Only water was a big thing she pushed. The way it was put to me was so simple. A full glass of orange juice has more calories than a half pound of chicken breast, but offers nothing but sugar and a little vitamin c.

    Hope I can help

    Hey, thanks for the input...

    I don't drink a lot of my calories unless I've been out for a drink, which is once a week or every 2 weeks. The other calories I put in 'drinks' are protein powder, which I usually have with water, unless my intake is low that day, then I mix them with milk.

    I have a low metabolism and an under-active thyroid, I work my butt off and sweat buckets most days either doing karate, kick boxing or weights, sometimes all 3 and all I can see is the weight going up.
  • _hi_hat3r_
    _hi_hat3r_ Posts: 423 Member
    Trick your body a little bit. Increase your calories for a couple days.....this is called calorie cycling.
  • Trick your body a little bit. Increase your calories for a couple days.....this is called calorie cycling.

    I did that over the weekend while I was away... Ate more but also did 4 hours karate a day, I was on a course. Every time I let things go a tiny bit, even if it's only for one day, I gain weight :(
  • palomiux
    palomiux Posts: 3 Member
    I'm with everyone on upping the calories a bit. When I was doing weight watchers my coach used to tell me to eat whatever points I gained doing the workout, I know we are not working with points here but same idea, I you workout really hard you may be starving your body. I was also told (i don't know if it's true or not) that when the weather changes to being warmer, our body may react by retaining water for a few days until it realizes it won't dehydrate so make sure you drink your water.
  • I'm with everyone on upping the calories a bit. When I was doing weight watchers my coach used to tell me to eat whatever points I gained doing the workout, I know we are not working with points here but same idea, I you workout really hard you may be starving your body. I was also told (i don't know if it's true or not) that when the weather changes to being warmer, our body may react by retaining water for a few days until it realizes it won't dehydrate so make sure you drink your water.

    Thanks... I drink loads. It's nice to know people take the time to support me. I guess i'll keep going, giving up isn't really an option is it?
  • _hi_hat3r_
    _hi_hat3r_ Posts: 423 Member
    Your diet looks fine. You dont appear to have much to lose so keep your calories as is. I know when I lift heavy or do any type of strenuous workout and weigh myself the next day I'll see a 3-5 pound increase on the scale. I'm positive its just fluid retention from muscle repair from all the karate and other things you're doing. Give it a couple of days and you will be back to normal. Be sure to weigh yourself the day AFTER your rest do have rest days rt? I hope so. Rest is equally important. Over training is counter productive. Good luck.
  • DaveTopliss
    DaveTopliss Posts: 10 Member
    Seems you do a lot of resistance, have you tried tracking stats other then weight, like body fat % it may be an increase in muscle weight, i wouldnt give up keep going change things a little at a time and find what works for your body. How do you like Karate? i keep meaning to join my local club.
  • _hi_hat3r_
    _hi_hat3r_ Posts: 423 Member
    Trust me that weight gain is not muscle.
  • DaveTopliss
    DaveTopliss Posts: 10 Member
    Trust me that weight gain is not muscle.
    fair enough just a thought
  • Seems you do a lot of resistance, have you tried tracking stats other then weight, like body fat % it may be an increase in muscle weight, i wouldnt give up keep going change things a little at a time and find what works for your body. How do you like Karate? i keep meaning to join my local club.


    I've done karate for 25 years, I have my own club and train 3-5 times a week! It's brilliant and very much a huge part of my life!
  • Trust me that weight gain is not muscle.

    I've been told this many times as the same volume of muscle compared to fat weighs heavier?
  • _hi_hat3r_
    _hi_hat3r_ Posts: 423 Member
    Seems you do a lot of resistance, have you tried tracking stats other then weight, like body fat % it may be an increase in muscle weight, i wouldnt give up keep going change things a little at a time and find what works for your body. How do you like Karate? i keep meaning to join my local club.


    I've done karate for 25 years, I have my own club and train 3-5 times a week! It's brilliant and very much a huge part of my life!

    WOW! I'm assuming you're a black belt?? Too cool!!!
  • Don't worry about it, it is all part of the process!
    You're beautiful anyway.
  • _hi_hat3r_
    _hi_hat3r_ Posts: 423 Member
    Trust me that weight gain is not muscle.

    I've been told this many times as the same volume of muscle compared to fat weighs heavier?

    You are in a calorie deficit.....its virtually impossible to gain muscle in a deficit...unless you're obese and even then its somewhat impossible.... A CALORIE SURPLUS is needed and HEAVY LIFTING. So I am sorry...that is not muscle you put on. Its fluid retention. I think you are doing just fine. Stay off that scale. Be consistent and patient.
  • Seems you do a lot of resistance, have you tried tracking stats other then weight, like body fat % it may be an increase in muscle weight, i wouldnt give up keep going change things a little at a time and find what works for your body. How do you like Karate? i keep meaning to join my local club.


    I've done karate for 25 years, I have my own club and train 3-5 times a week! It's brilliant and very much a huge part of my life!

    WOW! I'm assuming you're a black belt?? Too cool!!!

    Yeh, i'm a 4th Dan in Wado Ryu and a 2nd Dan in Freestyle karate...